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grey This text provides context for interactions, and is not part of any original quote.
cyan This text represents a variable value that may change depending on the character being played, or the player's settings.
orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
Hover over each icon to see what it represents.

Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Trorc.

In The Gungeon
(Upon entering the room)



Dialogueordered.png Picked up a few things on the road.
Dialogueordered.png burp
Dialogueordered.png Just drove the ol' girl in here.
Dialogueordered.png Loadin' up these boxes then I hit the road.

(Interacting after purchasing an item from his shop for the first time. Overrides normal interact dialogue)

Hey, you. Meet me in the Breach and maybe we can do some wholesalin'.

(Interacting again)

Buy something or get out, I guess.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png $#&^%
Dialoguerandom.png Yo. Knock it off.
Dialoguerandom.png Settle down.

(After a successful purchase)

Dialoguerandom.png Great.
Dialoguerandom.png Solid.

(After a failed purchase)

Dialoguerandom.png burp
Dialoguerandom.png Nothin' doin.
Dialoguerandom.png I don't do payment plans.
Dialoguerandom.png Money.png only.

(Upon leaving the room)

Dialoguerandom.png See ya.
Dialoguerandom.png Later.

In The Breach
(Interacting for the first time in a save file)

Dialoguesequential.png Since our little business arrangement has been turnin' a profit, I thought I might expand my inventory a bit.
Dialoguesequential.png Let me know whatchu need, and I'll get it added to my stock.


Dialogueordered.png You may be ugly as hell, but you're the best customer I've had in... well, don't matter so much anyway.
Dialogueordered.png Had to sit here. Other ledge seemed taken. (This and subsequent dialogue lines can be encountered before the Ledge Goblin is present in the Breach)
Dialogueordered.png Don't think she wanted to share her ledge with me. Dunno why.
Dialogueordered.png Wonder where she got that helmet. Sure is fine.

(Interacting again)

Dialoguerandom.png burp
Dialoguerandom.png Ehhh, scram.
Dialoguerandom.png Let me drink in peace, eh?

(After a successful purchase)

Dialoguerandom.png De-livered.
Dialoguerandom.png Find me down the way, and I might jus' have that for you.
Dialoguerandom.png On order. Thanks.

(After a failed purchase)

Dialoguerandom.png I might be on break, but I won't trade for nothin'.
Dialoguerandom.png Can't order these babies on credit, Character Nickname.