Some Bunny's Content Pack

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ESome Bunny's Content Pack is a mod created by Some Bunny, which adds items, guns, shrines, NPCs and other things.

The mod is downloadable here.

The GitHub for this mod is also viewable here.


These are all the items present within the mod as of the day of writing.

Item Sprite Name Quote Quality Effect
Absolutezeropotion.png Absolute-Zero Drink Incredibly cold. B Quality Item.png On use, increases Coolness by 25 for 30 seconds.
Ammorepurposer.png Ammo Repurposer Shell Space C Quality Item.png On hitting an enemy, has a 1/75 chance to increase your maximum ammo capacity by 1%.

Synergy.png Awaken The Beast - Increases the chance to increase ammo capacity from 1/75 to 1/50.

Synergy.png On, The George! -Now also gives the player a chance to shoot a burst of Cat Claw projectiles when hitting an enemy.

Ancientwhisper .png Ancient Whisper Gaze into the abyss... C Quality Item.png -Single Use

On use, changes most stats between 60 and 150% of their current value.

Has a 5% chance to give Ancient Enigma instead when used.

Ancientenigma -.png Ancient Enigma ...and the abyss gazes back None. -Cannot be dropped

Upon clearing a room, changes most stats between 95%-105% of their current value.

Astralcounterweight.png Astral Counterweight Equilibrium 1S Quality Item.png Balances out most of the players stats, making increases to one stat also increase others.

The stats balanced are:

Movement Speed

Fire Rate



Boss Damage

Player Projectile Speed

Reload Speed

Thrown Gun Damage

Dodge Roll Damage


Blastcore.png Blast Core Not suitable for fishing B Quality Item.png Spawns a companion that explodes near enemies.
Bookofmonetarygain - Copy.png Book Of Monetary Gain Get rich quick not guaranteed D Quality Item.png Increases money gained by the player by 15%
Brokencore - Copy.png Broken Core Old Bio-Machinery D Quality Item.png +5% Movement speed.

On using an active item, fires 2-8 electric shots that bounce once and home.

Synergy.png Overload -Guarantees 8 shots will be fired on using an active item, electric shots will also bounce more and have stronger homing.

Synergy.png Ego Sum Aeternae -Hitting an enemy has a chance to fire a large laser.

Lockpickbot - Copy.png Broken Lockpicker Tries its best B Quality Item.png On use, fires an AKey-47 projectile in a random direction.

Synergy.png Not like you'll need it... - Fires 3 RPG rockets instead.

Bloodgoldring.png Blood-Gold Ring Bloody Treasure C Quality Item.png 0.5 Curse, 12.5% boss damage and 5% extra money earned.

On death, reduce your hearts to 1, gain 2 Curse, gain 2 keys and spawns 1 chest. Destroys the item.

Bulletrelic - Copy.png Bullet Relic Grave robbery D Quality Item.png +10% damage, +0.5 Curse.

On entering a room, has a chance to spawn a wave of Spent to hunt you.

BulluonStone - Copy.png Bulluon Stone Guon Lover C Quality Item.png Gives 15% damage for every base-game Guon Stone in the players possession.

Gives 5% damage for every Glass Guon Stone held.

Bunnysfoot - Copy.png Bunnys Foot Give it back! 1S Quality Item.png Increases Money earned by 25%, +3 Coolness and a chance to fire extra shots.

Opening a chest guarantees the chest to drop an additional key, blank, green ammo box or an item/gun of the same quality.

Buying from a shop gives the player an additional key, blank, junk or extra money.

Chaoschamber - Copy.png Chaos Chamber Unpredictable Chamber A Quality Item.png +20% damage, +15% fire rate, 20% decreased reload time and slightly increased accuracy.

Taking damage devours enemies in a large radius.

If you reload while a Jammed enemy is in the room, a large pool of fire is spawned. Note that the player does not gain fire immunity.

Synergy.png Reunion -Instead of creating a large pool of fire, Chaos Chamber sets every enemy on fire instead.

Chaosguonstone.png Chaos Guon Stone Unspecified Orbit C Quality Item.png Has a randomized orbit speed and radius, and randomizes the orbit speed/radius of other Guon Stones.

Changes orbit speeds/radius every floor.

Chaoshammer.png Chaos Hammer Chaotic Kick-Back B Quality Item.png Increases fire rate by 30%, and reload time by 25%.

Using Chaos Hammer makes the player dash, and triggers a micro-blank.

Synergy.png Reunion -The player also micro-blanks upon losing Chaos Hammer invulnerability.

Chasotrigger.png Chaos Trigger Bloodlust C Quality Item.png Tap shooting increases damage.

Synergy.png So it benefits you... -Increases the damage given when tap shooting. Tap shooting now also increases accuracy.

Synergy.png Reunion -The benefits from tap-shooting last twice as long.

Coolrobes - Copy.png Cool Robes Worn by cool Wardens B Quality Item.png +3 Coolness

Gives the player the Cool Staff (to do)

Synergy.png Relics Of The Past - Killing an enemy slows down time.

Counterproductivechamber - Copy.png Counter-Productive Chamber It just works B Quality Item.png Halves reload time and clip size.

Increases player projectile speed by 20% and fire rate by 10%.

Synergy.png (6/2)+6 = Chamber has 9 Holes??? - Reloading an empty clip fires 3 homing AK-47 bullets.

Cursepearl.png Cursed Pearl Eye of the Jammed None. Single use,

On use, has a chance to give the player a variety of things.

With Curse 2.0 enabled, has a greater chance to grant a variety of things but also increases Curse by 1 per use.

Enemies drop Cursed Pearls with Gesture of the Jammed or with Curse 2.0 enabled.

Cystfulcrown.png Cystful Crown It's the meta! A Quality Item.png +25% damage, +1 Curse, +3 Coolness and 20% movement speed.

3.5 seconds after a room has started, a small additional wave of 1-2 enemies will be spawned. These enemies are not necessary to kill for room clear.

Damoclean clip - Copy.png Damoclean Clip Impending doom lingers... D Quality Item.png Cannot be dropped.

+35% damage, 25% boss damage, -10% enemy projectile speed, halved reload time and +1 Curse.

Upon taking damage, a 15-minute countdown begins. Once the countdown ends, Damoclean Clip breaks and gives the player Death Mark.

(Death Mark is an item that gives a massive stats down)

Deathsdebt.png Deaths Debt Death Arrives In Different Ways... C Quality Item.png On use, makes the player invulnerable to damage, but instead of taking damage, the player receives a permanent stat penalty.

The enemy that harms the player during this state will take 250 damage.

Using Deaths Debt again toggles this effect off.

Dejammer - Copy.png De-Jammer I'll be undamned! B Quality Item.png On use, de-jams all enemies in the room.
DGrenade - Copy.png D-Grenade Pull the Pin... C Quality Item.png Single use.

On use, throws a grenade that explodes into 1 of 20 potential effects.

Dynamiteguonstone.png Dynamite Guon Stone Floating OSHA Violation B Quality Item.png Spawns a Guon Stone that explodes when it contacts a projectile.
Effigyofchaosgod - Copy.png Effigy Of ChaosGod Sealed Guardian A Quality Item.png Upon taking damage, fire a black hole.

Synergy.png Relics Of The Past - Killing an enemy slows down time.

Empoweringcore - Copy.png Empowering Core Powe Eterna 1S Quality Item.png +40% damage.

Synergy.png Ego Sum Aeternae -Hitting an enemy has a chance to fire a large laser.

Frequentflyer - Copy.png Frequent Flyer A kind gesture goes a long way C Quality Item.png Buying from a shop decreases prices by 1%. Caps at 30 purchases.
Gesutreofthejammed.png Gesture of the Jammed Eternal Damnation D Quality Item.png +1 Curse, 20% ammo capacity and 50% clip size.

Killing a Jammed enemy makes other nearby enemies Jammed.

Jammed enemies can drop Cursed Pearls.

Glockofthedead - Copy.png Glock Of The Dead Rise from the grave! B Quality Item.png Recharges every 15 seconds.

On use, spawns 2 friendly Gummy Spent.

Synergy.png Horde Of Many - Spawns 3 Gummy Spent instead of 2.

Synergy.png Back in the Bones - The 1st spawned Gummy Spent is replaced with a Skullet.

Guongeon.png Guon-geon Enter The Guon-Geon 1S Quality Item.png Spawns a Guon Stone that fires the weapons that are mentioned in the Enter The Gungeon song when it is hit.

Synergy.png You made the cut! - The appropriate weapon will fire twice as many projectiles from the Guon Stone.

Synergy.png You didn't make the cut... - The cooldown for Guon-Geon firing ability is halved.

Guonpebble.png Guon Pebble smol D Quality Item.png Spawns a very small Guon Stone.
Gunsoulphylactery - Copy.png Gun Soul Phylactery Little whispers... B Quality Item.png Killing an enemy has a chance to spawn a Gun Soul Companion.
Gunslayershelmet - Copy.png Gunslayer Helmet A haunting memory A Quality Item.png +1 Coolness, -5% reduced shop prices.

On entering a room, all enemies are Feared for 10 seconds.

Slayerkey - Copy.png Gunslayer Key Clip and Bear A Quality Item.png On use, has a 5/6 chance to spawn 2 random large enemies, and a 1/6 chance to spawn a random tier chest and key.
Guillotinebullets - Copy.png Guillotine Rounds Overthrow! C Quality Item.png +25% damage to bosses and +2.5% damage.
Ibzanslighter - Copy.png Ibzans Lighter Ashes to Ashes, to Ashes B Quality Item.png On use, freezes all enemies in a room.

Synergy.png The Flames Embrace - On use, will also set all enemies on fire.

Infusion - Copy.png Infusion Health Leech A Quality Item.png Increases max HP by 1 every 100 kills. Caps at 3 increased max HP.
Jammedguillotine - Copy.png Jammed Guillotine The Executioner A Quality Item.png +2 Curse

On use, deals 10 damage to every enemy in the room. If the enemy is at 30% or below HP, they are instantly executed. Does not execute bosses.

Synergy.png Judge, Jury and... - Executed enemies create a pool of fire.

Synergy.png Lost Humanity - Non-executed enemies spawn a skull.

Jokebook - Copy.png Joke Book Comedy Copper! D Quality Item.png +1 Coolness, +1 Active item slot.

Occasionally says something on room clear.

Keylocator - Copy.png Kelocator Remember to keep your receipt! C Quality Item.png On use, consumes a key and gives the player a receipt. After 5 minutes the receipt turns into 1 key, 2 keys, or very rarely will give back no keys.
Lunarglasssyringe - Copy.png Lunar Glass Syringe Filled with liquid time B Quality Item.png +1.5 Curse while held.

Increases damage, player and enemy projectile speed by 2.5% per use.

Synergy.png Cosmic Adrenaline - Now also gives +2.5% boss damage and movement speed on use. Enemy projectile speed is increased by 3% instead.

Synergy.png Lunar Artifact - Taking damage permanently increases damage by 1.25%. 60 second cooldown.

Lunarglassammolet.png Lunar Glass Ammolet BREAK B Quality Item.png Using a blank makes enemies Shattered, which temporarily decreases their attack speed and movement greatly.
Lunarglassrounds - Copy.png Lunar Glass Rounds Frail, and Soft. A Quality Item.png Hitting an enemy can Shatter them, which temporarily decreases their attack speed and movement greatly.
LunarSoulEngine.png Lunar Soul-Engine Zenith Design C Quality Item.png +5% movement speed and damage. Speed stat now also increases damage stat.
Malachitecrown - Copy.png Malachite Thorns Aspect of Corruption 1S Quality Item.png +30 damage/boss damage, -30% movement speed, 50% enemy knockback, +1 Heart, +2 Curse.

Grants poison immunity.

Hitting enemies occasionally drops 3 corruption bombs that explode into pools of poison.

Synergy.png Champion Type - Drop 5 corruption bombs instead of 3.

Microscope - Copy.png Micro-Scope Laymans terms D Quality Item.png +20% player projectile speed and accuracy.

+1 enemy pierce.

Synergy.png Macro-Scope - +20% damage and +25% fire rate.

Minigunclip - Copy.png Minigun Clip Ridiculous Firepower B Quality Item.png -60% damage/accuracy.

75% longer reload.

3x Clip size, 2x Ammo capacity and 2.25x fire rate.

TheMonolith.png Monolith Eternal Nightmare 1S Quality Item.png On use, brings the player to the 1st floor with all their loot. Gives the player the Sigil Of Infinity per use.
Supershield.png Over-Shield Green Power A Quality Item.png Negates 2 hits per floor. The player gets a green tint when protected.
Personalguard.png Personal Guard Reformed Knights C Quality Item.png On use, spawns an allied Gun Nut that dies on room clear.

Synergy.png Protector From The Curtain - Spawns a Spectral Gun Nut instead.

Pinheadparasite.png Pinhead Parasite Spiteful A Quality Item.png On killing an enemy, the enemy drops 2 grenades.

Synergy.png Bio-Warfare - Enemies drop 3 grenades instead of 2.

Synergy.png Evolved - Enemies drop Bullet Bore projectiles instead of grenades.

P-ZeroIdles1 - Copy.png Point Zero Final Frontier A Quality Item.png +1 Coolness

Spawns a companion that rapidly fires inaccurate, homing and bouncing bullets.

Potionofmatrixstyle - Copy.png Potion of Projectile Slowness SSllooww mmoottiioonn.. A Quality Item.png On use, reduces enemy projectile speed by 50% for 15 seconds.
Reaverammolet - Copy.png Reaver Ammolet FWOOMP A Quality Item.png On using a blank, all enemies in the room are Detained, locking them in place for a few seconds.
Reaverrounds - Copy.png Reaver Rounds Secure. Detain. Protect. A Quality Item.png Hitting an enemy can Detain them, locking them in place for a few seconds.
Liazrdbloodtransfusion - Copy.png Reptile Blood Transfusion Works scarily well C Quality Item.png +3 Coolness, -1 Heart
Resurrectionbullets - Copy.png Resurrection Bullets Get living again, maggots! C Quality Item.png +10% fire rate.

On killing an enemy, you have a 1/6 chance to spawn an allied Gummy Spent.

Synergy.png Revitalization - Chance to spawn a Gummy Spent increases from 1/6 to 1/5.

Synergy.png Souls - Spawns Hollowpoints instead of Gummy Spent.

Rtg - Copy.png R.T.G ! BURY 4 KILOMETRES AWAY ! C Quality Item.png -1 Coolness, +15% damage.

Enemies near you are set on fire.

At random intervals between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, the player will be forced to throw the item, forcing them to pick it up again.

A sound cue plays a few seconds before dropping the item.

Skygrass - Copy.png Sky Grass Grown from Purple Rain C Quality Item.png +15% movement speed.

Enemies have a chance to explode on death.

Synergy.png Purple Rain - Explosion damage is doubled and the explosion radius is increased.

Speckofdust - Copy.png Speck Of Dust How in the..? D Quality Item.png +1% stat up to most stats. Purchasing/stealing an item has a 40% chance to duplicate the speck of dust.
Spiritofstagnation - Copy.png Spirit Of Stagnation Slowly... D Quality Item.png On use, reduces player movement speed by 5% of their current movement speed, and increases coolness by 0.5.
Simpbullets - Copy.png Simp Bullets Tier 3 Lich Sub B Quality Item.png Purchasing an item increases damage by 2.5%
Soulinajar - Copy.png Soul In A Jar Little Fella' D Quality Item.png On use, spawns a Gunslinger projectile that fires at enemies.

Synergy.png Go! Go! Go! - Spawns 3 Gunslinger projectiles on use.

Staticclips - Copy.png Static Clips OoOoOoh that tickles! B Quality Item.png -10% reduced reload time.

On reloading an empty clip, the player has a 60% chance to fire a bolt of lightning.

Synergy.png Like putting a fork in a socket! - Chance to fire lightning reduced to 40%, but fire 2 bouncing bolts of lightning instead of 1.

Tabletechbomb - Copy.png Table Tech Bomb Reactive Flips C Quality Item.png On flipping a table, spawns a bomb.

Synergy.png Hidden Tech Landmine - spawns a Proximity Mine instead of a bomb.

Actualtabletechknife.png Table Tech Knife Violent Flips B Quality Item.png Flipping a table creates 4 knives around the player. Flipping another table casts these knives forward and creates 4 new knives.
Tabletechknife - Copy.png Table Tech Reload Fullfilling Flips D Quality Item.png On flipping a table, reloads the players gun.
Tabletechsoul - Copy.png Table Tech Soul Spiritual Flips A Quality Item.png On flipping a table, spawns a Gun Soul companion.
Godoflifesgift - Copy.png The Flames Gift I am not the God Of Death... B Quality Item.png +60% damage, -30% reduced reload time and 10% player projectile speed.

Taking damage in a room resets it.

TheGIP.png The G.I.P Invest, Adapt, Overcome C Quality Item.png On starting a new floor, the players money amount is increased by 20% of its current amount.

Synergy.png $$ Cash Money $$ -The players money amount is increased by 40% of its current amount.

Lastresort - Copy.png The Last Resort When things go south D Quality Item.png Single use

Sends the player to Bullet Hell.

Theleadhand - Copy.png The Lead Hand The Reclaimer B Quality Item.png +1.5 Curse.

Jammed enemies have a 15% chance to drop a pickup.

Jammed enemies have a .15% chance to drop an item.


Icon Name Quote Quality Type Magazine Size Ammo Capacity Damage Fire Rate Reload Speed Range Spread Effect
Aerialbombardment idle 001.png Aerial Bombardment Unfortunate Gun C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 1 70 N/A 0.9 1.2 3-9 45deg Instead of firing bullets, creates 9 explosions that deal 5 damage each in the direction the player is pointing.
Artemissile idle 001.png Artemis Not To Be Confused With Leto B Quality Item.png Charged

(4 seconds)

1 60 70 1 2.2 Infinity.png 0deg Fires a powerful missile that explodes on collision.
Blasphemimic idle 001.png Blasphemimic To The Point B Quality Item.png Automatic 40 400 3.6 .16 1.5 Infinity.png 25deg Visually resembles Blasphemy.

Fires burning projectiles that bounce.

The projectiles shoot out 3 poison projectiles every second.

Synergy.png Double-Edged Sword -Blasphemimic and Blasphemy are dual-wielded.

Bloatedrevolver idle 001.png Bloated Revolver A Bit Too Full D Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 7 350 10 0.1 1.2 Infinity.png 5deg Reloading with an empty clip harms the player with an explosion.
Brokengun idle 001.png Broken Gun Uh Oh. C Quality Item.png N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Does not shoot. Increases the players stats instead.

+10% Damage, +20% player projectile speed,

-12.5% reload time and 2x range.

Bugun idle 001.png Bugun Oh god what the hell? C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 10 450 11 0.07 1.2 Infinity.png 5deg Fires from a random position near the player.

The gun fires projectiles with randomized speeds and sizes.

Captainsshotgun idle 001.png Captains Left Hand For Safe Travels B Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 8 160 48 (6x8) 0.9 1.7 Infinity.png 30deg Synergy.png Cybernetic Enchancements - Halves the spread of Captains Left Hand.

Synergy.png Captains Right Hand - On reloading an empty clip, fires 3 missiles that fall on top of enemies.

Boxgun idle 001.png Cargo Loader Crate fun! B Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 4 100 30 0.7 1.1 Infinity.png 0deg N/A
Casemimic idle 001.png Casemimic Batting .50 D Quality Item.png Automatic 6 300 7.2 0.1 0 Infinity.png 10deg Visually resembles Casey.

Does not give Curse.

Synergy.png Suspicion On #ff0000 -Casemimic and Casey are dual-wielded.

Chaosrevolver idle 001.png Chaos Revolver Predictable Gun A Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 6 150 25 0.2 1.8 Infinity.png 15deg Fires projectiles that violently home in on enemies if they come near.

Synergy.png Reunion -Turns into the True Revolver.

Chambemimic idle 001.png Chambemimic Gun Non-Product of Environment C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 25 250 12.5 0.3 1.6 Infinity.png 10deg Visually resembles Chamber Gun.

Gets a different effect on different floors.

Lead Lords Keep: Deals 40% more damage and projectiles are 40% faster.

Oubliette: Poisons enemies.

Gungeon Proper: Gets reduced range, speed, but deals double damage and is 25% larger.

Abbey: Gains homing.

Black Powder Mines: Deals 60% more damage and 2x knockback.

Rat Floor: Fires cheese projectiles.

Hollow: When hitting an enemy, freezes the enemy and others near it.

RnG Department: Projectiles explode.

Forge: When hitting an enemy, burns the enemy and others near it.

Bullet Hell: Deals 4x damage to enemies below 50% HP.

Expand The Gungeon Floors:

Jungle: Deals 60% more damage and projectiles are 60% faster.

Belly: Deals 80% more damage and projectiles are 80% faster.

Wild West: Deals 80% more damage and projectiles are 80% faster.

If the player is on an invalid floor OR is on the glitch floor, the gun deals 3x damage.

Synergy.png Russian Roulette - Chamber Gun and Chambemimic Gun are dual-wielded.

Commiter idle 001.png Commiter True Dedication A Quality Item.png Automatic 50 50 1 0.4 0 Infinity.png 0deg Cannot be dropped.

Every time an enemy is killed with this gun, its damage increases by 1.

Coolstaff idle 001.png Cool Staff Wielded by cool Wardens None. Semiautomatic 10 150 10 0.1 2.1 Infinity.png 1deg Only obtainable from the Cool Robes

Shoots a magic projectile. If the projectile hits a wall, it can split into 1 or 2 projectiles.

Killing an enemy with the Staff makes 2 to 4 smaller homing projectiles and 1-3 very bouncy projectiles.

All projectiles will shoot 5 fire projectiles every 1.5 seconds after their creation.

Tungstencube idle 001.png Cube Of Tungsten THE CUBE C Quality Item.png Charged

(0.9 seconds)

1 200 30 1 1.9 Infinity.png 0deg N/A
Deathbny idle 001.png Death Blood On The Chamber Floor B Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 7 210 16 0.225 1.225 Infinity.png 7deg Deals 66% more damage to enemies below 33% HP.

Having Death increases the chance of Taxes appearing.

Synergy.png Death And Taxes - Death And Taxes are dual-wielded.

Enforcersgun idle 001.png Enforcers Law Enforce Of Nature! B Quality Item.png Burst

(2 Shots)

6 180 30 (5x6) 0.9 2.3 9 10deg Synergy.png Protect And Serve - On reloading an empty clip, spawns a shield.

10 second cooldown.

Fakeshotgun idle 001.png Fake Shotgun What the hell..? C Quality Item.png Automatic 10 600 8.4 (4.2x2) 0.05 1.6 6.4 15deg N/A
Flakcannon idle 001.png Flak Cannon Bullets in Bullets C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 1 80 30 0.2 1.8 5.8 10deg Fires a bullet that splits into a shower of smaller projectiles.
Gun idle 001.png Gun Nothing Unusual C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 6 Infinity.png 12 0.6 N/A 1.3 N/A Attacks in melee range.

Does not clear projectiles.

Gauntlets idle 001.png Gunslayer Gauntlet Rip And Tear C Quality Item.png Automatic 1 Infinity.png 20 0.4 N/A 2 N/A Enemies above 90% HP take an additional 20 damage.

Enemies below 30% HP are executed, and leave behind a pool of fire.

Gunslayersshotgun idle 001.png Gunslayer Shotgun Super Shotgun A Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 4 120 120 (12x10) 1.1 1.7 7 20deg N/A
Gunthemimic idle 001.png Gunthemimic Jealous Weapon 1S Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 20 700 11 0.125 0.9 Infinity.png 7deg Visually resembles Gunther.

Fires projectiles that oscillates in movement.

Reloading with a clip that's below half-empty eats nearby enemies, refilling 2 ammo per eaten enemy.

Synergy.png Imposter Syndrome -Gunthemimic and Gunther are dual-wielded.

Harvestershotgun idle 001.png Harvesters Shotgun Reap What You Slay B Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 6 300 25 (6.25x4) 0.4 1.6 Infinity.png 8deg Killing an enemy starts a timer. Killing another resets the timer.

Killing enough enemies before running out the timer grants a reward.

5 Kills: 5 Casings

10 Kills: 10 Casings

20 Kills: Either a key, a blank or a green ammo drop.

Lunarhammer idle 001.png Hammer Of The Moon Commencement 1S Quality Item.png Charged

(1.25 seconds)

1 Infinity.png N/A 1 3.5 N/A N/A Swinging the Hammer deals 60 damage to nearby enemies and Shatters all enemies in a room, which temporarily decreases their attack speed and movement greatly.

Reloading the Hammer fires 12 Cat Claw projectiles, and creates a large AoE ring around the player, all enemies within the ring take 25 damage per second.

Chaoshand idle 001.png Hand Of ChaosGod Soul Puller A Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 5 60 30 0.4 1.8 N/A N/A Fires projectiles from each enemy in the room. Reloading makes the projectiles reverse in direction.
Dlacon idle 001.png LaCon Mk.1 Modularly Built! D Quality Item.png Automatic 20 300 7 0.5 3.7 Infinity.png 0deg Can be upgraded by picking up LaCon Scrap.

Each upgrade increases its damage by 10%.

After 5 upgrades, turns into the next tier of LaCon weapon.

Clacon idle 001.png LaCon Mk.2 Built From Modules C Quality Item.png Automatic 30 300 9 0.333 3 Infinity.png 0deg Can be upgraded by picking up LaCon Scrap.

Each upgrade increases its damage by 10%.

After 5 upgrades, turns into the next tier of LaCon weapon.

Blacon idle 001.png LaCon Mk.3 Modular Constructions B Quality Item.png Burst

(2 Shots)

30 300 12 0.25 2.5 Infinity.png 0deg Can be upgraded by picking up LaCon Scrap.

Each upgrade increases its damage by 10%.

After 5 upgrades, turns into the next tier of LaCon weapon.

Alacon idle 001.png LaCon Mk.4 Modular Designs A Quality Item.png Burst

(3 Shots)

30 300 16 0.2 2.1 Infinity.png 0deg Can be upgraded by picking up LaCon Scrap.

Each upgrade increases its damage by 10%.

After 5 upgrades, turns into the next tier of LaCon weapon.

Slacon idle 001.png LaCon Mk.5 Modular Creation 1S Quality Item.png Burst

(5 Shots)

30 300 18 0.1233 1.4 Infinity.png 0deg Can be upgraded by picking up LaCon Scrap.

Each upgrade increases its damage by 10%.

After 10 upgrades, turns into the final tier of LaCon weapon.

Lacon idle 001.png LaCon Mk.6 Modular Perfection None. Beam 30 300 ??? ??? 1 Infinity.png 0deg N/A
Laststand idle 001.png Last Stand The Danger Zone B Quality Item.png Burst

(2 Shots)

20 500 5 0.25 1.8 Infinity.png 0deg If the player is one hit away from death, the gun deals 4x damage.
Mattertranslocator idle 001.png Matter Translocator Tele-Tech A Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 1 30 60 0.1 3 9 0deg Fires a projectile, when the projectile reaches its end of life, splits into 12 lightning bolts. If the projectile is in a suitable position, teleports the player there and grants 1 second of invincibility.
Microwave idle 001.png Microwave Cook for 10 Seconds B Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 1 60 N/A N/A 10 N/A N/A Doesn't shoot.

Creates a damaging AoE ring near the player on reload, dealing 11 damage per second.

Mimickey idle 001.png Mimikey47 Relocked and Loaded 1S Quality Item.png Automatic 40 600 10 0.2 1.2 Infinity.png 0deg Visually resembles AKEY-47.

Locks chests/locks instead of unlocking them.

Synergy.png One Locks, Other Unlocks -Mimikey47 and Akey-47 are dual-wielded.

Idpdfreak idle 001.png Mutated Rifle L3+ B Quality Item.png Automatic 60 900 5.5 0.01 0.6 Infinity.png 40deg N/A
Nucleararmageddon idle 001.png Nuclear Armageddon End of the Gungeon 1S Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 1 5 30 2 12 Infinity.png 0deg On collision, causes a large explosion that deals over 1000 damage.

Can harm the player.

Nucleartentacle idle 001.png Nuclear Tentacle RWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! A Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 5 90 40 0.4 1.8 Infinity.png 0deg On collision, the projectile explodes, dealing 20 damage to nearly enemies.
Oppressorbow idle 001.png Oppressors Crossbow You're Gonna Need A Guitar A Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 1 50 40 0.5 2.5 Infinity.png 2deg The projectiles fired from this gun leave behind a V-Trial of freezing bullets.
Pocketpistol idle 001.png Pocket Pistol Happy to see me? D Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 6 360 7.5 0.3 0.9 Infinity.png 4deg Passively increases ammo capacity by 10%.

Synergy.png How do these even fit in? - The guns damage is increased by 20% and the bullets double in size.

Prismaticshot idle 001.png Prismatic Shot Rainguns! C Quality Item.png Burst

(7 Shots)

70 700 4 0.3 0.8 Infinity.png 1deg N/A
Pickshot idle 001.png Pickshot Diggy Diggy Hole B Quality Item.png Automatic 15 300 12 0.15 1.5 Infinity.png 10deg Projectiles fired from this gun start of slow and speed up over time.
Railgunn idle 001.png Rail Gun Here comes the Pain Train C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 1 50 22.5 0.2 2.8 Infinity.png 5deg Fires a train that bounces around the room, leaving behind coals.
Reaverclaw idle 001.png Reaver Claw A Rifle Eventually Reloads A Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 4 120 8 0.6 2.3 8 7deg On reload, creates a small AoE ring that deals 75 damage per second to enemies.
Directiveinject idle 001.png Robotic Injector Directive: Inject C Quality Item.png Burst

(3 Shots)

300 300 3 0.7 0 Infinity.png 0deg Fires poisonous shots.
Roguelegendary idle 001.png Rogue Legendary Overhanded And Efficient 1S Quality Item.png Automatic 30 600 12.5 0.1 0.9 13 20deg N/A
Reaverheart idle 001.png Reaver Heart A Glacier Eventually... C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 5 200 N/A 1.1 2 N/A N/A Deals damage via a large AoE explosion, dealing 15 damage to anyone caught within it.
Soulstealer idle 001.png Soul Stealer S u c c A Quality Item.png Automatic 100 300 2.5 0.1 1.5 Infinity.png 2deg Killing an enemy with this gun spawns a Gun Soul companion.
Starbounder idle 001.png Starbounder Unstable D Quality Item.png Automatic 40 320 9 (average) 0.125 1.9 Infinity.png 15deg Bullets fired from this gun are laggy and have randomizes damage.
Steadysniper idle 001.png Steady-Shot Sniper Ready... Aim... C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 5 100 20 1.3 3.2 Infinity.png 0deg Firing while standing still makes the gun deal 50% more damage.

The gun will glow while under the benefit.

Synergy.png Cutting Edge Shot - The gun deals double damage while standing still instead of 50% extra damage.

Stevestaff idle 001.png Stevarian Staff Guard A Quality Item.png Charged 9 90 15/25/50 0.6 2.5 4/7/Infinity.png 0deg Has 3 charge modes:

0 second charge/auto fire: Low range and damage.

0.75 second charge: Medium range and damage

1.5 second charge: Infinite range and high damage.

If the player has 240 casings or more, Stevarians Staffs projectiles deal 3x damage.

Synergy.png Staff Of Life - Killing an enemy with Stevarian Staff spawns a friendly bullet kin.

Stickgun idle 001.png Stick Gun Get stick gunned lol D Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 10 300 5 0.17 1.6 Infinity.png 7deg N/A
Sword idle 001.png Sword Nothing Unusual B Quality Item.png Automatic 60 600 6.3 0.15 2.2 Infinity.png 0deg N/A
Superflakcannon idle 001.png Super Flak Cannon Complete Overkill A Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 1 30 50 0.4 3.8 6.4 5deg Fires a bullet that splits into bullets that splits into more bullets.
Taxesbny idle 001.png Taxes Gundead Man Walkin' B Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 7 210 16 0.175 1.675 Infinity.png 7deg Killing an enemy with Taxes has a 33% chance to grant a casing.

Having Taxes increases the chance of Death appearing.

Synergy.png Death And Taxes - Death And Taxes are dual-wielded.

Timezoner idle 001.png Time-Zoner Time travel, Yeah! C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 20 400 7 0.2 2.2 Infinity.png 3deg On reloading an empty clip, slows down time for 1.5 seconds.
Thunderstorm idle 001.png Thunder Storm Electric Music 1S Quality Item.png Charged 3 90 70 1 1 6.3 0deg Fires a beam that splits into 3 smaller bolts that slowly home in on enemies.

Charging the gun releases a large thunder strike, and uses 3 ammo.

Valkyrie idle 001.png Valkyrie Lay Waste To All 1S Quality Item.png Burst

(4 Shots)

4 100 30 2.7 0.5 Infinity.png 25deg Fires a triple-shot of missiles.

Synergy.png Armageddon - Missiles home in on enemies.

Synergy.png Boiling Veins - Fires 8 Yari Launcher rockets on reloading an empty clip.

Warningshot idle 001.png Warning Shot Calm Before The Storm B Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 1 100 60 1.8 1.6 Infinity.png 3deg Fires a warning shot before firing a powerful projectile.

The warning shot does not consume ammo/require a reload.

Synergy.png Fear The Finale - The warning shot inflicts fear on all enemies in the room for 2.5 seconds.

Synergy.png Pattersons Warning - The powerful shot fired explodes on colliding with an enemy.

Sausagerevolver idle 001.png 6 Chamber Sausage Shooter Made from Questionable Sources C Quality Item.png Semiautomatic 6 360 5.5 0.1 0.9 Infinity.png 10deg N/A


This gungeon mod features 2 Shrines that can be encountered during a run, both with varying effects.
Image Name Function
Shrineoftheleadlord.png Shrine Of The Gungeon Master On using the shrine, a random item/gun will be dropped onto the ground right next to the player.

After using it, the boss is guaranteed to be Jammed, even without any Curse.

The shrine cannot be used if the floor boss has already been defeated.

Chaoscorruptionshrine.png Chaotic Corruption Shrine On using it, a list of 4 potential effects is rolled, noted by the subtitle text given.

The Gungeon Roars: The player has their damage increase between 15%-35%, the players max HP is increased by 1 (+2 Shields if playing as the Robot) and the player is given a random gun.

The player cannot switch away or drop the new gun until it is depleted of ammo. Once it is depleted of ammo, the gun is destroyed and the player is able to use their weapons arsenal again.

The Gungeon Cackles: The player has their Curse decrease by 2 and their Coolness increase by 2. The Lord Of The Jammed will also automatically spawn.

If the player is already being hunted by the Lord Of The Jammed, another one will still spawn. The Lord Of The Jammed spawned does not persist between floors.

The Gungeon Trembles: The players damage and boss damage is increased by 25%, and their hearts are set to 1.

The player will receive guaranteed Master Rounds from bosses, regardless if they get hit or not.

The Gungeon Shifts: The floor the player is on is reset.


A mechanic inspired by the Risk Of Rain series, Artifacts are gameplay modifiers that can change how the player completes a run in specific ways, ranging from stress-inducing to out-right evil.

Artifacts are separate from the base-game item pool, and can only be obtained in the Breach by an NPC or by a special Breach Shrine.

Interactable Name Function
Artifactmonger idle 001.png Artifact Monger Found near the Bullet Shrine at the front of the Breach.

Upon talking to him, the Artifact Monger will give you a random Artifact, out of 11 possible.

Dcdshrine idle 003.png Deicide Shrine Found tucked away near the character selection area.

Upon talking to it, gives all Artifacts available.

Icon Name Quote Function
Attraction.png Attraction Centre Of Attraction. The players knockback is set to -1, which pulls enemies towards the player.
Avarice.png Avarice MORE. The player gains 4x the money and is granted 10 Coolness for extra room drops.

On starting a new floor, the players money, blanks and keys are set to 0.

Bolster.png Bolster Enraged Killing an enemy increases enemy projectile speed by 25% for 3 seconds.

This effect can stack if enemies are killed during this duration.

Daze.png Daze I can't see! The player is blinded for 3.5 seconds upon entering a room.
Fodder.png Fodder Small Guardians. On entering any combat room, 3 Mine Flayer bells will spawn.

These bells die on room clear, and will burst into bullets.

Frailty.png Frailty Wither. Taking damage increases a counter by 0.5.

If the counter is equal to OR above the players current HP value, the player is instantly killed.

The player will glow red if near Frailty-inflicted death.

Glass.png Glass Fragile. The players max HP is set to 1, (2 Shields if playing as the Robot.)

Players max ammo is reduced by 75% and damage is increased by 2.5x.

Megalomania.png Megalomania Power Trip. Every held item/gun in the players inventory increases Curse by 0.2.

Other Artifact items will not give Curse.

Prey.png Prey Hunted. Every 10 minutes the Lord Of The Jammed spawns.

If the player already has the Lord Of The Jammed following them, it will still spawn one.

Revenge.png Revenge Literally a Spite ripoff. On killing any enemy, they will drop 2 harmful, explosive grenades.

These grenades cannot harm other enemies.

Enigma.png Enigma Active Gambler Every time an active item is used/every 30 seconds, the player receives a random active item.

With Enigma, Spice does not give any benefit.

Sacrifice.png Sacrifice The Hunt Chests/Mimics and Broken Chests cannot drop loot anymore.

Enemies will now drop items/guns.

Rates are as follows:

8% for an item to drop, then lowered to 2% after one has dropped.

8% for a gun to drop, then lowered to 2% after one has dropped.

Rates are increased to 8% again on entering a new floor.

Mimics can still drop items, but the drop rates are the same as that of any other enemy.

The Modular Lad.png

Bosscard.pngThe Modular is a custom character that has a gimmick of not being able to utilize weapons found in the Gungeon, and instead scraps them into passive upgrades that are unique to this character.

To play as the Modular, Kyles Custom Characters Mod must be installed properly, and the character files and the separate files for the items (Now separate from the main mod) are to be downloaded properly.

The Modular cannot have hearts as HP, and can only heal via shields.

Starting Weapon

Icon Name Quote Type Magazine Size Ammo Capacity Damage Fire Rate Reload Speed Range Spread Function
Modulecannon idle 001.png Modular Cannon Base Hand Cannon V1.395 Semiautomatic 12 Infinity.png 5 0.333 2 Infinity.png 3deg A very weak starting weapon, arguably the weakest starting weapon out of all characters.

Due to the fact that the Modular is unable to use other guns, some passive synergies exist with certain items that buff the gun, making otherwise useless items have some use.

Zombie Bullets and Ammo Synthesizer: Increases clip size by 3.

Turkey and Ammo Belt: Increases fire rate by 25% each.

Starting Items

Icon Name Quote Function
Weaponmodular.png Modular Weapon Chip Compatible with V1.395 The item responsible for scrapping weapons.

The rewards gained on scrapping weapons are based on what tier the gun was.

D Tier Weapons: +1 Armor and 1 Tier 1 Module.

C Tier Weapons: +1 Armor and 1 Tier 2 Module.

B Tier Weapons: 1 Tier 1 Module and 1 Tier 2 Module.

A Tier Weapons: 1 Tier 2 Module and 1 Tier 3 Module.

S Tier Weapons: 1 Tier 1 Module,1 Tier 2 Module and 1 Tier 3 Module.

-If the item does not know what tier the weapon is, it will give you 1 Tier 1 Module.

-If the player also has Lichs Eye Bullets, they will be granted an extra Tier 1 Module for every weapon the player scraps.

-Due to auto-scrapping, this makes Gunsling Kings "Gun-Specific" challenges impossible to complete, but you will still be awarded the Module rewards from whatever gun was scrapped.

-Due to auto-scrapping, this makes Winchesters Game impossible to play. If the player accepts Winchesters challenge, they will receive 1 Tier 1 Module and won't be able to play Winchesters Game. The player can still leave Winchesters room without consequence.

Weaponmodularammoeater.png Modular Printer Prints Modules, Sort Of. -Takes 6 Rooms to charge.

-On use, spawns a Corrupt Module at the players feet.

-Corrupt Modules are negative passive items, and will reduce the players stats, but Corrupt Modules have a 14% chance to decorrupt on room clear (Or de-corrupt automatically after 12 cleared rooms.), destroying the Corrupt Module and giving the player a random Tier 1 Module.

Babygoodmodular.png Baby Good Modular Friend Module Enabled On killing a boss, gives the player a random Tier 1 Module. Can only do this once a floor.

Tier 1 Modules

Icon Name Quote Function
Weaponmodulardamage.png Damage Module Damage Up. +20% Damage
Weaponmodularclipsize.png Clip Size Module Clip Size Up. +25% Clip size.
Weaponmodularfirerate.png Fire Rate Module Fire Rate Up. +20% Rate Of Fire.
Weaponmodularreload.png Reload Module Reload Time Down. Reload time reduced by 20%
T2weaponmodularyv.png Splitter Module Chance for extra. +10% to fire a Shadow Bullet.

Tier 2 Modules

Icon Name Quote Function
T2weaponmodularpierce.png Piercer Module Piercing. Grants +1 pierce to player bullets.
T2weaponmodularbounce.png Bouncer Module Bouncing. Grants +1 bounce to player bullets.
T2weaponmodularejector.png Ejector Module Discharge. Reloading an empty clip fires a burst of bullets in all directions that inherit your items.
T2weaponmodularcloak.png Cloak Module Into Darkness. Killing an enemy has a 20% to place you into Stealth.
T2weaponmodularhoming.png Homing Module Tracking shot. Grants the players bullets slight homing.

Tier 3 Modules

Icon Name Quote Function
T3weaponmodularmassiveslowdps.png Colossus Module Massive. Increases damage by 20%, increases player bullet size by +100% and reduces player bullet speed by 25%.
T3weaponmodularrocket.png Rocket Module Velocity. Doubles knockback, player bullet speed and increases rate of fire by +20%.
T3weaponmodularinaccuratebutdps.png Inaccurate Module Tradeoff. +66% damage, +20% boss damage but makes the player more inaccurate.
T3weaponmodularoverloader.png Overloader Module Shocker. Fires 3 lightning bolts on reloading an empty clip.
T3weaponmodularBOOM.png Reactive Module Explosive. Dead enemies explode.

Corrupt Modules

Corruptmodulesensorfailure.png Corrupt Sensor Module ERROR: SENSOR FAILURE. Increases enemy bullet speed by +20%. Has a 14% chance to decorrupt on room clear (Or de-corrupts automatically after 12 cleared rooms.). On de-corrupting, destroys itself and gives the player a random Tier 1 Module.
Corruptmoduleaccuracyfailure.png Corrupt Accuracy Module ERROR: AIM FAILURE. Reduces player accuracy by 2x. Has a 14% chance to decorrupt on room clear (Or de-corrupts automatically after 12 cleared rooms.). On de-corrupting, destroys itself and gives the player a random Tier 1 Module.
Corruptmodulecoolingfailure.png Corrupt Cooling Module ERROR: COOLING FAILURE. Reduces Coolness by 10. Has a 14% chance to decorrupt on room clear (Or de-corrupts automatically after 12 cleared rooms.). On de-corrupting, destroys itself and gives the player a random Tier 1 Module.
Corruptmoduleloosefit.png Corrupt Fitting Module ERROR: STORAGE FAILURE. Halves clip capacity, and increases reload time by 25%. Has a 14% chance to decorrupt on room clear (Or de-corrupts automatically after 12 cleared rooms.). On de-corrupting, destroys itself and gives the player a random Tier 1 Module.
Corruptmoduledamage.png Corrupt Damage Module ERROR: ATTACK FAILURE. Reduces damage and player bullet speed by 20%. Has a 14% chance to decorrupt on room clear (Or de-corrupts automatically after 12 cleared rooms.). On de-corrupting, destroys itself and gives the player a random Tier 1 Module.