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Merchants are a special subset of NPCs that appear throughout the Gungeon, selling items, guns, and pickups to passing Gungeoneers in exchange for Money.png or other currencies. Merchant NPCs appear in Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon.

The primary merchant on all floors is Bello, in the Shop, although other NPCs and merchants can appear in the same room. In Enter the Gungeon, Bello is replaced by the Blacksmith on the Forge.

List of Merchants

NPC Description
Bello idle.gif
Appears on most floors in a standard shop, where he sells all sorts of items, guns, and pickups. Becomes enraged by the player shooting in his shop.
Blacksmith idle.gif
Appears on the Forge, selling a variety of high tier items. Necessary to construct the Bullet That Can Kill The Past, among other quests.
Oldred idle.gif
Old Red
Appears at random. Sells blank themed items.
Cursula idle.gif
Appears at random. Sells vaguely magic and occult-themed items at a steep 50% discount, but each purchase increases the players Curse rounded.png Curse by 2.5.
Goopton idle.gif
Professor Goopton
Appears at random. Sells goop and slime themed items at a 20% discount. Speaks in a strange font that can only be deciphered by the Sponge.
Flynt idle.gif
Appears at random. Sells key, lock, and chest themed items. Uses Key.png as a currency instead of Money.png.
Trorc idle.gif
Appears at random. Sells military and realism themed items at a 20% discount.
Ratmerchant idle.gif
Resourceful Rat
Appears in the elevator room after the player uses a shortcut. Provides guns at no cost.


Shop prices depend on the quality of the item being sold, although some items and pickups have special prices dictated by other factors. Flynts shop uses Key.png instead of Money.png as currency, and as such his prices are always standard.

Chambers in which merchants cannot appear are not listed.

Price Table
Item or Item Quality
Current Chamber %Mult Glass Guon Stone.png Half Heart.png Blank.png Armor.png Key.png Heart.png Ammo.png D Quality Item.png C Quality Item.png B Quality Item.png A Quality Item.png 1S Quality Item.png
Keep of the Lead Lord (100%) 10Money.png 20Money.png 25Money.png 30Money.png 35Money.png 45Money.png 65Money.png 90Money.png 120Money.png
Oubliette and
Gungeon Proper
(120%) 12Money.png 24Money.png 30Money.png 36Money.png 42Money.png 54Money.png 78Money.png 108Money.png 144Money.png
Abbey of the True Gun
and Black Powder Mine
(140%) 14Money.png 28Money.png 35Money.png 42Money.png 49Money.png 63Money.png 91Money.png 126Money.png 168Money.png
Hollow (150%) 15Money.png 30Money.png 38Money.png 45Money.png 52Money.png 68Money.png 98Money.png 135Money.png 180Money.png
Forge (160%) 16Money.png 32Money.png 40Money.png 48Money.png 56Money.png 72Money.png 104Money.png 144Money.png 192Money.png


  • Table Tech Money has a special base price of 50Money.png.
  • Item prices are rounded to the nearest whole number after multipliers.
  • Professor Goopton and Trorc sell items at an additional 20% discount, while Cursula sells at a 50% discount. Items provided by the Resourceful Rat are always 0Money.png.
  • All Merchants (except Flynt) within the Black Market sell items at an additional 50% discount.
  • Certain items and guns provide a discount to all shop prices while they are in the players inventory.

Stealing ETG


Items for sale by merchants can be stolen with the aid of certain items and guns, granting the player free loot but increasing their Curse rounded.png Curse by 1 per item taken. The ways that different items facilitate stealing are usually quite different from each other. When items can be stolen the item label will turn red, and the text <steal> will be appended to the end.

The first time stealing from Bello has a 100% chance to go unnoticed, unless the player is using the Grappling Hook. The second theft always have a 50% chance to succeed, and any subsequent thefts only have a 20% chance of success.
Other Merchants have different odds, with the first theft having a 100% chance to succeed, and any subsequent thefts only having a 20% chance of success.

If the player is caught stealing, the merchant will close up shop and refuse to sell them any more items. When caught by Bello, he will close shop for the remainder of the run, and will be already closed on subsequent floors. Other merchants will only close for the floor, and if encountered again can be traded with.

Stealing ten items on a save file unlocks the Achievement Woodsie Lord.png Woodsie Lord Achievement, and the Shelleton Key.


  • Aged Bell.png Aged Bell - When used in the same room as a merchant, items can be stolen while time is frozen.
  • Box.png Box / Smoke Bomb.png Smoke Bomb / Grey Mauser (Gun).png Grey Mauser / The Predator.png The Predator - Items can be stolen while stealthed.
  • Ring of Ethereal Form.png Ring of Ethereal Form - Items can be stolen while ethereal.
  • Chaff Grenade.png Chaff Grenade - After using the Chaff Grenade in the same room as a merchant, there is a 10 second window of time where items can be stolen.
  • Charm Horn.png Charm Horn - Charms all merchants within an 8 tile radius of the player when used. Lasts for 10 seconds. While charmed, merchants can be stolen from.
  • Decoy.png Decoy / Explosive Decoy.png Explosive Decoy - While a decoy is in the same room as a merchant, that merchant can be stolen from.
  • Grappling Hook.png Grappling Hook / Directional Pad.png Directional Pad - Items hit by a grappling hook will be yanked back to the player, stealing them. Unlike other methods of stealing, merchants can notice this on the first try, and lock up shop. Unlike other items, when caught stealing an item the player will still gain the item. This makes the grappling hook a guaranteed, but higher risk theft option.


  • Respawning with Clone does not cause Bello to reappear if he has closed up shop.
  • In the Black Market, each merchant tracks the players thefts separately despite being in the same room.

See Also

In the Breach Bowler · Daisuke · Doug · Drunkard · Frifle and the Grey Mauser · Gunknights · Hattori · Ledge Goblin · Ox and Cadence· Route Switcher · Ser Manuel · Snails · Tailor · Tonic
In the Gungeon Bello · Blacksmith · Blockner · Brother Albern · Cursula · Dragunfire Cultists · Flynt · Gunsling King and Manservantes · Lost Adventurer · Old Man · Old Red · Patches and Mendy · Professor Goopton · Resourceful Rat · Save Button · Sell Creep · Sorceress · Synergrace · Trorc · Union Mimic · Vampire · Winchester · Witches
Elsewhere EMP-R0R