Map (Mechanic)

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"The Map is helpful, given you know how to read one. Never figured it out myself. That's why I run this shop." - Bellodialogue.png Bello

The Map is a core mechanic of Enter the Gungeon it tracks the players progress through the current Chamber, showing what rooms they've visited, and enabling the player to use teleporter to fast travel between points of interest once discovered.


General Icons

Map unexplored.png Marks an unexplored room or corridor.
Teleportericon.png Marks the exact position of an activated Teleporter
Unactivated teleporter.png Marks the exact position of an inactive Teleporter
Entrance map.png Indicates the first room of the floor, where the player entered.
Bossroom map.png Marks the Boss room.
Bello map.png Marks Bello in the main Shop room
Elevatormaintenance map.png Marks the Elevator Maintenance Room
Oldcrest map.png Marks the Old Crest Room


Convict map.png Convict
Pilot map.png Pilot
Marine map.png Marine
Hunter map.png Hunter
Robot map.png Robot
Bullet map.png Bullet
Paradox map.png Paradox
Gunslinger map.png Gunslinger
Cultist map.png Cultist
Lamb map.png LambCMV

These icons indicate the presence of a Gun, Item, Pickup, or Chest in the room.

Gun map.png Any Gun
Item map.png Any Item, including Glass Guon Stones and the Map
Halfheart map.png Half Heart
Heart map.png Heart
Armor map.png Armor
Key map.png Key
Blank map.png Blanks
Cellkey map.png Cell Key
Replacementarm map.png Replacement Arm
Balloon map.png Balloon!
Ammo map.png Ammo
Spreadammo map.png Spread Ammo
Brownchest map.png D Quality Item.png Tier Chest
Bluechest map.png C Quality Item.png Tier Chest, or Brother Alberns Truth Chest
Greenchest map.png B Quality Item.png Tier Chest
Redchest map.png A Quality Item.png Tier Chest, Rainbow Chest, or Boss Reward Pedestal
Blackchest map.png 1S Quality Item.png Tier Chest

These icons indicate the presence of a given NPC in the room.

Muncher map.png Either type of Muncher
Blacksmith map.png Blacksmith
Lostadventurer map.png Lost Adventurer
Cursula map.png Cursula
Gunslingking map.png Gunsling King and Manservantes
Oldred map.png Old Red
Trorc map.png Trorc
Flynt map.png Flynt
Winchester map.png Winchester
Smashtent map.png Patches and Mendy
Witches map.png Witches
Synergrace mapicon.png Synergrace
Genericnpc map.png Generic NPC icon. Used by Monster Manuel, Old Man, and the dead Cop.


Shrine map.png Any Shrine
Cellicon.png A locked Cell containing a trapped NPC