Talk:The Robot

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Appropriate pronouns

I don't think the robot was given a gender, if i'm wrong can someone say because im thinking we should change all the pronouns for this 'bot to they/them.

"It" might be fitting when referring to a robot.Silphium (talk) 02:50, 9 April 2019 (UTC)
I've changed all pronouns to "it". Silphium (talk) 23:50, 16 April 2019 (UTC)

How could the robot kill humans

In most of the ammonomicon description, it mentions that these are for the shock troops of the Hemogony. The Deck4RD also mentions a shock troop robot entering the Gungeon after being disbanded. So how could the robot also kill humans?

I assume you're talking about the ammonomicon description for Battery Bullets? There's a few points to go over:
  • Just because the robot has them doesn't mean that it's a Schock trooper, just that they are typically used by shock troops (which is a play on words, since they don't just shock and awe, they also literally shock with electricity). Most of the entries about its arms actually call it an assault robot instead.
  • The shock trooper robot mentioned in the Deck4rd article is almost certainly a replicant in reference to the movie blade runner. Replicants are "synthetic, bio-robotic beings" which look the same as humans (like the terminator they have a layer of skin so they even feel human), which is why you need a detective to track them down. The robot we play as seems to be a simpler combat assault robot with a minigun arm that could never pass for a human.
  • Granted, it could just be that the lore is inconsistent, references and wordplay are often more deciding than some overarching lore about what exactly a shocktrooper robot is.
  • in fact, according to the robot's past, there are no more humans (you fight and kill the last human), while according to the pilot's and convict's past there are plenty still around. Either the pasts are mutually exclusive, meaning the characters are from different dimensions, or they are from vastly different time periods, with the robot's past being the latest time period (with humanity just being wiped out). So I guess the answer to your question likely is: "In the future robots rebel and kill everyone... somehow, for some reason".
  • So let's just assume the robot is a "shock trooper". You say that those shock trooper robots have some inability to kill humans. Why do you think this? The robots seem made to kill any enemy of the hegemony of man... including a human rebel pilot and his friend if they don't comply, or the special forces sent to chase them in the deck4rd entry. Robots would have no trouble killing even after being decommissioned and escaping; that is what they were made to do.
Silphium (talk) 02:50, 9 April 2019 (UTC)

Not balanced in Exit the Gungeon (weak)

In Enter he has battery bullets which give him accuracy, extra damage from that + from coolant leak and from possible junk, which made him optimal for rainbow runs. He was a glass cannon but with some neat strengths.

In Exit he feels like the worse one. The entire game is basically what a Blessed run would be in Enter (constant changing of weapons randomly) so you can't use that 3 piece combo. Instead he has a blank activate whenever you grab a pickup, but from what I've played so far it seems to not even clear bullets. Just doesn't work.

Also, there are no items that give you armor/armor every floor, like a gunknight helmet or nanomachines or something. Apparently there's Armor Synthesizer but haven't seen it so far and I've beaten the Dragun with every Gungeoneer but the Robot so far. Even if it is in the game, it's ONE ITEM. ONE, that you ABSOLUTELY need. Oh and Junk, it's pretty much an S Tier item now, can also be a pickup for small amount of time. Quite rare to get more than 1 of them. If you manage to have Junk I'm not even sure it gives your damage any sort of boost.

So yeah he's by far the worst Gungeoneer in Exit, completely imbalanced.