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Text Colour Key
grey This text provides context for interactions, and is not part of any original quote.
cyan This text represents a variable value that may change depending on the character being played, or the player's settings.
orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
Hover over each icon to see what it represents.

Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Bello the Shopkeeper.

In The Gungeon
(Upon entering the room)

Oh, you're still alive.


Dialogueordered.png Watch out for all the bullets.
Dialogueordered.png Use the teleporter to come back and spend some more!
Dialogueordered.png Blobulons get faster when they split apart. Weird ones, those. Not native to the Gungeon, either.
Dialogueordered.png Rubber Bullets won't hurt you, but they sure are annoying!
Dialogueordered.png Shotgun Kin can be dangerous if they back you into a corner.
Dialogueordered.png Some Gunjurors can catch your bullets and fire them back at you. Time your shots well.
Dialogueordered.png You're either dodgin' or you're dyin' down here.
Dialogueordered.png Spend some Money.png.
Dialogueordered.png If you get hit, lay on the ground and die.
Dialogueordered.png The Map is helpful, given you know how to read one. Never figured it out myself. That's why I run this shop.
Dialogueordered.png If you completely run out of ammo, switch to the gun you brought with you. It's crap, but it doesn't quit.
Dialogueordered.png The Gungeon is a mystical place. Some say it's never the same twice. I say that all the time.
Dialogueordered.png We don't ask each other what we're here for in the Gungeon. Keep your questions to yourself.
Dialogueordered.png The Items I sell do all sorts of things. I have no idea, really.
Dialogueordered.png If you find a crack in a wall, use a Blank to blast it down.
Dialogueordered.png If you don't have a Key, you can try and bust a chest open. The loot you find might not be as good.
Dialogueordered.png My cat Ocelot came with me to the Gungeon. Guess she's got her own demons to battle.
Dialogueordered.png People come from all over the galaxy to the Gungeon. Most of us never leave.
Dialogueordered.png Have a seat on one of my masterfully crafted stools!
Dialogueordered.png Gundead are belligerent by nature, so show them no mercy!
Dialogueordered.png Folks tell of a great one-eyed beast with a score of arms and a gun for each one. Wouldn't want to run into him!
Dialogueordered.png I sell Guns, Items, Hearts, Keys and Armor. Pretty much cornered the market on them too.
Dialogueordered.png Reloading takes time, so watch your ammo bar!
Dialogueordered.png Nobody knows why bullets pass through you while you're rolling in the Gungeon, but at this point I've stopped questioning it.

(Interacting for the fifth time onwards)

Dialoguerandom.png Not in the mood for chatting.
Dialoguerandom.png Buy something or move on.
Dialoguerandom.png Don't you have something to do?

(After a successful purchase)

Dialoguerandom.png An excellent choice.
Dialoguerandom.png That will get you out of a jam!
Dialoguerandom.png You have fine taste.
Dialoguerandom.png That one's just firing off the shelves!
Dialoguerandom.png Lock and load! Right?
Dialoguerandom.png Thanks much!
Dialoguerandom.png Thank you for your patronage!

(After a failed purchase)

I think your wallet needs to reload.

(After shooting in the shop for the first time)

Dialoguerandom.png If you keep acting like that, it's gonna cost you!
Dialoguerandom.png HEY! No firing in the shop!
Dialoguerandom.png I'm warning you! Don't shoot again!

(After shooting in the shop for the second time)

Dialoguerandom.png THAT'S IT! PRICES ARE DOUBLE!
Dialoguerandom.png YOU WERE WARNED!
Dialoguerandom.png VANDAL!
(After this, Bello becomes enraged)

(Interacting while Bello is enraged)

Dialoguerandom.png I don't feel chummy right now!
Dialoguerandom.png You shot my shop!
Dialoguerandom.png Don't push your luck.
Dialoguerandom.png Just for that, prices have gone up.

(After a successful purchase, if Bello is enraged)

Dialoguerandom.png I should've tripled the prices.
Dialoguerandom.png Take it and GO!
Dialoguerandom.png GET OUT!
Dialoguerandom.png You're lucky you're my only customer.

(After being caught stealing)

Dialoguerandom.png Thief!
Dialoguerandom.png Get out and don't come back!

Unused Dialogue

The dialogue in this section is all either unused, or how to trigger it is currently unknown. Context clues on when this dialogue might play may be present in the texts string key.

Unused Dialogue
#SHOP_ENTER (Shares a string key with "Oh, you're still alive.", however this line will never play. It can be seen playing in early gameplay previews from 2015[1])

Welcome back.


Forget something?
Welcome back.
Oh, you're still alive.
Well met, adventurer!
Sample my wares!


Good shooting!
Don't forget to reload!
Shell you later!

#SHOP_NOMONEY (Shares a string key with "I think your wallet needs to reload.", however these lines will never play, and are preceeded in the string file by the text #fakefakefakeremoveaftere3)

I'm not running a charity.
Not enough Money.png. Sorry.
Keep dreamin'.
Not gunna happen.
I've got a cat to feed.
