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Trorc is an NPC that sets up shops in the Gungeon, where he will sell items and guns with a x0.8 price discount. After purchasing something from his shop in the Gungeon, he will also move to The Breach, where new items and guns can be unlocked with Hegemony Credit.png. A total of 124 Hegemony Credit.png is required to purchase everything.

Items Sold in the Gungeon

Icon Name Quote Type Notes
A.W.P..png A.W.P. Noob Cannon Semiautomatic Fires bullets that can pierce through one enemy.
Boxing Glove.png Boxing Glove Pistol Hondo Charged Shoots a boxing glove with a chance to stun. Gains a star each time it kills an enemy, up to 3. When at 3 stars, can be charged to consume the stars and fire a high-damage super punch. Increases curse by 1.
Bullet (Gun).png Bullet Fires Guns Semiautomatic Fires rotating guns which fire streams of bullets.
Casey.png Casey Batting .50 Charged Swinging the bat damages enemies and reflects nearby bullets. Does not reveal secret walls. Increases curse by 2.
Com4nd0.png Com4nd0 You're Fired Semiautomatic Fires homing rockets.
M16.png M16 Underslung Burst Reloading alternates between bursts of 3 bullets and a grenade launcher.
Machine Pistol.png Machine Pistol Rapid Fire Automatic
Mourning Star.png Mourning Star Satellite Rain Beam Calls down a controllable orbital laser.
Patriot.png Patriot Gun Eater Automatic Fires piercing bullets.

Fire rate increases rapidly as the trigger is held.

RC Rocket.png RC Rocket Avoid User Error Semiautomatic Fires rockets guided by the player's cursor.
Shell.png Shell Fires Shotguns Semiautomatic Fires several shotguns, each of which fires several bullets upon hitting an enemy or obstacle.
Wood Beam.png Wood Beam Speak Softly Beam Melee weapon that extends itself to hit enemies. Increases curse by 1.
Icon Name Type Quote Effect
Air Strike.png Air Strike Active Superior! Calls down a bombardment on a large rectangular area.
Big Boy.png Big Boy Active Set The World On Fire Calls down a missile at the crosshair, causing a large explosion that leaves behind a large pool of poison creep.
C4 (Item).png C4 Active Stick Boom Places explosives on the ground which then can be detonated by using the item again.
Chaff Grenade.png Chaff Grenade Active Dazed And Confused Stuns enemies. Can be used to steal items from shops.
Cigarettes.png Cigarettes Active Hazardous To Health Damages the player for half a heart. Increases Coolness.
Cluster Mine.png Cluster Mine Active Area Hazard Creates a cluster of proximity mines.
Double Vision.png Double Vision Active One For Each Of You While active, doubles the player's bullets.
Drum Clip.png Drum Clip Passive One Size Fits All Increases the magazine size of all weapons.
Flak Bullets.png Flak Bullets Passive Catch Some! Whenever a bullet hits an enemy or wall, it splits into several smaller, lower-damage bullets.
Full Metal Jacket.png Full Metal Jacket Passive Automated Defenses Automatically activates one of the player's blanks when they are about to take damage.
Laser Sight.png Laser Sight Passive King Of The Dot Increases gun accuracy.
Macho Brace.png Macho Brace Passive Value For Effort Shots are more powerful when coming out of a dodge roll.
Portable Table Device.png Portable Table Device Active Know When To Fold 'Em Spawns a small table that can be flipped.
Ration.png Ration Active Calories, Mate Heals for 2 hearts. Single use.
Remote Bullets.png Remote Bullets Passive The Unseen Hand Fired bullets home towards the players crosshair.
Stout Bullets.png Stout Bullets Passive Up Close And Personal Increases damage and bullet size at close range.
Turkey.png Turkey Passive Triple Tap Recovers 1 ammo after landing three sequential hits.

Items sold at The Breach

Icon Name Quote Type Notes Cost
M16.png M16 Underslung Burst Reloading alternates between bursts of bullets and a grenade launcher. 5 Hegemony Credit.png
Com4nd0.png Com4nd0 You're Fired Semiautomatic Fires homing rockets. 8 Hegemony Credit.png
A.W.P..png A.W.P. Noob Cannon Semiautomatic 10 Hegemony Credit.png
RC Rocket.png RC Rocket Avoid User Error Semiautomatic Fires rockets guided by the player's cursor. 15 Hegemony Credit.png
Patriot.png Patriot Gun Eater Automatic Fires piercing bullets. 12 Hegemony Credit.png
Icon Name Type Quote Effect Cost
Cluster Mine.png Cluster Mine Active Area Hazard Places 5 small mines that explode when an enemy comes into contact with them. 3 Hegemony Credit.png
Ration.png Ration Active Calories, Mate Single use. Heals the player for two hearts. Automatically used if the player runs out of health. 7 Hegemony Credit.png
Air Strike.png Air Strike Active Superior! Calls down a bombardment on a large rectangular area. 6 Hegemony Credit.png
Chaff Grenade.png Chaff Grenade Active Dazed And Confused Stuns enemies. Can be used to steal items from shops. 13 Hegemony Credit.png
Big Boy.png Big Boy Active Set The World On Fire Calls down a missile at the crosshair, causing a large explosion that leaves behind a large pool of poison creep. 20 Hegemony Credit.png
Magazine Rack.png Magazine Rack Active Instant Mail Order Creates a pool of infinite ammo for a short time. 25 Hegemony Credit.png


  • Trorc's name could also be a play on the words "troll" and "orc", as he has physical traits common in most representations of both creatures.
  • His name could also be a play on the words "trader" and "orc", as he trades goods for credits, and is an orc.
  • His name may also be a pun on the word "Torque" as he is sat in the back of a truck.
  • Trorc may also have a crush on Ledge Goblin, due to his dialogue text.
  • Trorc uses a variety of nicknames and honorifics for the player when they attempt to purchase items without enough credits. These change depending on which Gungeoneer is selected. These include:

”Lady” “Ma’am” “Prof” and “Pilgrim” for the Hunter. ”Jailbird” “Lawbreaker” and “Jumpsuit” for the Convict. ”Taffer” “Rogue” and “Flyboy” for the Pilot. ”Tough Guy” and “Soldier” for the Marine.

See also

In the Breach Bowler · Daisuke · Doug · Drunkard · Frifle and the Grey Mauser · Gunknights · Hattori · Ledge Goblin · Ox and Cadence· Route Switcher · Ser Manuel · Snails · Tailor · Tonic
In the Gungeon Bello · Blacksmith · Blockner · Brother Albern · Cursula · Dragunfire Cultists · Flynt · Gunsling King and Manservantes · Lost Adventurer · Old Man · Old Red · Patches and Mendy · Professor Goopton · Resourceful Rat · Save Button · Sell Creep · Sorceress · Synergrace · Trorc · Union Mimic · Vampire · Winchester · Witches
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