Keep of the Lead Lord

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Keep of the Lead Lord
Chamber 1
<- Previous Chamber Next Chamber ->
The Breach ETG
Gungeon Proper XTG
The Breach HoTG
Gungeon Proper ETG
Exterior XTG
Gungeon Proper HoTG
Secret Exits: OublietteETG
Enemy Health Scale: 100%ETG
Item Cost Scale: 100%ETG
Bosses: Gatling Gull ETGHoTG

Bullet King ETG
Trigger Twins ETG
The Last Dragun XTG

Music Tracks:

Lead Lords Keep ETG
What The Lead Lord Reap ETG
First Floor Is The New Fifth XTG

Keepoftheleadlord header.png

The Keep of the Lead Lord is the first chamber of The Gungeon, appearing in all Gungeonverse games, as well as prolifically in secondary media such as the Digital Comic. Since Exit the Gungeon traverses the Gungeons floors in reverse, in that game the Keep of the Lead Lord serves as the final chamber.
The environment is castle-like, with grey brickwork, outdoor gardens and courtyards, and expansive libraries. Books, pots, furniture, and suits of armour line the walls.

Layout ETG

The Keep of the Lead Lord is fairly simple to traverse, with no major quirks to its dungeon generation. With the exception of its appearance in Boss Rush, it contains a standard Shop as well as several special rooms which always appear somewhere on this floor.

Two Water Barrels will always generate somewhere in the chamber, each replacing a random wall-lining decorative object. This is to make it possible to extinguish the Fireplace regardless of the players loadout.

Points of Interest

Entrance ETG

Keep Entrance.png

Outside of Boss Rush, entering the Keep of the Lead Lord will always place the player in a unique entrance room which appears on no other floors. Rather than an entrance elevator, the player will fall down from above, landing in the center of a large primer-shaped floor decal. This unique entrance room always contains the Hero Shrine, which can be found nowhere else.

If a Gungeoneer has killed their past, they may interact with the Hero Shrine to immediately be set to 9 Curse.


  • This room is marked on the map with the symbol Entrance map.png, which is standard for entrance rooms.
  • This room always has exactly one exit corridor, and can never be attached to a secret room.

Fireplace Room ETG

Fireplace Room.png

The Keep of the Lead lord will always contain one room which contains a fireplace, chosen from a pool of specialised fireplace rooms. While this room may contain enemies, it is also just as often devoid of combat. Spraying non-flammable goop into the fireplace via a gun (such as the Mega Douser), item (such as Poison Vial) or via a Water Barrel will extinguish the fire and collapse the grate, allowing the player to step inside and interact with a hidden switch.

Interacting with this switch will open the entrance to the grate room, wherever it is on the floor. As such, extinguishing the fireplace is a necessary step to access the Oubliette.


  • The randomly placed water barrels will not generate inside of the Fireplace Room until the fireplace switch has been accessed once.
    • After activating the fireplace switch, the chance for a water barrel to spawn within the same room as the Fireplace on future runs increases drastically.
  • If a water barrel has generated in the fireplace room, and the fireplace room contains enemies, it is common for enemies or the player to destroy the barrel in the resulting gunfight.
  • If the fireplace room contains a Blobulon, Blobuloid, or Blobulin, it is possible to extinguish the fireplace by luring the blobulonian near it, to snuff out the flames with its gooey trail.
  • The painting above the fireplace appears to depict the Gungeon Master dressed in black, seemingly part way through the transition to Lichdom.
  • Secret rooms can never be attached to this room.
Click expand to view possible Fireplace Room layouts. This table may not be exhaustive.
Image Name & Contents
Castle Special FireplaceRoom 02.png
Castle Special FireplaceRoom 03.png
Wave 1:

Wave 2:

May sometimes contain no enemies.

Castle Special FireplaceRoom 04.png

Contains no enemies.

Trapdoor Room ETG

The Keep of the Lead Lord will always contain a secondary secret room which is unopenable by normal means. Blanks, explosions, and other methods of opening secret doors will not work to open the entrance to it. After extinguishing the fireplace in the fireplace room the player can interact with a hidden switch behind the fire, which causes the secret wall that hides this room to slide away.

The Trapdoor Room always contains a wooden trapdoor secured with two locks, requiring two keys to open. Once opened, falling into this trapdoor will take the player to the Oubliette.
After visiting the Oubliette once, this room will also contain the Save Button NPC.


  • Despite being inaccessible without solving the fireplace puzzle, this room can still be marked on the map by items such as the Map, Cartographer's Ring, and Gungeon Blueprint. When revealed in this way, it will appear on the map as an empty secret room with no special markings.
  • Regular secret rooms can never be attached to this room.
  • It is possible for the water barrel required to extinguish the fire to generate inside of this sealed room, preventing the puzzle from being solvable.
  • It is possible to skip completing the fireplace puzzle by teleporting into this room using the Teleporter Prototype.
  • It is possible to enter this trapdoor while flying. The game will freeze for a brief moment and skip straight to the loading screen of the Oubliette without a falling animation.
  • FixedBug.png Fixed Bug - Prior to Version 1.0.3, the Brick of Cash would indicate this room as a secret room, despite it being unopenable with a Blank.

Routes XTG

The Keep of the Lead Lord is the only chamber in the game which has the same elevator regardless of character or route.


Enter the Gungeon

Bullet King.png Gatling Gull.png Trigger Twins.png
Bullet King
"A Blast of Bullets"
Gatling Gull
"Rapid Fire Raptor"
Trigger Twins
"Double Tap"

Exit the Gungeon

Bosscard Bone Dragun 001.png
The Last Dragun

Enter the Gungeon: House of the Gundead

Gatlinggull bosscard hotg.png
Gatling Gull
"Rapid Fire Raptor"


Click expand to view the Keep of the Lead Lord enemy tables for all three games.

Enter the Gungeon

Icon Name Description
Bullet Kin.png Bullet Kin Slowly walks towards the player, firing bullets.
Bandana Bullet Kin.png Bandana Bullet Kin Slowly walks towards the player, rapidly firing bullets.
Veteran Bullet Kin.png Veteran Bullet Kin Slowly walks towards the player, firing bullets and predicting the player's movements.
Cardinal.png Cardinal Slowly walks towards the player, firing bullets. Occasionally fires a cluster of 5 bullets that homes in on the player.
Red Shotgun Kin.png Red Shotgun Kin Slowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing a tight spread of 5 bullets. Has a chance to fire 6 bullets in all directions upon death.
Blue Shotgun Kin.png Blue Shotgun Kin Slowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing a wide spread of 5 bullets quickly followed by a wide spread of 4 bullets. Has a chance to fire 6 bullets in all directions upon death.
Veteran Shotgun Kin.png Veteran Shotgun Kin Slowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing a V-shaped spread of 5 bullets and predicting the player's movements. Fires many bullets in all directions upon death.
Hollowpoint.png Hollowpoint Floats towards the player, rapidly firing bullets. Periodically disappears and reappears elsewhere in the room.
Confirmed.png Confirmed Strolls towards the player, occasionally stopping to fire four slithering lines of bullets at the player from under their hoods.
Chance Kin.png Chance Kin Runs away from the player and disappears if not killed. Turns into a !-cube which drops a random pickup upon death.
Keybullet Kin.png Keybullet Kin Runs away from the player, and drop a key upon death. However, if the player does not manage to kill them in time, they will disappear.
Rubber Kin.png Rubber Kin Attempts to launch itself towards the player, knocking the player back upon contact. Cannot deal direct damage to players.
King Bullat.png King Bullat Periodically fires bouncing bullets in all directions. Spawns several Bullats and Shotgats upon death.
Pinhead.png Pinhead Walks towards the player and explodes upon death. If the player gets too close, it will leap towards the player and explode.
Nitra.png Nitra Walks towards the player and creates a line of explosions upon death. If the player gets too close, it will detonate itself.
Blobulon.png Blobulon Moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage. Splits into two Blobuloids upon death.
Blobuloid.png Blobuloid Moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage. Splits into two Blobulins upon death.
Blobulin.png Blobulin Quickly moves towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage.
Chancebulon Fires random attacks from other Blobulon enemies, along with groups of bullets that look like dice. Has a chance to fire multiple attacks at the same time, and has a chance to die instead of attacking.
Bookllet.png Bookllet Occasionally fires bullets towards the player in various patterns, such as R, N, and Φ shapes.
Blue Bookllet.png Blue Bookllet Occasionally fires bullets towards the player in various patterns, such as R, N, and Φ shapes or rings of bullets that pulse back and forth.
Green Bookllet.png Green Bookllet Occasionally fires bullets towards the player in various patterns, such as R, N, and Φ shapes or a large clover shape.
Gigi.png Gigi Flies towards the player, periodically spitting an egg that releases a swarm of bullets towards the player.
Apprentice Gunjurer.png Apprentice Gunjurer Fires bullets in a variety of rotating shapes, such as a triangle, circle, or X. Occasionally disappears and reappears elsewhere in the room.
Gunsinger.png  Gunsinger  Buffs an enemy in the room, increasing their health and speed. They will cancel their spell and run away if the player is too close or they take too much damage. 
Mimic.png Mimic Rapidly fires bullets towards the player. Drops items and/or pickups upon death.
Gun Fairy.png Gun Fairy Wanders around the room, rapidly firing bullets towards the player.
Bullat.png Bullat Launches itself at the player, dying in the process.
Shotgat.png Shotgat Launches two projectiles in a V shape at the player, dying in the process.
Grenat.png Grenat Launches an exploding projectile at the player, dying in the process.
Spirat.png Spirat Launches itself at the player, dying in the process. Predicts the player's movements, and can reposition itself several times before hitting walls.
Gun Nut.png Gun Nut Periodically strikes the ground with its sword, releasing a wide 90 degree arc of bullets towards the player. Can only aim in the eight compass directions.
Chain Gunner.png Chain Gunner Occasionally stops in place to pull out a large ball and chain made of bullets. They then swing these chains around them incredibly fast a couple of times while slowly moving towards the player before putting them away again and chasing the player as normal. If it's the only enemy alive in the room, the ball of the chain will detach and launch towards the player.
Gripmaster.png Gripmaster Hovers over the player and attempts to grab them. If the player is successfully grabbed, it will shoot the player to a previously cleared room, which will be reset and have all enemies respawned. Automatically dies if all other enemies in the room are killed.

Related Unlocks

Enter the Gungeon

Exit the Gungeon


  • The 'Lead Lord' mentioned in the name of this chamber is the title of the ruler of the keep, a position formerly held by the Old King and currently held by the Bullet King.
  • The Keep of the Lead Lord is one of the floors where it is possible for Glitched Chests to appear.
  • The Keep is the only one of the five main chambers to not contain an Elevator room, as an elevator is not used to access it.
  • There is only one room in the Keep room pool that contains a Cardinal. The room itself contains no other enemies but that single Cardinal, standing in the center of a small graveyard.
  • In the Pre-Alpha of Enter the Gungeon, the Keep of the Lead Lord acted as the games tutorial level instead of the Halls of Knowledge.
  • The Keep of the Lead Lord and the Halls of Knowledge use the same tileset.
  • The Keep of the Lead Lord is the only chamber that doesn't have a teleporter in the entrance room.
  • In Exit the Gungeon there is a painting depicting the Bullet plunging Blasphemy into Ganon's head.


  • Bug.png Bug There is a room in the Keep of the Lead Lord room pool containing two Chain Gunners. The first Chain Gunner is present upon entry, while the second spawns on a timer. If the player kills the first Chain Gunner before the second Chain Gunner spawns, the room will unseal and allow the player to leave, even after the second Chain Gunner appears.
    • If the player returns to the room while the enemy is still alive, the doors close again until it is defeated.


See also

The Gungeon
The Breach Keep of the Lead Lord Gungeon Proper Black Powder Mine Hollow Forge
Secret Chambers
Oubliette Abbey of the True Gun Resourceful Rat's Lair R&G Dept. Bullet Hell