Ser Manuel/Dialogue

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Text Colour Key
grey This text provides context for interactions, and is not part of any original quote.
cyan This text represents a variable value that may change depending on the character being played, or the player's settings.
orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
Hover over each icon to see what it represents.

Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Ser Manuel, including his dialogue as Monster Manuel.

In The Halls of Knowledge

Room 1 (Introduction)
(Upon entering the room if the tutorial has not been completed before)
Wayward soul! Approach me and press Interact Key to speak!
(Upon entering the room if the tutorial has been completed before)
Wayward soul! Approach me and press Interact Key to... oh, it's you.
(Interacting if the tutorial has not been completed before)
Dialoguesequential.png For it is I, Ser Manuel!

Dialoguesequential.png Heed my words and I shall show you how to survive this accursed labyrinth.
Dialoguesequential.png Continue through the door to begin your tutelage!

(Interacting if the tutorial has been completed before)

Dialogueordered.png Forget how to dodge roll?
Dialogueordered.png Need a refresher?
Dialogueordered.png Want to do the tutorial again?
(After the dialogue)

No. I'm good. Yes.
Well then, take the stairs back up to the breach! you want me to do my whole... thing again?
No. I'm good. Yes.
Well then, take the stairs back up to the breach! Dialoguesequential.png Alright... *ahem*

Dialoguesequential.png Wayward soul! Welcome to the Halls of Knowledge!
Dialoguesequential.png For it is I, Ser Manuel!
Dialoguesequential.png Heed my words and I shall show you how to survive this accursed labyrinth.
Dialoguesequential.png Continue through the door to begin your tutelage!

(Interacting again after hearing the line 'Continue through the door to begin your tutelage!')

Dialoguesequential.png Do you have another question, pupil?

When do I get a gun? Who are you again?
So very soon! Proceed through the door! Dialoguesequential.png Manuel. Once a knight... now master of all you see before you.

Dialoguesequential.png ...after conquering the Gungeon, I chose to remain here. Forever. Passing on my expertise.
No regrets.

(Upon walking away after speaking to Manuel)

Dialoguerandom.png Onward! To greatness!
Dialoguerandom.png Forward, unto the dawn!
Dialoguerandom.png Now Go! Through the Door!

(Upon walking away after hearing the line 'Well then, take the stairs back up to the breach!', if the player has listened to Manuels tragic backstory. Overrides the default 'walk away' line.)

And if you see that bastard Blockner... make him remember!

(Upon entering the room if Blockner has been slain, and this conversation has not already occurred. Overrides the default 'on room entry' dialogue)

Dialoguesequential.png You got Blockner! VENGEANCE IS MINE!
Dialoguesequential.png You gave me my sweet revenge, and I'll never forget it.
Dialoguesequential.png I'm still trapped here, for all eternity. But at least I have my revenge. And that is what is most important.
Dialoguesequential.png Maybe I'll follow you out this time.
Dialoguesequential.png Oh... I know! I'll donate this to the Gungeon's Acquisitions Department for you.
Dialoguesequential.png It's my favorite.
Dialoguesequential.png Now leave me to bask in righteous vengeance.

(Interacting after hearing the line 'Now leave me to bask in righteous vengeance.')

Can't talk. Basking.

Room 2 (Interaction Tutorial)
(Upon entering the room)
Try flipping these tables or kicking those barrels with the Interact Key button.
(Interacting with Manuel before interacting with other objects in the room 3 times)

Dialogueordered.png Use the Interact Key button to flip one of these tables.
Dialogueordered.png Or you could roll one of those barrels.
Dialogueordered.png You can interact with anything that is outlined in white when you approach.
Dialogueordered.png Go on, get rowdy.

(After flipping a table)

You can use those as cover in a gunfight.
Yeah! Get angry!

(After kicking a barrel)
Yeah! Tear this place up; I'll clean it later.
(After breaking a decorative object)
There's nothing in any of those, you know, but they will stop a bullet.
(After dodge rolling in the room)

Dialogueordered.png Nice rolling skills, you'll need those later.
Dialogueordered.png Such artful dodging!
Dialogueordered.png Vigorous dodge roll, Character Nickname.
Dialogueordered.png Save some for later.
Dialogueordered.png Ok then.
Dialoguerepeat.png ...

(After interacting with objects in the room 3 times)
Excellent interacting, pupil! Proceed to the next room.
(Interacting with Manuel after interacting with other objects in the room 3 times)

Dialogueordered.png Proceed to your next challenge, Character Nickname!
Dialogueordered.png Anything that outlines in white when you approach can be interacted with.
Dialogueordered.png Now, leave me! Go to the next room!
Dialogueordered.png Don't make this tutorial last any longer than it needs to.
Dialogueordered.png Move it!
Dialoguerepeat.png Go on!

Room 3 (Bullet Dodge Roll Tutorial)

Dialoguesequential.png This is the most important lesson: you can dodge roll by pressing Roll Key and a direction.
Dialoguesequential.png You are INVULNERABLE TO GUNFIRE during the FIRST HALF of the dodge roll, but vulnerable again when you hit the ground.
Dialoguesequential.png This means you can dodge THROUGH bullets and other hazards. It requires precise timing.
Dialoguesequential.png When you give the word, I'll open the barrier. Use the dodge roll to reach the right side of the room without perishing.
Dialoguesequential.png Wait until the last second, then press Roll Key to begin the roll. Are you ready to begin the test?

Ready. Explain this again.

(After a short timed delay)
(After this dialogue, the barrier will lower and the player may attempt the challenge)

(Choosing this option repeats the previous sequential dialogues)
(Interacting again while the test is underway)

Dialoguesequential.png Use Roll Key to dodge THROUGH the bullets.
Dialoguesequential.png Wait until they are just about to hit you.
Dialoguesequential.png Make it to the far side of the room, if you can!

(After being hit by a projectile during the test while not rolling)

Dialogueordered.png Don't forget to dodge!
Dialogueordered.png Dodge straight through!
Dialogueordered.png ouch.
Dialogueordered.png oof.
Dialogueordered.png eep.
Dialogueordered.png Er... keep at it.
Dialogueordered.png Remember it's Roll Key to dodge roll, right?

(After being hit by a projectile during the test while in the vulnerable latter half of a dodge roll)

Dialogueordered.png Too early, wait 'til the last second.
Dialogueordered.png Too early.
Dialogueordered.png You are only invulnerable during the dodge.

(After successfully dodge rolling over a projectile during the test)

Dialogueordered.png Perfect!
Dialogueordered.png Yeah!
Dialogueordered.png Too Pro!

(After making it to the right side of the room and completing the test)

Nice work!

(Interacting after completing the test while a controller is not connected)

Dialogueordered.png The DODGE ROLL is the prayer of the Gungeoneer, and the Gungeon provides for its devotees.
Dialogueordered.png No one knows why this only works in the Gungeon, only that the Gungeon provides.
Dialogueordered.png You must master the dodge roll if you wish to master the Gungeon.
Dialogueordered.png Go to the next room for dodge roll lesson No. 2.

(Interacting after completing the test while a controller is connected)

Dialogueordered.png The DODGE ROLL is the prayer of the Gungeoneer, and the Gungeon provides for its devotees.
Dialogueordered.png No one knows why this only works in the Gungeon, only that the Gungeon provides.
Dialogueordered.png If you're using a controller, you can also dodge roll with Alternative Roll Button.
Dialogueordered.png You must master the dodge roll if you wish to master the Gungeon.
Dialogueordered.png Go to the next room for dodge roll lesson No. 2.

Room 4 (Pit Dodge Roll Tutorial)
(Upon entering the room)

An impasse! Use your dodge roll to jump over that pit.

(Interacting before clearing the first pit)

Dialogueordered.png Approach the edge and press Roll Key while moving to cross the gap.
Dialogueordered.png You have to jump that crevice.

(After walking into a pit)

Dialogueordered.png Ouch! Try pressing Roll Key just as you reach the edge.
Dialogueordered.png You'll get it.
Dialogueordered.png Walked right in, didn't you?
Dialogueordered.png Watch your step there, Character Nickname.
Dialogueordered.png I can't watch this.

(After dodge rolling into a pit)

Dialogueordered.png I think you dodge rolled too early there.
Dialogueordered.png Wait till the last moment to hit Roll Key.
Dialogueordered.png Dodge roll when your feet are in the red.

(After dodge rolling anywhere except over or into a pit)

Dialogueordered.png Yes! Do that, only across the pit!
Dialogueordered.png You're a natural roller. Use it to proceed!
Dialogueordered.png Yes, very nice roll there.
Dialogueordered.png Alright, alright. Settle down.
Dialogueend.png ...

(Upon reaching the area before the final pit)

The door is open, but you've got one last pit to cross. Time it well!

(Interacting after crossing the final pit)

Dialogueordered.png Go on through the door.
Dialogueordered.png Move it.
Dialogueordered.png Onward.

Room 5 (Blank Tutorial)

Dialoguesequential.png The dodge roll is the first and best way to avoid dying in a gunfight.
Dialoguesequential.png Sometimes though, the number of bullets can be overwhelming.
Dialoguesequential.png For instance, there's no dodging through that. But there is a way to clear the path! (Two blanks will spawn after this dialogue)
Dialoguesequential.png These are called Blanks.
Dialoguesequential.png Using one will delete all enemy projectiles in a room, and stop enemies from shooting for a short period.
Dialoguesequential.png They will also push nearby enemies away. Great if you need a second to reposition.
Dialoguesequential.png Pick them up by walking over to them.

(Interacting again before picking up a blank)

Dialoguerandom.png Grab a Blank!
Dialoguerandom.png Pick it up!

(After picking up a blank if a controller is not connected)

Dialoguesequential.png Use them by pressing the Blank Key button.
Dialoguesequential.png Use a Blank to clear the way of bullets, and then quickly make it through the gap!

(After picking up a blank if a controller is connected)

Dialoguesequential.png Use Blanks by clicking the Left Stick and Right Stick in at the same time.
Dialoguesequential.png Use a Blank to clear the way of bullets, and then quickly make it through the gap!

(Interacting again after picking up a blank if a controller is not connected)

Dialogueordered.png Pop that Blank!
Dialogueordered.png Use them by pressing the Blank Key button.
Dialogueordered.png Use a Blank to clear these bullets!

(Interacting again after picking up a blank if a controller is connected)

Dialogueordered.png Pop that Blank!
Dialogueordered.png Click both Left Stick and Right Stick in at the same time to use a Blank!
Dialogueordered.png Use a Blank to clear these bullets!

(After walking into a bullet)

Dialoguerandom.png Try not to walk into the bullets.
Dialoguerandom.png Use a Blank!
Dialoguerandom.png ouch.

(After dodge rolling)

Dialoguerandom.png Dodge rolling won't get you out of this one.
Dialoguerandom.png Part of mastering the dodge roll is knowing when not to use it.
Dialoguerandom.png Stop dodging and use a Blank.

(After using your last blank but failing to cross the bullets in time)

Dialoguerandom.png Blanks only stop bullets for a short amount of time. Try again.
Dialoguerandom.png One more!
Dialoguerandom.png Again!

(After successfully crossing the bullets)

Dialoguesequential.png Excellent!
Dialoguesequential.png Blanks refill every floor, so use them when you need to!
Dialoguesequential.png They can also be found throughout the Gungeon, but I wouldn't rely on that.
Dialoguesequential.png Onward!

(Interacting again after successfully crossing the bullets)

Dialogueordered.png The force of a blank can reveal and even break open false walls.
Dialogueordered.png If you see a crack in the wall, use a blank to blast it open.
Dialogueordered.png Head on through.
Dialogueordered.png Go on.
Dialogueordered.png Go!

Room 6 (Shooting Tutorial)

Dialoguesequential.png You've got the basics, Character Nickname. I suppose you've earned a reward.
Dialoguesequential.png A gun befitting your stature and experience. (After this dialogue, the chest containing the Pea Shooter will spawn)
Dialoguesequential.png Go on, open it.

(Interacting again before opening the chest)

Dialogueordered.png Claim your prize, pupil!
Dialogueordered.png You take that gun!

(After collecting the Pea Shooter)

Dialoguesequential.png Use the Aim Control to aim and Fire Key to fire.
Dialoguesequential.png Reload with the Reload Key button.
Dialoguesequential.png But first, you'll need something to shoot.
Dialoguesequential.png One of the Gungeon's natural inhabitants... cruel, savage, and bloodthirsty. (After this dialogue, a bullet kin will spawn)
Dialoguesequential.png Now...
Dialoguesequential.png KILL HIM!

(After a short delay, if the bullet kin has not been slain)

Dialogueordered.png END HIM!
Dialogueordered.png FINISH HIM!

(Interacting while the Bullet Kin is still alive)

Less talking, more killing.

(After being shot, if the Bullet Kin is still alive)

Dialogueordered.png Not me, you twit!
Dialogueordered.png I am the master here!
Dialogueordered.png No!

(After being shot, if the Bullet Kin is dead)

Dialogueordered.png You got me.
Dialogueordered.png Whoosh.
Dialogueordered.png You cannot harm me, for I have transcended the mortal coil.
Dialogueordered.png It's not very effective...

(After killing the Bullet Kin)

Dialoguesequential.png Cold blooded. Truly, you are ruthless.
Dialoguesequential.png The next rooms will be real gunfights.
Dialoguesequential.png Kill all the enemies in each room, and the doors will open.
Dialoguesequential.png I'll meet you a few rooms ahead. Now go!

(Interacting again after killing the Bullet Kin)

Dialogueordered.png Don't forget you can reload with the Reload Key button.
Dialogueordered.png If you find another gun, you can switch to it with Quick Swap Key.
Dialogueordered.png Drop a gun by holding Drop Gun Key.
Dialogueordered.png The gun you start with has unlimited ammo, but the rest have a limit.
Dialogueordered.png Try to keep the guns you like best stocked with ammo.
Dialogueordered.png You can aim and move in opposite directions. Sometimes, you should!

Room 8 (Medkit Tutorial)
(After clearing the final combat wave of the room)

Over here!

(After being shot)

Dialogueordered.png Yawn.
Dialogueordered.png You missed somehow. Weird.


Dialoguesequential.png You made it!
Dialoguesequential.png You know how to Dodge Roll, shoot, and use Blanks, but there's more to learn.
Dialoguesequential.png You need to know how to use items that don't exist in gun form.
Dialoguesequential.png This Medkit, for example! It will replenish your health.
Dialoguesequential.png Pick it by approaching it and hitting the Interact Key button.

(Interacting again before picking up the Medkit)

Dialogueordered.png Grab it!
Dialogueordered.png Press Interact Key near the Medkit to pick it up!
Dialogueordered.png Pick up that Medkit!
Dialogueordered.png Go pick that thing up!

(After picking up the Medkit, if the player is a full health)

Dialoguesequential.png You've got plenty of health right now, so don't use it yet.
Dialoguesequential.png But when you think you need it... jam the Active Item Key button to use it.
Dialoguesequential.png Ok, head on through!

(After picking up the Medkit, if the player is missing 1-2 health)

Dialoguesequential.png You still have a bit of fight in you, so you might want to wait to use it.
Dialoguesequential.png Whatever you decide to do, remember that the Active Item Key button uses items.
Dialoguesequential.png Ok, head on through!

(After picking up the Medkit, if the player is missing 3+ health)

Dialoguesequential.png You aren't looking so hot there. You should heal right away.
Dialoguesequential.png Press the Active Item Key button to use the Medkit and heal yourself!
Dialoguesequential.png Ok, head on through!

(Interacting again after picking up the Medkit)

Dialoguerandom.png Go on.
Dialoguerandom.png Move it.

(After falling into the pit in this room)

Dialogueordered.png Whoops.
Dialogueordered.png Persistent.
Dialogueordered.png You need to use the teleporter. (This dialogue is likely present in error, as there is no teleporter in this room)

Room 9 (Teleporter Tutorial)
(Interacting if a controller is not connected)

Dialoguesequential.png You see that thing on the other side? That's a Teleporter.
Dialoguesequential.png Whenever you find one, you can always return there as long as you aren't in combat.
Dialoguesequential.png To use it, first open the map by holding Map Key. Then click the Teleportericon.png symbol you wish to warp to.
Dialoguesequential.png Got it? Or should I explain it again?

Got it. One more time please!
Good. Now use the teleporter to cross the gap. Dialoguesequential.png To use it, first open the map by holding Map Key. Then click the Teleportericon.png symbol you wish to warp to.

Dialoguesequential.png Got it? Or should I explain it again?
(This dialogue choice will then repeat)

(Interacting if a controller is connected)

Dialoguesequential.png You see that thing on the other side? That's a Teleporter.
Dialoguesequential.png Whenever you find one, you can always return there as long as you aren't in combat.
Dialoguesequential.png To use it, first open the map by holding Map Key. Then select the Teleportericon.png symbol you wish to warp to, and press Interact Key to travel there.
Dialoguesequential.png Got it? Or should I explain it again?

Got it. One more time please!
Good. Now use the teleporter to cross the gap. Dialoguesequential.png To use it, first open the map by holding Map Key. Then select the Teleportericon.png symbol you wish to warp to, and press Interact Key to travel there.

Dialoguesequential.png Got it? Or should I explain it again?
(This dialogue choice will then repeat)

(After being shot)

Dialogueordered.png Was that the wind? No, we're underground.
Dialogueordered.png Very funny.
Dialogueordered.png Still funny.
Dialogueordered.png Less so now.
Dialogueordered.png Funniness dropping.
Dialogueordered.png Dropping.
Dialogueordered.png ...dropping...
Dialogueordered.png Quit. It.
Dialogueordered.png ...

(After walking into the pit)

Dialogueordered.png Whoops.
Dialogueordered.png Persistent.
Dialogueordered.png You need to use the teleporter.

(After dodge rolling into the pit)

Dialogueordered.png That's too far for you to jump.
Dialogueordered.png A leap of faith. Too bad that pit is strictly secular.
Dialogueordered.png You just have a death wish, don't you?
Dialogueordered.png You need to use the teleporter.

(After using the teleporter)

Dialoguesequential.png Remember, you can warp to any Teleporter on the map, not just ones in the same room. But they won't work if you are in combat!
Dialoguesequential.png If you press Interact Key while standing on that portal, you can use it to teleport back to where you were.
Dialoguesequential.png I'll be waiting a few rooms north of here. You should explore! Try to find a better gun before you challenge the BOSS.

(Interacting again after using the teleporter)

Another question?

Nope. I'm good. Why does the Teleporter look like that now?
Then I'll meet you ahead! Approach the opened portal and press Interact Key to return to where you were when you first warped.
Boss Room
(Upon entering the room)

Speak with me when you are ready for your FINAL CHALLENGE!


Are you ready to put all you have learned to the test?

Yes, let's do this. Not yet.
Dialoguesequential.png Then...

Dialoguesequential.png Face me in SINGLE COMBAT! (After this line plays, the bossfight will begin)

What else are you going to do? Roll around?
(After dodge rolling 3 times after hearing the line 'What else are you going to do? Roll around?')

Well, I guess I walked into that one, huh?

(After being shot, before the bossfight has been intiated)

Dialogueordered.png Not yet.
Dialogueordered.png In a moment.
Dialogueordered.png I wasn't ready.
Dialogueordered.png Come here if you want a fight!

(At the beginning of the fight)


(After defeating Ser Manuel in combat)

Cease fire! Cease fire!

(After being shot once defeated)

Dialogueordered.png Come on!
Dialogueordered.png Save some of those bullets for Blockner. (This dialogue can be encountered before learning who Blockner is)
Dialogueordered.png Fire-y aren't you.
Dialogueordered.png I told you my life story. (This dialogue can be encountered before Manuel tells you his life story)
Dialogueordered.png Aren't you supposed to feel sorry for me?
Dialogueordered.png You've already won.
Dialogueordered.png There's no point in this!
Dialogueordered.png Enough.
Dialogueordered.png You're just the worst.
Dialogueordered.png The ABSOLUTE worst!
Dialogueordered.png Go play the actual game now.
Dialoguerepeat.png ...

(Interacting once defeated without holding the Old Knights Shield)

Dialogueordered.png You've bested me... I, the great Manuel!
Dialogueordered.png So long have I ruled these halls, only to be undone by the likes of you!
Dialogueordered.png The reign of Ser Manuel, master of the Gungeon ends unceremoniously!
Dialogueordered.png You've done it, you beat the entire game.
Dialogueordered.png Leave me here to die, again!
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png I don't have much else to say.
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png Why do you torment me?
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png Go away!
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png Have you nothing better to do?
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png sob
Dialogueordered.png I'm taking a vow of silence, and sobbing.
Dialoguerepeat.png sob

(Interacting once defeated while holding the Old Knights Shield)

Dialoguesequential.png Wait... that shield!
Dialoguesequential.png You found my shield...
Dialoguesequential.png Which means... you know my terrible secret.
Dialoguesequential.png IT'S TRUE! I never conquered the Gungeon! I'm no longer sure this even IS the Gungeon!
Dialoguesequential.png How humiliating! It's all that bastard's fault...

Whose fault? I suspected as much. Bye.
Dialoguesequential.png That snake Blockner! We were supposed to be partners.

Dialoguesequential.png But shortly after we arrived, I was shot in the back.
Dialoguesequential.png When I awoke, I was trapped in some kind of... chest.
Dialoguesequential.png I called out for help, but no one came. I'm sure it was him who shot me.
Dialoguesequential.png I think he wanted the Gun for himself... but he must not have made it.

How do you know he didn't make it? Neat story. I'm leaving.
Dialoguesequential.png Because if Blockner had changed the past, he would never have come to the Gungeon, and neither would I.

Dialoguesequential.png But I'm still here. So he must have left...
Dialoguesequential.png Or maybe he's stuck in the Gungeon too. It would serve the bastard right.
Dialoguesequential.png If you find him... tell him Manny says "Hi." If you know what I mean.

Got it. You want me to kill him?
Dialoguesequential.png Anyway, I've nothing left to teach you.

Dialoguesequential.png Good luck with the Gungeon and your past.

Dialoguesequential.png Hey now! Nobody said anything about killing.

Dialoguesequential.png But yes, please do.
Dialoguesequential.png Anyway, I've nothing left to teach you.
Dialoguesequential.png Good luck with the Gungeon and your past.

Well then. Anyway, I've nothing left to teach you. Steady aim, Character Name
Well then. Anyway, I've nothing left to teach you. Steady aim, Character Name
(Interacting again after prematurely cutting off Manuels tragic tale)

If I hadn't been betrayed by that turncloak, I wouldn't have ended up here!

Ok, I'll bite. Who are you talking about. Still not interested, grampa.
(Continues the same dialogue path as if you had selected 'Whose fault?' to Manuel's earlier lamentations)
Sidelined again! Despair!
(Interacting again after hearing Manuels tragic backstory)

Dialogueordered.png That'll do. Go on.
Dialogueordered.png You'll know Blockner if you meet him. He speaks in the olde style.
Dialogueordered.png Leave me to my studies. The next time you face me, my power will be one-thousand fold.
Dialogueordered.png Leave me.

Other Dialogue

In the Breach

Dialogueordered.png Now that I've had my revenge, perhaps in time I can learn to forgive.
Dialogueordered.png Revenge... it sure feels great!
Dialogueordered.png Blockner and I used to argue all the time about proper defensive techniques!
Dialogueordered.png After my death, I fell into a deep sadness for many years, thinking my dodging techniques were flawed.
Dialogueordered.png I realized that to finally rest easily, I needed to know for certain. I needed to train a champion.
Dialogueordered.png I began to doubt, until you arrived. You weren't the best student I ever taught, but then you found my shield.
Dialogueordered.png When you found my shield, I knew it was time. You could get my revenge.
Dialogueordered.png All those years... all my teachings, finally validated.
Dialogueordered.png Thank you again, my friend. You have truly mastered all I have to share.
Dialogueordered.png It's funny, there have been way less new Gungeoneers since you showed up. Guess it's just a lull...

(Interacting again)

Dialoguerepeat.png See you around.

As Monster Manuel in The Gungeon
(Interacting for the very first time on a save file)

Dialoguesequential.png For it is I, Monster Manuel!
Dialoguesequential.png Heed my words and I shall show you how to survive this accursed labyrinth.
Dialoguesequential.png ...just kidding!
Dialoguesequential.png Since you cleared up that ugly business with Blockner, I've started to make my way through the Gungeon!
Dialoguesequential.png I found this while traversing the depths. Perhaps you'll find it useful!


Dialoguesequential.png If it isn't my finest pupil!
Dialoguesequential.png I found this while traversing the depths. Perhaps you'll find it useful!

(Interacting again)

Dialogueordered.png It seems sometimes the best move is not to dodge roll... though such cases are rare.
Dialogueordered.png I've known you were something special ever since you killed that defenseless bullet, completely in cold blood, in the Halls of Knowledge.
Dialogueordered.png Do not be afraid of my fearsome visage! This is merely my disguise, a beast of yore, the owl-barrel.
Dialogueordered.png In recent days, I've heard tell of a new type of dodging... "sliding," they call it. I find it difficult to imagine.

(Interacting for the third time onwards)

Dialoguerepeat.png Thanks to you, only one task remains for me... vengeance upon the Gungeon.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Nay!
Dialoguerandom.png Another betrayal!

Unused Dialogue

The dialogue in this section is all either unused, or how to trigger it is currently unknown. Context clues on when this dialogue might play may be present in the texts string key.

Unused Dialogue
(The string keys for these lines suggest they were intended to play after the player successfully jumped pits in room 4.)

Excellent! Meet me up ahead! #TUT_KNIGHT_R3_PLAYER_CROSS_FIRST_PIT_001
Keep going! You can do this! #TUT_KNIGHT_R3_PLAYER_ENTER_SECOND_ZONE_001
You made it! Keep going! #TUT_KNIGHT_R3_PLAYER_INTERACT_0s04

(This text is grouped with the dialogue for room 3, however it is impossible to die in room 3)

Congratulations, you died in the tutorial. Not everyone can say the same. #TUT_KNIGHT_R4_DR_BACK_FROM_DEATH

(The string keys and grouping for these lines suggest they were originally supposed to play in between obtaining the Pea Shooter and killing the first bullet kin in the tutorial)

Shoot some of the junk I've got laying around in here. #TUT_KNIGHT_R5_PLAYER_PICKED_UP_GUN
Don't be shy, shoot this stuff up. #TUT_KNIGHT_R5_SHOOT_MORE_STUFF
Alright, I think you've got the hang of it. Come on back. #TUT_KNIGHT_R5_SHOOT_COME_BACK

#TUT_KNIGHT_R7_TAUNT_001 (The string keys for these lines label them as 'taunts', and they are grouped with the lines for Manuels tutorial bossfight, suggesting that they were intended to play when Manuel took damage mid combat.)


(The string keys for this line suggests it was intended to play when the player took damage during Ser Manuels tutorial bossfight.)

You're not ready! #TUT_KNIGHT_R7_PLAYER_TAKES_DAMAGE_001

#TUT_TEST_SHOTAGAIN_notinterested (These lines are similar in composition and string key name to those played when shooting Manuel after defeating him in battle, however these lines make no reference to Blockner or his tragic past.)

You've already won.
There's no point in shooting me more!
You're the worst.
The ABSOLUTE worst!
Go play the actual game now.

#TUT_KNIGHT_R7_HASSHIELD_09 (These lines are very similar to those that play when interacting with Manuel after hearing his tragic backstory, but with a different description of Blockner)

That'll do. Go on.
You'll know Blockner if see him, he wears a suit of armor, in the colors red & black.
Leave me to my studies. The next time you face me, my power will be one-thousand fold.
Leave me.

(String key suggests this line was intended to play in the Breach)

Thanks for avenging me! #TUT_FOYER_REPEAT

In The Underbreach
(Interacting for the first time on a save file)

Dialoguesequential.png Oh. Hello again.
Dialoguesequential.png Shouldn't you be... gone?
Dialoguesequential.png This place is unstable, you know. (After this line, rocks will fall from above onto the player)
Dialoguesequential.png See. Unstable.
Dialoguesequential.png ...
Dialoguesequential.png She sent you over here didn't she?
Dialoguesequential.png ...
Dialoguesequential.png *siiiggh*
Dialoguesequential.png You need a refresher on how to master the Gungeon?
Dialoguesequential.png From I... SER MANUEL?

Yes. No. <Skip Tutorial>
Dialoguesequential.png Oh boy.

Dialoguesequential.png Here we go.
Dialoguesequential.png Let's do this thing.
Dialoguesequential.png Let's adjourn to the Halls of Knowledge!
(After this dialogue, the player will be taken to the Halls of Knowledge)

Dialoguesequential.png Great, take this Pamphlet just in case.

Dialoguesequential.png Good luck. Have fun... etcetera.
(After this dialogue, the player will gain the Pamphlet)

(Interacting after taking the Pamphlet or after leaving the Halls of Knowledge without completing the tutorial)

Dialoguesequential.png ... Yes?
Dialoguesequential.png Can I help you?
Dialoguesequential.png Do you want me to give you the whole tutorial?

Dialoguerandom.png Teach me the ways of the Gungeon! <Do Tutorial>

Dialoguerandom.png Can you give me a refresher after all?
Dialoguerandom.png Yes, please give me the tutorial.

Dialoguesequential.png Oh boy.

Dialoguesequential.png Here we go.
Dialoguesequential.png Let's do this thing.
Dialoguesequential.png Let's adjourn to the Halls of Knowledge!
(After this dialogue, the player will be taken to the Halls of Knowledge)

Ok. See you later.
(Interacting after completing the tutorial)

Dialoguerandom.png Meet me in the Halls of Knowledge if you want a refresher, otherwise let me relax.
Dialoguerandom.png The Halls of Knowledge are open, if you need more practice.
Dialoguerandom.png ...

In The Halls of Knowledge
(Upon entering the Halls of Knowledge)

Dialogueconditional.png On Controller and Keyboard Wayward soul! Approach me and Press Interact Key to Speak!
Dialogueconditional.png On a touchscreen device Wayward soul! Approach me and Swipe Up on the Left Side of the screen to Speak!

(Interacting if the tutorial has not yet been completed)

Dialoguesequential.png Very good! Excellent Interacting.
Dialoguesequential.png Welcome to the Halls of Knowledge!
Dialoguesequential.png Here, don the Hat of the Pupil.
Dialoguesequential.png Lights!
Dialoguesequential.png Due to the carelessness of regretful souls wantonly firing a weapon that rips through time and space... the Gungeon is crumbling.
Dialoguesequential.png To reach the exit in time, you must ascend via the Tinker's network of make-shift elevators.
Dialoguesequential.png I've instructed my assistant to set-dress the Halls of Knowledge to approximate what your environment will be as you race to the top.
Dialoguesequential.png The first and most important thing to master is the Dodge Roll.
Dialoguesequential.png Observe my assistant.
(After this, the Dodge Roll lesson will begin)


Do you just want to practice Controls... or do you want me to do my whole spiel?

I'm good. Just practicing. Do the whole thing.
Dialoguesequential.png Good, I'm tired anyway.

Dialoguesequential.png Peace.

Dialoguesequential.png ...Okay.

Dialoguesequential.png Let's... do this thing!
Dialoguesequential.png Welcome to the Halls of Knowledge!
Dialoguesequential.png Let's begin!
Dialoguesequential.png Lights!
Dialoguesequential.png Due to the carelessness of regretful souls wantonly firing a weapon that rips through time and space... the Gungeon is crumbling.
Dialoguesequential.png To reach the exit in time, you must ascend via the Tinker's network of make-shift elevators.
Dialoguesequential.png I've instructed my assistant to set-dress the Halls of Knowledge to approximate what your environment will be as you race to the top.
Dialoguesequential.png The first and most important thing to master is the Dodge Roll.
Dialoguesequential.png Observe my assistant.
(After this, the Dodge Roll lesson will begin)

In The Halls of Knowledge (Dodge Roll Lesson)
(Upon the beginning of the lesson)

Groupedsequence.png Dialogueconditional.png (Keyboard Controls) To Dodge Roll, press the Roll Key Button, while moving Left or Right.
Groupedsequence.png Dialogueconditional.png (Gamepad Controls, Stick Setting) To Dodge Roll, press the Roll Button Button, while holding Control Stick Left or Right.
Groupedsequence.png Dialogueconditional.png (Gamepad Controls, Button Setting) To Dodge Roll, press the Roll Button Button, while holding Move Left Button or Move Right Button.
Groupedsequence.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Tap Setting) To Dodge Roll, Tap the Right Side of the screen while moving Left or Right.
Groupedsequence.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Golf Setting) To Dodge Roll, press the Right Side of the screen and Drag Left or Right, then Release.
Groupedsequence.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Swipe Setting) To Dodge Roll, Swipe Left or Right on the Right Side of the screen.
Dialoguesequential.png Try it now.

(Interacting again before Dodge Rolling)

Can't figure it out? That's ok, I'll remind you.
(The lesson introduction dialogue will then repeat)

(After dodge rolling)

Dialogueordered.png Perfect Dodge Rolling! Now, do it a few more times!
Dialogueordered.png Good.
Dialogueordered.png Great.
Dialogueordered.png Nice.
Dialogueend.png That's enough.

(After dodge rolling after hearing 'That's enough' or speaking to Manuel)

Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) When you press the screen to initiate a Dodge Roll, time slows to a crawl for a few seconds.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) This allows you to make perfectly timed Dodge Rolls, but when time runs out, you will Dodge Roll in the last held direction.
Dialoguesequential.png Ready to move on?

Yeah, let's continue. Actually, let me try one more time.
(Begins the Ascending Dodge Roll tutorial)
(The player will be given some more opportunity to practice before this event repeats)
(After using an Ascending Dodge Roll during the portion where Manuel expects regular Dodge Rolls)

Dialoguesequential.png ... How did you do that?
Dialoguesequential.png You were... flying for a moment!

(After continuing to use Ascending Dodge Rolls)

Dialogueordered.png Could the legends be true?
Dialogueordered.png No.
Dialogueordered.png You are doing it wrong.
Dialogueordered.png Dialogueconditional.png (Keyboard or Gamepad Input) Press Roll Key.
Dialogueordered.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) Swipe Left or Right!
Dialogueordered.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Golf Setting) Drag Left or Right!
Dialogueordered.png Stop this witchcraft!
Dialogueordered.png Ok fine. Keep doing it.
Dialogueordered.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the Hat of the Delinquent has not been unlocked) You must now don the Hat of the Delinquent.
Dialogueordered.png Your petulant refusal to Dodge Roll is irritating... but I won't force you.
Dialogueordered.png I told you to stop that. If you do it one more time, I am going to FACTORY RESET THIS DEVICE. Don't test me.

(After using the Ascending Dodge Roll one more time after Manuel threatens to reset the users device)

Dialoguesequential.png I warned you. All you had to do was Dodge Roll.
Dialoguesequential.png I do not make idle threats... anymore...
Dialoguesequential.png I hope you made a backup.
Dialoguesequential.png Zap!
(After this line, a fake factory reset progress bar will initiate for a time)
Dialoguesequential.png Just kidding!
Dialoguesequential.png I can't actually do that... ...legally...
Dialoguesequential.png Anyway...
Dialoguesequential.png Ready to move on?

Yeah, let's continue. Actually, let me try one more time.
(Begins the Ascending Dodge Roll tutorial)
(The player will be given some more opportunity to practice before 'Ready to move on?' repeats)
In The Halls of Knowledge (Ascending Dodge Roll Lesson)
(Upon beginning the lesson)

Dialoguesequential.png Because your Dodge Rolling skills are so excellent...
Dialoguesequential.png There is one other thing I would like you to try.
Dialoguesequential.png Legends tell of an ancient Gungeoneer who ascended when he Dodge Rolled.
Dialoguesequential.png It is referred to as the... Ascending Dodge Roll.
Dialoguesequential.png The scriptures say that to perform this fabled technique, you must...
Dialogueconditional.png (Keyboard or Gamepad Input) Press the Ascending Roll Key Button.
Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Golf Setting) Press the Right Side of the screen and Drag Up, then Release.
Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Swipe Setting) Swipe Up on the Right Side of the screen.
Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Tap Setting) Tap and Hold the Right Side of the screen.

(Upon beginning the lesson if the player used an Ascending Dodge Roll during the regular Dodge Roll tutorial)

Dialoguesequential.png That thing you did there...
Dialoguesequential.png It was like...
Dialoguesequential.png Some kind of vertical Dodge Roll.
Dialoguesequential.png Legends tell of an ancient Gungeoneer who ascended when he Dodge Rolled.
Dialoguesequential.png It is referred to as the... Ascending Dodge Roll.
Dialoguesequential.png No one has ever been able to achieve it... until now.
Dialoguesequential.png Can you do it again for me?

(After dodge rolling normally)

Dialogueordered.png No that's a normal Dodge Roll.
Dialoguerepeat.png No.

(Interacting again before performing an Ascending Dodge Roll)

To perform an Ascending Dodge Roll...
(Re-triggers the Ascending Dodge Roll control explanation dialogue)

(After performing an Ascending Dodge Roll)

Dialoguerandom.png Yes!

(Interacting after performing an Ascending Dodge Roll)

Dialoguesequential.png You're doing it!
Dialoguesequential.png This is an IMMENSE discovery!
Dialoguesequential.png Please, do it again... but this time, try to go as HIGH as you can!

(After performing an Ascending Dodge Roll of insufficient height)

Dialoguerandom.png Higher!
Dialoguerandom.png Yes!

(After performing an Ascending Dodge Roll of sufficient height)

Dialoguesequential.png Dear Kaliber, the height!
Dialoguesequential.png You've mounted that precipice!
Dialoguesequential.png You can also Dodge Roll while you are in the air by pressing Ascending Roll Key or Roll Key again before you land.
Dialoguesequential.png You should try it out when you get a chance.
Dialoguesequential.png But how will you get down?
Dialoguesequential.png Hmm...
Dialoguesequential.png Try... Dodge Rolling!

(After dodge rolling on the first platform)

Dialoguesequential.png No... that didn't work... hmm.
Dialoguesequential.png Maybe...
Dialoguesequential.png Try... another Ascending Dodge Roll! Perhaps if you go high enough, you'll eventually... wrap around and reach me again.

(After using the Ascending Dodge Roll to reach the second platform)

Dialoguesequential.png Now you're even higher!
Dialoguesequential.png What you really need is some kind of...
Dialoguesequential.png Descending Dodge Roll.
Dialoguesequential.png I have an idea!
Dialogueconditional.png (Keyboard or Gamepad Input) Hold Down Key, and then Press the Ascending Roll Key Button.
Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Golf Setting) Press the Right Side of the screen and Drag Down, then Release.
Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Swipe Setting)Swipe Down on the Right Side of the screen.
Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls, Tap Setting)Tap and Hold the Right Side of the screen.

(After using the Ascending Dodge Roll to reach the third platform)

Oh, you're still going...

(After using the Ascending Dodge Roll from the third platform)

You should come down now.

(After using the Ascending Dodge Roll to reach all the way to the top of the room)

Hey, since you went all the way up there. Can you grab that FLYING DISC?

(After using the Descending Dodge Roll)

Dialoguesequential.png That thing you did there...
Dialoguesequential.png It was some kind of... Descending Dodge Roll.
Dialoguesequential.png Surely I must be the first to have discovered this powerful technique...

(Interacting after returning from the platforms)

Dialoguesequential.png Excellent!
Dialoguesequential.png Welcome back!
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player has the Flying Disc) Oh thank you for grabbing the FLYING DISC!
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player has the Flying Disc) I threw it up there a while back and assumed it lost forever.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player has the Flying Disc) It's actually old friend... Blockner's... he sure turned red when I threw it up there...
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player has the Flying Disc) Maybe it will prove useful for you.
Dialoguesequential.png Now that you are well versed in all three types of Dodge Rolls, we can put them to use.
(Begins the bullet dodging lesson)

In The Halls of Knowledge (Bullet Dodging Lesson)
(Upon beginning the lesson)

Dialoguesequential.png When you Dodge Roll, you are invulnerable until you hit the ground.
Dialoguesequential.png This means you can Dodge Roll through Bullets. And, in the Gungeon, Bullets will be flying everywhere.
Dialoguesequential.png On my command, the walls will begin to fire Bullets.
Dialoguesequential.png To survive, you must time your Dodge Roll so that the Bullets pass you while you are in the air.
Dialoguesequential.png As long as you are in the air, you are invulnerable.
Dialoguesequential.png The easiest way to time it is to roll towards the Bullets, not away from them.
Dialoguesequential.png It can be counterintuitive, I know. I assure you however that this is a battle tested technique.
Dialoguesequential.png Ready... Go!

(After the player takes damage for the first time)

Dialoguesequential.png Oh, you've been hit!
Dialoguesequential.png Don't worry, the Bullets in the Halls of Knowledge are non-lethal.
Dialoguesequential.png In the Gungeon however, you can only take a few hits before you're dead.
Dialoguesequential.png Try again!

(After the player takes damage)

Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player didnt roll before taking damage) That was a little late.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player rolled before taking damage) Too early.
Dialoguerandom.png Oh boy, you've been hit Number of Hits times now.
Dialoguerandom.png Number of Hits hits... that's not great.
Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player has taken 6 hits or more) That's Number of Hits hits... in the Gungeon, you would now be dead.
Dialoguerandom.png Number of Hits hits.


Dialoguesequential.png Remember, Dodge Roll just before the Bullets would hit you.
Dialoguesequential.png Ready... Go!

(After successfully dodge rolling over bullets without taking damage)

Dialogueordered.png Excellent!
Dialogueordered.png Do it again!
Dialogueordered.png One more time!
Dialoguesequential.png Now, I'm gonna change it up.
Dialoguesequential.png The Bullets will come from above, so use an Ascending Dodge Roll just before you would be hit.

(After successfully dodging the bullets from above)

Dialoguesequential.png Perfect.
Dialoguesequential.png Now, use the Ascending Dodge Roll to mount that platform again.

(After Mounting the platform at Ser Manuel's request)

Dialoguesequential.png Great.
Dialoguesequential.png This time the Bullets will come from below.
Dialoguesequential.png Practice my Descending Dodge Roll technique and pass through the Bullets.

(After successfully dodging the bullets from below)

Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took a lot of damage during the tutorial) That was pretty bad. Embarassing really.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player some damage during the tutorial) Hey, you did... ok on that pattern.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took no damage during the tutorial) Excellent Job!
Dialoguesequential.png Do you want to try it again?

Give me another shot coach! I'm good, let's move on.
Ok, I'm just gonna let them fly. Speak with me when you'd like to continue.

(Begins a dodging practice segment)

(Begins the Blank Tutorial)
(Interacting during the bullet dodging practice)

Ready to move on?

Yeah, let's continue. Actually, let me try one more time.
Ok, I'm just gonna let them fly. Speak with me when you'd like to continue.

(Resumes the dodging practice segment)

(Begins the Blank Tutorial)
In The Halls of Knowledge (Blanking Lesson)
(Upon beginning the lesson)

Dialoguesequential.png Ok, we're nearly there.
Dialoguesequential.png In nearly every case, a well timed Dodge Roll will keep you healthy.
Dialoguesequential.png In the Gungeon, there are a lot of Bullets.
Dialoguesequential.png And Bullets, like life, come at you fast.
Dialoguesequential.png Sometimes it can be overwhelming, and there may be no obvious way to Dodge Roll to avoid damage.
Dialoguesequential.png For these rare situations, you must master the use of the Blank.
Dialoguesequential.png They look like this Blank.png.
Dialoguesequential.png When you use a Blank, all Bullets on the screen will be sent to another plane of existence. Erased.
Dialoguesequential.png Blanks are very powerful and as such are in limited supply. Use them wisely.
Dialoguesequential.png They are the last resort of the skilled Gungeoneer.
Dialoguesequential.png Let's try them out.
Dialoguesequential.png Here, pick up this Blank.

(After a delay, if the player has not picked up the blank)

Dialogueordered.png Pick up the Blank.
Dialogueend.png Just step on it.

(After picking up the Blank)

Dialoguesequential.png Some commonly handled items, like Blanks, are sticky, and will attach to you when you step on them.
Dialoguesequential.png Others will need to be interacted with to be picked up. Remember that!
Dialoguesequential.png I'm going to fire the Bullets again.
Dialoguesequential.png When I do, use a Blank to erase them.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Keyboard Controls) To use a Blank, Press the Blank Key Button.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Gamepad Controls) To use a Blank, Click in the Left Stick and the Right Stick at the same time.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Gamepad Controls) Or Press the Blank Button Button.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) To use a Blank, Tap the Blank Button on the screen.
Dialoguesequential.png Ready? Here they come!

(If the player uses the Blank before the bullets appear)

Wait for the Bullets to appear before you use the Blank.

(If the player uses the Blank after the bullets have already hit them)

Use the Blank before the Bullets hit you.

(If the player dodge rolls through the bullets)

Your Dodge Rolling skills are very impressive, but you were supposed to use a Blank.

(After spawning a replacement blank following the players failure)

Dialoguerandom.png Let's try again.
Dialoguerandom.png Here have another try.
Dialoguerandom.png Mulligan.
Dialoguerandom.png Do over.
Dialoguerandom.png Here's another Blank.

(After using a blank to erase the bullets)

Dialoguesequential.png You did it!
Dialoguesequential.png Remember, Blanks are one-time use, so don't rely on them.
(Begins Weapons Training)

In The Halls of Knowledge (Weapons Training)
(Upon beginning the lesson)

Dialoguesequential.png Now, for the moment you have been waiting for...
Dialoguesequential.png Weapons training.
Dialoguesequential.png Gun Shoots.
Dialoguesequential.png The best defense, other than an excellent defense, is a good offense. So Kill enemies quickly to reduce the threat of taking damage.
Dialoguesequential.png To Shoot, you will need a Gun.
Dialoguesequential.png I remembered your favorite Gun.
Dialoguesequential.png Open that Chest, and take your weapon.

(Interacting before opening the chest)

Dialoguerandom.png Open it.
Dialoguerandom.png Open the Chest.
Dialoguerandom.png Open the Chest by Interacting with it.

(Interacting after opening the chest but before picking up the Pea Shooter)

Dialoguerandom.png Pick it up.
Dialoguerandom.png Pick up the Gun.
Dialoguerandom.png Pick up the Gun by Interacting again.

(After picking up the Pea Shooter)

Dialoguesequential.png Now, you're armed and mildly dangerous.
Dialoguesequential.png When you Exit the Gungeon, the Sorceress will Bless your weapon. A blessed weapon will change its form and effectiveness every few seconds.
Dialoguesequential.png Kaliber is a mysterious deity that rewards skillful gunplay and artful dodging. Displaying prowess in combat will surely curry favor with Kaliber, who may reward you with increased firepower.
Dialoguesequential.png Basically, the higher your Combo, the more likely that your Gun will take the form of something powerful.
Dialoguesequential.png Now, my assistant will play the role of one of the bloodthirsty natural inhabitants of the Gungeon.
Dialoguesequential.png Do not worry for their safety. True Gundead will show you no mercy.
Dialoguesequential.png As a volunteer they understand the dangers involved. I assure you they are... well protected.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Keyboard Controls) Use the Mouse to Aim your Gun.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Gamepad Controls, Button Aiming Setting) Use the Aim Up Aim Down Aim Left Aim Right Buttons to Aim your Gun.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Gamepad Controls, Stick Aiming Setting) Use the Aiming Stick to Aim your Gun.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Gamepad Controls, Stick Aiming Setting, Auto Fire) Use the Aiming Stick to Aim and Fire your Gun.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Keyboard & Gamepad Controls) To Shoot, Press the Fire Key Button.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Non-Touchscreen Controls) When I say, Fire upon it!
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Non-Touchscreen Controls) Now... Shoot it!
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) To Aim and Shoot your Gun, Think about the Enemy you want to Shoot.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) Your Gun will read your thoughts and Fire for you.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) You'd be surprised how often it gets it right.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) If your Gun has trouble reading your thoughts, it may choose to Fire upon the closest Enemy.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) Now, Think!

(After a delay, if the player has not shot the Cultist (Non-Touchscreen Controls))

Dialoguerandom.png Shoot it!
Dialoguerandom.png Kill it!

(After a delay, if the player has not shot the Cultist (Touchscreen Controls))

Dialogueordered.png Think Harder and Slay the Beast!
Dialogueordered.png Squeeze the thought of Shooting him to the front of your mind!
Dialogueordered.png Try moving your brain closer to the screen, and then Think again.

(Upon being shot if the Cultist is still alive)

Shoot it, not me you twit!

(Upon being shot)

Dialogueordered.png Shooting me is pointless, I am a Ghost and your Bullets fear me.
Dialogueordered.png I am wearing a powerful magnet that deflects your fire.
Dialogueordered.png I'm too lucky to be hit by a your puny pea-shaped Bullets.
Dialogueordered.png Stop shooting me.

(Upon killing the Cultist)

Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) Yes! It worked!
Dialoguesequential.png You have the mind of a killer.
Dialoguesequential.png Truly, you are without conscience.
Dialoguesequential.png Now, remember, don't even Think about Shooting me.
Dialoguesequential.png ...
Dialoguesequential.png Good.
Dialoguesequential.png The inhabitants of the Gungeon are far more dangerous than what you saw from my assistant.
Dialoguesequential.png I would be abandoning my duties as mentor if I did not prepare you further for the dangers ahead.
Dialoguesequential.png It is time for your Final Lesson.
Dialoguesequential.png You must now, once again, face me in single combat.
Dialoguesequential.png Show no mercy, as none shall be given. I will allow your bullets to hit me, just for this exercise.
Dialoguesequential.png Prepare yourself!

(Upon defeating Ser Manuel)

Dialoguesequential.png Ah the student, has become... competent.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took no hits against Manuel) You were untouchable.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took 1 hit against Manuel) I got you once though.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took more than 1 hit against Manuel) I hit you Number of Hits times.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took few hits against Manuel) You're pretty good.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took many hits against Manuel) That's... not great.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took more than 6 hits against Manuel) You would be dead if this demonstration was using Live Ammo.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took a large number of hits against Manuel) Oh uh, listen Character Name, there's one more thing I feel like I gotta say...
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took a large number of hits against Manuel) How do I say this...
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took a large number of hits against Manuel) This is the tutorial... Unless you were just screwing around... you probably are not ready to Exit the Gungeon.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (If the player took a large number of hits against Manuel) Maybe give my lessons another try... It's up to you though. Good luck in any case... you'll need it.
Dialoguesequential.png Here, don the Hat of the Initiate.
Dialoguesequential.png I have nothing more to teach you.
Dialoguesequential.png Passing my test is a great...
Dialoguesequential.png Achievement.
Dialoguesequential.png That's it. We're done here.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) There are other control schemes you might want to experiment with.
Dialoguesequential.png Dialogueconditional.png (Touchscreen Controls) Use this other machine to switch between them.
Dialoguesequential.png If you want to continue to practice, Use this machine to spawn real Gundead, one at a time.
Dialoguesequential.png I'll be back in the UnderBreach.
Dialoguesequential.png Use the Door to get back.
Dialoguesequential.png Toodles.