Hegemony Credit

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Hegemony Credit
Hegemony Credit.png
Ammonomicon Entry
Accepted Galaxy-Wide
Standard currency throughout Hegemony of Man controlled systems.

Used by the Acquisitions Department to order new guns and items for storage in the Gungeon.

Hegemony Credits are pickups found in Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon, where they are given as a reward for defeating bosses, and used to unlock permanent progression and item unlocks in the Breach / Underbreach.

Hegemony Credits are automatically collected when the player leaves the room they dropped in.ETG

How to Obtain

Hegemony Credits are found upon:

  • Defeating a boss.
    • Clearing a boss without taking damage will double the amount of Hegemony Credits received. This can exceed the maximum amount of credits dropped as shown below.
    • The amount is not doubled if flawlessly defeating a boss during a Rainbow Run. It is only slightly increased.
  • Finishing a hunting quest.
  • Rarely found upon clearing a room.
  • Picking up the Briefcase of Cash.
  • Finishing the tutorial for the first time.


The player can't obtain Hegemony Credits from bosses in a blessed run or a boss rush.

The amount of Hegemony Credits a boss drops is a random amount, based on its floor. The minimum and maximum values per floor are listed below:

Min/Max 1 2/Oub 3/Abbey/4
Min 1 1 2
Max 3 4 5

Very early runs also have highly increased drop values above this maximum.


  • Hegemony Credits, along with Blanks are one of the few pickups to have an entry in the Ammonomicon.
    • Hegemony Credits are the only item entry in the Ammonomicon that is indicated as neither Passive or Active.
  • ETG Prior to Patch 1.0.3, Hegemony Credits would not be collected upon leaving the room.