Old Red/Dialogue

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Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Old Red.

In Jail

Dialoguesequential.png Ah... what's this now...?
Dialoguesequential.png ...oh! Thank you for rescuing me, young bullet.
Dialoguesequential.png It is always nice to see fellow ammunition. I accidentally locked myself in here!
Dialoguesequential.png My eyes aren't quite what they used to be.

(Interacting again)

Oof... time to get back to work!

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Betrayer!
Dialoguerandom.png Benedict Bullet!

In The Gungeon

Dialogueordered.png Those who come here, disturbing our halls, seeking the Gun... You have to stop them.
Dialogueordered.png They are playing with firepower beyond their comprehension.
Dialogueordered.png You can't aim where they are, you must aim where they are going to be.
Dialogueordered.png Flip the tables first, so the Gungeoneers cannot.
Dialogueordered.png Make sure to work with your fellow shells. Too many young rounds go off half-cocked.
Dialogueordered.png Just between you and me, I never got the hang of the pits around here. I was always falling down to the next chamber.

(Interacting again)

Young bullets should heed my teachings.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Betrayer!
Dialoguerandom.png Benedict Bullet!

(After a successful purchase)

Dialoguerandom.png Pow!
Dialoguerandom.png Blam!

(After a failed purchase)

Running a little low on shells, huh?