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Disambigsprite.png This article is about the main Shop of each Chamber. For other NPCs who sell items, see Merchants.

The Shop is a special room that appears on almost every floor in Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon. It is run by a merchant NPC named Bello, who offers a wide variety of items, guns, and pickups for sale in exchange for Money.png. The shop is of great importance to any Gungeoneers progression through The Gungeons chambers, as it provides vital resources and weaponry to give the player an edge against the Cult of the Gundead.

The Shop generates in the following chambers;

Enter the Gungeon ETG Exit the Gungeon XTG

ETG The Shop does not appear on the Forge, and is instead replaced by the Blacksmith NPC.

Enter the Gungeon ETG

Bello and the shop is the players primary method of purchasing guns and items, as well as being a vital source of Key.png on early floors, as the shop always contains at least one key for sale. The shop always has 3 random pickups for sale on the main counter, as well as 0-3 extra items, guns, or pickups.
The shop can sell Hearts, Keys, Blanks, Armor, and Ammo.

The shop also contains a round table off the side which has its own item pool, able to sell up to four Blanks, Glass Guon Stones, or Maps at the following chances per space;

Blank.png Glass Guon Stone.png Map.png Nothing
40.82% 8.16% 2.04% 48.98%

Bello is the only NPC who is actively hostile to the player firing their gun in his shop. On the first shot, Bello will give a warning. After the second shot, Bello will draw a large shotgun and threaten the player, doubling his prices. After the third shot, Bello will fire on the player, attempting to kill them for a short time, before teleporting the player out of the room and ducking out of sight behind the counter.
Once Bello has left, all items in the shop vanish along with him, rendering the shop unusable. Additionally, Bello will not reappear in future Chambers, leaving the shop empty and unusable for the remainder of the run.

Bello will also leave the shop for the rest of the run if the player is caught stealing, although he will not attack the player.

If the Lord of the Jammed enters the Shop, Bello will also vanish- although he will reappear next floor.

Glass Case

Glass case.png

In the Gungeon Proper, the shop can also contain a special item in a glass case, if certain conditions are met.

If the player has not yet delivered it to the Blacksmith, the Prime Primer.png Prime Primer will appear in the case for 110Money.png. Purchasing the Prime Primer and delivering it to the Blacksmith is necessary for unlocking the Bullet That Can Kill The Past.

If the player has constructed the Bullet That Can Kill The Past, the casing will instead contain the Gnawed Key.png Gnawed Key with a cost of 1000Money.png. Uniquely, the price of the Gnawed Key can be paid over the course of multiple runs. On future runs after being purchased for the first time, the Gnawed Key will cost only 115Money.png, but can no longer be paid for over multiple runs.
This key is necessary to access the Resourceful Rat's Lair.


Shop annex.png

Certain shop layouts contain an extra side-area, called the Annex. This annex contains a random NPC from the below table, chosen based on a weight value.

The chance of any given NPC being chosen is equal to the NPC's weight divided by the sum of the weights of all possible NPCs. Certain NPCs are not available here until unlocked, and this as a result will skew the % chances of any particular NPC appearing. As a result, the % chance listed in the below table assumes that all possible NPCs have been unlocked and all other requirements are met.

NPC Appearance Req Weight % Chance
Muncher idle.png
Will not appear in the Keep of the Lead Lord, or if the Gungeon Proper has not been visited at least once. 0.5 30.21%
Sellcreep idle.gif
Sell Creep
Will not appear in the Hollow if the player has a Master Round 0.5 30.21%
Vampire idle.gif
Rescued from a Cellicon.png Cell. 0.25 15.1%
Oldred idle.gif
Old Red
Rescued from a Cellicon.png Cell. 0.1 6.04%
Cursula idle.gif
Rescued from a Cellicon.png Cell. 0.1 6.04%
Flynt idle.gif
Rescued from a Cellicon.png Cell. 0.1 6.04%
Goopton idle.gif
Professor Goopton
Rescued from a Cellicon.png Cell. 0.1 6.04%
Evilmuncher idle.png
Evil Muncher
Will not appear in the Keep of the Lead Lord, or if the Hollow has not been visited at least once. 0.005 0.3%

Payday Items

Clownmask in shop.png

Before the respective items have been unlocked, the shop has a 5% chance to contain the Clown Mask.png Clown Mask, Drill.png Drill, or Loot Bag.png Loot Bag. This chance is increased to 100% if the player has the Achievement Biggest Wallet.png Biggest Wallet Achievement. These items have a purchase price of 9999Money.png, making them effectively unobtainable by normal means.

These items must be stolen, or Bello must be forced to leave the shop by shooting, stealing, or luring the Lord of the Jammed inside. Once Bello leaves the shop, these particular items will not vanish, and their cost will be reduced to 0Money.png. Once acquired, these items will be permanently unlocked, and should they reappear in the shop they will have a normal purchase price.

Layouts ETG

Click expand to view possible Shop layouts. This table may not be exhaustive.
Image Name & Notes
Shop02 alternate entrance.png
Shop02 alternate entrance
Shop02 annex.png
Contains an Annex area.
Shop02 Alternate Annex.png
Contains an Annex area.

Exit the Gungeon XTG

Other Appearances


  • Bello is one of the only NPCs capable of killing the player.
  • The only NPC that can appear in the shop annex on a fresh save file is the Sell Creep.
  • Despite the high price of glass case items (Prime Primer & Gnawed Key), they can still be stolen.
    • If the Gnawed Key is stolen before being fully paid off, this will not count as purchasing it, and will not set its cost on future runs to 115Money.png.
    • Items in the glass case cannot be stolen with the Grappling Hook or Directional Pad.
  • When killed by Bello, the Ammonomicon death screen will state that they were killed by Justice.
  • The Shop contains an orange cat on a shelf, named Ocelot. [1]
    • This name is likely a reference to the character Revolver Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid.



  1. "My cat Ocelot came with me to the Gungeon. Guess she's got her own demons to battle." - Bello

See also

In the Breach Bowler · Daisuke · Doug · Drunkard · Frifle and the Grey Mauser · Gunknights · Hattori · Ledge Goblin · Ox and Cadence· Route Switcher · Ser Manuel · Snails · Tailor · Tonic
In the Gungeon Bello · Blacksmith · Blockner · Brother Albern · Cursula · Dragunfire Cultists · Flynt · Gunsling King and Manservantes · Lost Adventurer · Old Man · Old Red · Patches and Mendy · Professor Goopton · Resourceful Rat · Save Button · Sell Creep · Sorceress · Synergrace · Trorc · Union Mimic · Vampire · Winchester · Witches
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