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Items can be found by opening chests, defeating bosses, purchasing them from shops, or receiving them from NPCs. These items can be passive upgrades, active abilities, or single-use consumables.

Most active items recharge as damage is dealt, while others recharge on a timer.

Single use items will stack if multiple are found.

There are currently 271 items in the game total, including 210 base game items, 26 items that were added in the Supply Drop Indicator.png update, 21 items that were added in the AGD Indicator.png update, and 14 items that were added in AFTA Indicator.png update.

For weapons, see Guns.

List of items

The following is a list of items in Enter the Gungeon.

Icon Name Type Quote Quality Effect
Master Round I.png Master Round Passive First Chamber N/A Grants a heart container.
Master Round II.png Master Round Passive Second Chamber N/A Grants a heart container.
Master Round III.png Master Round Passive Third Chamber N/A Grants a heart container.
Master Round IV.png Master Round Passive Fourth Chamber N/A Grants a heart container.
Master Round V.png Master Round Passive Fifth Chamber N/A Grants a heart container.
Prime Primer.png Prime Primer Passive Old Magic N/A Ingredient for the Bullet That Can Kill The Past.
Arcane Gunpowder.png Arcane Gunpowder Active From The Deep N/A Ingredient for the Bullet That Can Kill The Past, cannot be used.
Planar Lead.png Planar Lead Passive Astral Slug N/A Ingredient for the Bullet That Can Kill The Past.
Obsidian Shell Casing.png Obsidian Shell Casing Passive Indestructible N/A Ingredient for the Bullet That Can Kill The Past.
Meatbun.png Meatbun Active On A Roll D Quality Item.png Single use. Heals the player for one heart. Grants double damage until the player takes damage.
Medkit.png Medkit Active Heals C Quality Item.png Single use. Heals the player for 4 hearts.
Ration.png Ration Active Calories, Mate C Quality Item.png Single use. Heals the player for two hearts. Automatically used if the player runs out of health.
Orange.png Orange Active You're Not Alexander B Quality Item.png Single use. Fully heals the player, grants a heart container, and increases coolness by 2.
Friendship Cookie.png Friendship Cookie Active It's Delicious N/A Single use. Resurrects your co-op partner with full health.
Bottle.png Bottle Active Heart Container D Quality Item.png Holds hearts or ammo for use later.
Bomb.png Bomb Active Use For Boom D Quality Item.png Throws a bomb that explodes after a short delay.
Ice Bomb.png Ice Bomb Active Cool It! D Quality Item.png Throws a bomb that freezes enemies.
Chaff Grenade.png Chaff Grenade Active Dazed And Confused C Quality Item.png Stuns enemies. Can be used to steal items from shops.
Proximity Mine.png Proximity Mine Active Use To Place D Quality Item.png Places a mine that explodes when an enemy comes near it.
Cluster Mine.png Cluster Mine Active Area Hazard C Quality Item.png Places 5 small mines that explode when an enemy comes into contact with them.
C4 (Item).png C4 Active Stick Boom D Quality Item.png Places explosives on the ground which then can be detonated by using the item again.
Weird Egg.png Weird Egg Active Miracle of Gun D Quality Item.png Using the egg while missing health fully heals the player. Dropping the egg and shooting it spawns a gun, item, or yolk creature. Dropping the egg into fire spawns a serpent.
Molotov.png Molotov Active Feel The Burn D Quality Item.png Throws a Molotov that sets an area on fire.
Air Strike.png Air Strike Active Superior! B Quality Item.png Calls down a bombardment on a large rectangular area.
Napalm Strike.png Napalm Strike Active Smells Great! C Quality Item.png Sets a large rectangular area on fire.
Big Boy.png Big Boy Active Set The World On Fire B Quality Item.png Calls down a missile at the crosshair, causing a large explosion that leaves behind a large pool of poison creep. Increases curse by 1 while held.
Roll Bomb.png Roll Bomb Passive Power Charge C Quality Item.png Dodge rolling leaves behind a bomb.
IBomb Companion App.png iBomb Companion App Active One For That C Quality Item.png Detonates all explosives and explosive enemies in the room.
Supply Drop.png Supply Drop Active I Need Mags! D Quality Item.png Single use. Spawns ammo box.
Ammo Synthesizer.png Ammo Synthesizer Passive Ammo Chance On Kills D Quality Item.png Adds a chance to regain ammo upon killing an enemy.
Armor Synthesizer.png Armor Synthesizer Passive Play Well, Get Armor A Quality Item.png Adds a chance to get armor upon completing a room.
Heart Synthesizer.png Heart Synthesizer Passive Play Well, Get Hearts A Quality Item.png Adds a chance to get hearts upon completing a room.
Master of Unlocking.png Master of Unlocking Passive Play Well, Get Keys B Quality Item.png Adds a chance to get keys upon completing a room.
Utility Belt.png Utility Belt Passive All Capacity Up! C Quality Item.png Grants an extra active item slot and increases maximum ammo by 20%.
Macho Brace.png Macho Brace Passive Value For Effort C Quality Item.png Shots are more powerful when coming out of a dodge roll.
Hidden Compartment.png Hidden Compartment Passive Extra Space N/A Grants an extra active item slot and increases maximum ammo by 10%.
Backpack.png Backpack Passive Item Capacity Up! D Quality Item.png Allows the player to hold an extra active item.
Loot Bag.png Loot Bag Passive Doesn't Float C Quality Item.png Enemies drop more money, but the player drops money upon taking damage. Selling other items to the Sell Creep grants twice as much money.
Drill.png Drill Active Sawgeant D Quality Item.png If used on a locked chest, forces the player to fight two waves of enemies and unlocks the chest if they survive. If used on a locked door, opens it for free.
Clown Mask.png Clown Mask Passive Anonymity Aid B Quality Item.png Summons a random familiar with a clown mask who either stuns enemies, protects the player with mini blanks, or attacks enemies with a shotgun. An additional familiar is spawned for each additional Payday item the player has.
Scope.png Scope Passive Steady Aim D Quality Item.png Decreases bullet spread by 60%.
Scouter.png Scouter Passive Quality Assured C Quality Item.png Shows enemy health and damage done. Increases damage and accuracy. Increases curse by 1.
Laser Sight.png Laser Sight Passive King Of The Dot C Quality Item.png Decreases bullet spread by 50% and adds a red laser sight to the player's weapons.
Ammo Belt.png Ammo Belt Passive Ammo Capacity Up! D Quality Item.png Increases maximum ammo by 20%.
Bullet Time.png Bullet Time Active Dodge This D Quality Item.png Slows down time while active.
Aged Bell.png Aged Bell Active Lacuna A Quality Item.png Briefly stops enemies and enemy bullets. Can be used to steal from shops.
Singularity.png Singularity Active Sucks C Quality Item.png Spawns a black hole that attracts enemies and bullets.
Decoy.png Decoy Active Get Him! D Quality Item.png Places a decoy that enemies will target. The decoy will be destroyed after taking enough damage. Can be used to steal from shops.
Shadow Clone.png Shadow Clone Active No Jutsu D Quality Item.png Creates a copy of the player that mimics their movements in reverse and fires alongside them.
Explosive Decoy.png Explosive Decoy Active KABOOM! C Quality Item.png Places a decoy that enemies will target. The decoy will explode after taking enough damage. Can be used to steal from shops.
Melted Rock.png Melted Rock Active Corpses Explode C Quality Item.png Causes enemy corpses to explode on use.
Trusty Lockpicks.png Trusty Lockpicks Active Who Needs Keys? D Quality Item.png Has a 50% chance to unlock a lock or locked chest. If it fails, the lock will no longer function.
Smoke Bomb.png Smoke Bomb Active Vanish! C Quality Item.png Temporarily become invisible to enemies. Can be used to steal from the Shop.
Box.png Box Active Just A Box A Quality Item.png If the player enters a room while under the box, enemies will not target the player. Firing a weapon will remove the box. Has no effect if used while enemies are already targeting the player. Can be used to steal items from shops.
Fortune's Favor.png Fortune's Favor Active Use For Luck B Quality Item.png While active, bullets will curve around the player.
Jar of Bees.png Jar of Bees Active The Pain! C Quality Item.png Spawns bees that home in on and damage enemies.
Potion of Lead Skin.png Potion of Lead Skin Active I'm Invincible! D Quality Item.png While active, the player reflects enemy bullets.
Double Vision.png Double Vision Active One For Each Of You D Quality Item.png While active, doubles the player's bullets.
Chest Teleporter.png Chest Teleporter Active Zap A Quality Item.png Teleports a chest to the next floor, with a chance to upgrade its quality.
Relodestone.png Relodestone Active Magunetic North 1S Quality Item.png Halves reload times. While active, the player absorbs enemy bullets and regains ammo.
Poison Vial.png Poison Vial Active For External Use Only D Quality Item.png Creates a pool of poison creep.
Potion of Gun Friendship.png Potion of Gun Friendship Active Temporary +1 To Gun D Quality Item.png While active, increases damage, fire rate, knockback, and reload speed.
Portable Turret.png Portable Turret Active Some Assembly Required B Quality Item.png Places a stationary turret that shoots at enemies. The turret will be destroyed if it takes enough damage.
Knife Shield.png Knife Shield Active Use Again To Launch! D Quality Item.png Creates a ring of knives around the player that damage enemies and block enemy bullets. Knives vanish after taking enough damage. If used again while the shield is active, the knives are launched forward. Increases curse by 1 while held.
Grappling Hook.png Grappling Hook Active Rapid Transit D Quality Item.png Allows players to hook onto and then pull themselves towards walls at a fast speed. Hitting enemies with the hook will deal minor damage and stun them for a short duration. Allows players to steal items from the shop. The hook has an unlimited range.
Stuffed Star.png Stuffed Star Active Protective Plush B Quality Item.png While active, the player is invincible.
Boomerang.png Boomerang Active Usually Comes Back B Quality Item.png Throws a boomerang that travels around the room and attempts to stun all enemies.
Shield of the Maiden.png Shield of the Maiden Active Block And Load C Quality Item.png Pulls up a shield to protect players from bullets. Players are immobile while using the shield.
Crisis Stone.png Crisis Stone Passive Reload. Reload. Reload. A Quality Item.png The player is invulnerable while reloading an empty magazine.
Portable Table Device.png Portable Table Device Active Know When To Fold 'Em D Quality Item.png Spawns a small table that can be flipped.
Daruma.png Daruma Active Good Fortune B Quality Item.png Can be used immediately after dodging a bullet to activate a blank effect.
Partially-Eaten Cheese.png Partially-Eaten Cheese Active Aged Almost 40 Years A Quality Item.png While active, the player is invincible and instantly kills enemies they come in contact with.
-1 Bullets.png +1 Bullets Passive +1 To Bullet C Quality Item.png Increases damage by 25%.
Rocket-Powered Bullets.png Rocket-Powered Bullets Passive Faster Bullets B Quality Item.png Increases the player's bullet speed by 50%, increases damage by 10%, and increases rate of fire by 10%.
Shock Rounds.png Shock Rounds Passive Electrified! A Quality Item.png Creates a beam of electricity between fired bullets.
Devolver Rounds.png Devolver Rounds Passive Two Steps Back B Quality Item.png Bullets have a chance to devolve enemies into simpler enemies.
Vorpal Bullets.png Vorpal Bullets Passive Through and Through A Quality Item.png Whenever the player fires, occasionally fires a special high-damage bullet.
Katana Bullets.png Katana Bullets Passive Folded Lead C Quality Item.png Upon killing an enemy, bullets have a chance to unleash a flurry of slashes along the path of the original bullet, damaging enemies. Increases curse by 1.
Hungry Bullets.png Hungry Bullets Passive Hungry Hungry A Quality Item.png Adds a chance for the player's bullets to block enemy projectiles, growing in damage and size as they do so.
Heavy Bullets.png Heavy Bullets Passive Thunk! C Quality Item.png Increases damage by 25% and doubles knockback but halves bullet speed.
Bouncy Bullets.png Bouncy Bullets Passive Boiyoiyoing! C Quality Item.png Grants bullets the ability to bounce off objects.
Explosive Rounds.png Explosive Rounds Passive Mega Blast A Quality Item.png Adds a chance to fire bullets that explode upon hitting an enemy or object.
Ghost Bullets.png Ghost Bullets Passive Shoot Through C Quality Item.png Bullets pass through enemies and obstacles.
Alpha Bullet.png Alpha Bullet Passive First! A Quality Item.png The first shot of a weapon's magazine will deal 80% more damage.
Omega Bullets.png Omega Bullets Passive Last! A Quality Item.png The final shot of each magazine deals double damage.
Scattershot.png Scattershot Passive Quantity Over Quality B Quality Item.png Guns fire a spread of tripled bullets which deal less damage.
Irradiated Lead.png Irradiated Lead Passive Poison Shot B Quality Item.png Adds a chance to fire bullets that poison enemies.
Hot Lead.png Hot Lead Passive Chance To Ignite B Quality Item.png Adds a chance to fire bullets that ignite enemies.
Battery Bullets.png Battery Bullets Passive Zap! D Quality Item.png Causes water that bullets pass over to become electrified, damaging enemies. Decreases shot spread by 50%.
Frost Bullets.png Frost Bullets Passive Icy Fire A Quality Item.png Adds a chance to fire bullets that freeze enemies.
Charming Rounds.png Charming Rounds Passive Made With Love B Quality Item.png Adds a chance to fire bullets that charm enemies.
Magic Bullets.png Magic Bullets Passive Sufficiently Advanced B Quality Item.png Grants all of the player's bullets a small chance to transmogrify enemies into chickens.
Fat Bullets.png Fat Bullets Passive Fatter = Stronger A Quality Item.png Doubles bullet size and knockback, increases damage by 30%, and decreases maximum ammo by 10%.
Angry Bullets.png Angry Bullets Passive Hungry For More C Quality Item.png Hitting an enemy refires the projectile at a nearby enemy.
Blank Bullets.png Blank Bullets Passive The Best Defense... 1S Quality Item.png Projectile impacts can trigger a short range blank. Increases curse by 1.5.
Orbital Bullets.png Orbital Bullets Passive Deadly Revolution A Quality Item.png Missed shots orbit the player.
Homing Bullets.png Homing Bullets Passive Fire And Forget B Quality Item.png Bullets have a chance to home in on enemies.
Shadow Bullets.png Shadow Bullets Passive Double Tap B Quality Item.png Firing a weapon has a chance to fire an additional projectile.
Easy Reload Bullets.png Easy Reload Bullets Passive Rolling Reload C Quality Item.png Dodge rolling reloads one bullet.
Stout Bullets.png Stout Bullets Passive Up Close and Personal B Quality Item.png Increases damage at close range and decreases as bullets travel.
Snowballets.png Snowballets Passive Powder Power A Quality Item.png Bullets increase in size and damage as they travel.
Remote Bullets.png Remote Bullets Passive The Unseen Hand C Quality Item.png Fired bullets curve towards the player's crosshair. Increases damage by 10%.
Zombie Bullets.png Zombie Bullets Passive Unfinished Business C Quality Item.png Adds a chance to refund ammo when a shot misses.
Flak Bullets.png Flak Bullets Passive Catch Some! C Quality Item.png Whenever a bullet hits an enemy or wall, it splits into several smaller, lower-damage bullets.
Silver Bullets.png Silver Bullets Passive Blessed Metal C Quality Item.png Increases damage to jammed enemies by 225% and Increases damage to bosses by 25%.
Gilded Bullets.png Gilded Bullets Passive The Gun Percent B Quality Item.png Increases damage based on the amount of money the player has.
Platinum Bullets.png Platinum Bullets Passive Over One Million Served 1S Quality Item.png Increases damage and fire rate with every bullet that hits an enemy.
Chaos Bullets.png Chaos Bullets Passive Taste The Painbow A Quality Item.png Adds random bullet effects to the player's bullets.
Cursed Bullets.png Cursed Bullets Passive Too Spooky C Quality Item.png Increases damage depending on how much curse the player has. Increases curse by 1 while held.
Chance Bullets.png Chance Bullets Passive Good RNG B Quality Item.png Upon firing, adds a chance to fire projectiles from the player's other guns.
Helix Bullets.png Helix Bullets Passive Praise Be B Quality Item.png Doubles fired bullets and makes them move in a helix pattern, but slightly decreases damage.
Bumbullets.png Bumbullets Passive Bumblecore B Quality Item.png Upon firing, adds a chance to fire a bee, which homes in on and damages enemies.
Bloody 9mm.png Bloody 9mm Passive Be Realistic B Quality Item.png Adds a chance to fire a fast, homing bullet that flies around the room damaging enemies.
Bionic Leg.png Bionic Leg Passive More Machine Than Man C Quality Item.png Increases movement speed and grants a piece of armor.
Shotgun Coffee.png Shotgun Coffee Passive Speed Up C Quality Item.png Increases movement speed.
Shotga Cola.png Shotga Cola Passive Speed Up C Quality Item.png Increases movement speed.
Ballistic Boots.png Ballistic Boots Passive Speedier Than A Bullet B Quality Item.png Increases movement speed.
Magic Sweet.png Magic Sweet Passive Free Stats A Quality Item.png Grants a heart container, increases damage by 15%, increases movement speed, and increases coolness by 1.
Disarming Personality.png Disarming Personality Passive For You? C Quality Item.png Decreases shop prices by 15%.
Mustache.png Mustache Passive A Familiar Face C Quality Item.png Heals the player half a heart upon purchasing an item.
Lichy Trigger Finger.png Lichy Trigger Finger Passive Rate of Fire Up D Quality Item.png Increases rate of fire by 25%.
Lich's Eye Bullets.png Lich's Eye Bullets Passive Iron Sights 1S Quality Item.png Makes all guns act as if they have all their synergies.
Enraging Photo.png Enraging Photo Passive Don't Believe His Lies D Quality Item.png Taking damage makes the player briefly deal double damage and instantly reloads their weapon.
Ballot.png Ballot Passive Vote Of Confidence! C Quality Item.png Increases the player's coolness by 3, which decreases the cooldown of active items and increases luck.
Live Ammo.png Live Ammo Passive I'm A Bullet Too! N/A Provides immunity to contact damage, and dodge rolls deal increased damage to enemies.
Eyepatch.png Eyepatch Passive Hit Harder Less Often A Quality Item.png Increases damage by 35% but decreases accuracy.
Military Training.png Military Training Passive Hold Facing Enemy C Quality Item.png Increases weapon accuracy and reload speed.
Ring of the Resourceful Rat.png Ring of the Resourceful Rat Passive Fufufufufufu B Quality Item.png Once per floor, if the Resourceful Rat takes an item or gun, he will give another item or gun of equal quality in return. Unused trades carry over to subsequent floors.
Cartographer's Ring.png Cartographer's Ring Passive Some Floors Are Familiar C Quality Item.png New floors have a chance to be mapped out.
Amulet of the Pit Lord.png Amulet of the Pit Lord Passive No Fall Damage D Quality Item.png Falling into pits no longer deals damage.
Ring of Fire Resistance.png Ring of Fire Resistance Passive No Burns C Quality Item.png Grants immunity to fire.
Ring of Miserly Protection.png Ring of Miserly Protection Passive Aids The Fiscally Responsible C Quality Item.png Grants two heart containers. Disappears upon spending money.
Unity.png Unity Passive Our Powers Combined B Quality Item.png Increases damage based on the other guns the player has.
Ring of Chest Vampirism.png Ring of Chest Vampirism Passive Blood From Wood C Quality Item.png Breaking chests heals the player.
Cloranthy Ring.png Cloranthy Ring Passive Dodge Power Up C Quality Item.png Greatly shortens the time at the end of a dodge roll where the player is vulnerable.
Ring of Chest Friendship.png Ring of Chest Friendship Passive Chest Friends Forever B Quality Item.png Increases the chance of finding chests.
Ring of Mimic Friendship.png Ring of Mimic Friendship Passive Unlikely Allies D Quality Item.png Chests will not turn into Mimics.
Ring of Triggers.png Ring of Triggers Passive Items == Guns A Quality Item.png Using an active item fires the currently held weapon in all directions.
Ring of Ethereal Form.png Ring of Ethereal Form Active Get Ethereal! B Quality Item.png While active, the player is invincible and has flight. Allows user to steal items from shops.
Gundromeda Strain.png Gundromeda Strain Passive All Enemies Weaker! 1S Quality Item.png Decreases health of all enemies encountered by 25%.
Broccoli.png Broccoli Passive Makes You Strong A Quality Item.png Increases damage by 10%, adds a 10% chance to negate damage, and increases movement speed.
Crutch.png Crutch Passive You Need It B Quality Item.png Causes bullets to slightly curve towards enemies.
Spice.png Spice Active A tantalizing cube of power. A Quality Item.png Single use. Increases certain stats upon use, depending on how many times it has been used. Each time a spice cube is used, more spice cubes will spawn in place of items or pickups.
Liquid Valkyrie.png Liquid Valkyrie Passive Maximum Pain A Quality Item.png Decreases enemy bullet speed by 20%.
Bloody Eye.png Bloody Eye Passive Slower Enemy Bullets B Quality Item.png Decreases enemy bullet speed by 15%.
Gunknight Helmet.png Gunknight Helmet Passive Armor Every Floor A Quality Item.png Grants two pieces of armor upon pickup and one piece of armor every floor.
Gunknight Greaves.png Gunknight Greaves Passive Armor Every Floor C Quality Item.png Grants a piece of armor upon pickup and another piece of armor every floor.
Gunknight Gauntlet.png Gunknight Gauntlet Passive Armor Every Floor C Quality Item.png Grants a piece of armor upon pickup and another piece of armor every floor.
Gunknight Armor.png Gunknight Armor Passive Armor Every Floor B Quality Item.png Grants a piece of armor upon pickup and another piece of armor every floor.
Old Knight's Shield.png Old Knight's Shield Passive Heavy With Experience N/A Grants two pieces of armor.
Old Knight's Helm.png Old Knight's Helm Passive Protects Knowledge N/A Grants two pieces of armor.
Old Knight's Flask.png Old Knight's Flask Active Heals Per Floor A Quality Item.png Heals the player for one heart upon use. Gains 2 charges each floor.
Old Crest.png Old Crest Passive Armor Up N/A Grants a piece of armor. Consumed upon taking any damage.
Armor of Thorns.png Armor of Thorns Passive Your Body Is A Weapon C Quality Item.png Provides immunity to contact damage, and increases damage dealt by dodge rolling into enemies. Grants armor upon pickup.
Full Metal Jacket.png Full Metal Jacket Passive Automated Defenses B Quality Item.png Automatically activates one of the player's blanks when they are about to take damage.
Ticket.png Ticket Active Do You Have Yours? A Quality Item.png Summons Gatling Gull as a temporary ally.
Heavy Boots.png Heavy Boots Passive Low Center Of Mass D Quality Item.png Prevents the player from being affected by enemy knockback, gun recoil, and conveyor belts.
Bug Boots.png Bug Boots Passive Yikes! B Quality Item.png Dodge rolling leaves a trail of poison creep. Makes the player immune to poison.
Gunboots.png Gunboots Passive They Go Down Well C Quality Item.png Dodge rolling fires a spread of five bullets backwards. Slightly increases movement speed.
Springheel Boots.png Springheel Boots Passive Double Jump D Quality Item.png Allows the player to roll again mid-roll.
Rat Boots.png Rat Boots Passive Hover Craft C Quality Item.png Grants temporary invulnerability and flight when the player steps over a pit.
Coin Crown.png Coin Crown Passive Play Well, Get Money C Quality Item.png Increases the chance to find Money.png shells upon completing rooms.
Oiled Cylinder.png Oiled Cylinder Passive Reload Faster C Quality Item.png Halves reload time.
Ice Cube.png Ice Cube Passive Items Recharge While Active B Quality Item.png Reduces the cooldown timer of active items. Increases coolness by 3.
Rolling Eye.png Rolling Eye Passive Back At You C Quality Item.png Rolling through bullets reflects them at enemies.
Cigarettes.png Cigarettes Active Hazardous To Health D Quality Item.png Damages the player for half a heart and increases their coolness by 1 per use. Coolness decreases the cooldown of active items and increases luck.
Magazine Rack.png Magazine Rack Active Instant Mail Order C Quality Item.png Place to create a zone of infinite ammo.
Charm Horn.png Charm Horn Active The Call Of Duty B Quality Item.png Charms enemies around the player upon use. Can be used to steal from shops.
Cog of Battle.png Cog of Battle Passive Active Reload C Quality Item.png When reloading, pressing reload again when the indicator passes a certain mark on the reload bar will instantly reload the weapon, decreasing the reload time and increasing the damage and accuracy of the next magazine.
Metronome.png Metronome Passive Better And Better B Quality Item.png Grants a damage bonus for each enemy killed. The bonus is reset if the player takes damage or changes guns.
Honeycomb.png Honeycomb Passive Bee Prepared C Quality Item.png Taking damage spawns bees that seek out and damage enemies.
Map.png Map Passive Floor Revealed D Quality Item.png Reveals the entire map for the current floor.
Gungeon Blueprint.png Gungeon Blueprint Passive Procedurally Updates 1S Quality Item.png Reveals all floor-maps for the rest of the run.
Sense of Direction.png Sense of Direction Active Surprisingly Rare. D Quality Item.png Points in the direction of the floor's exit.
Duct Tape.png Duct Tape Active Friend Of Gunsmiths A Quality Item.png Single use. Combines 2 guns by granting one gun the projectiles that the other gun fires.
Gungeon Pepper.png Gungeon Pepper Passive The Heat Is On! C Quality Item.png Deals damage to nearby enemies.
Antibody.png Antibody Passive Heals Up B Quality Item.png Adds a chance to heal the player for an extra half a heart whenever they receive healing.
Resourceful Sack.png Resourceful Sack Active Pack Rat's Rat Pack A Quality Item.png Rolling through bullets collects them in the sack. Using the sack empties the sack and fires a piece of explosive cheese for every bullet collected. Grants 3 extra active item slots.
Pink Guon Stone.png Pink Guon Stone Passive Increased Health B Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Grants one extra heart container.
White Guon Stone.png White Guon Stone Passive Kindles Blanks B Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Grants an extra blank per floor.
Orange Guon Stone.png Orange Guon Stone Passive Hot Rock A Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Shoots at enemies.
Clear Guon Stone.png Clear Guon Stone Passive Pure D Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Negates poison damage.
Green Guon Stone.png Green Guon Stone Passive Chance To Heal A Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Chance to heal upon taking damage.
Red Guon Stone.png Red Guon Stone Passive Dodge Up B Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Improves dodging.
Blue Guon Stone.png Blue Guon Stone Passive On My Side B Quality Item.png Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Upon taking damage, briefly slows time.
Glass Guon Stone.png Glass Guon Stone Passive Fleeting Defense N/A Orbits the player, blocking enemy shots on contact. Destroyed upon taking damage.
Iron Coin.png Iron Coin Active Valar Morgunis C Quality Item.png 3 uses. Kills all enemies in a random room on the floor. Increases coolness by 2 and grants a 20% discount at shops while held.
Super Hot Watch.png Super Hot Watch Passive Suuuuuuper 1S Quality Item.png Slows down time immensely while standing still. Moving speeds up time back to normal.
Drum Clip.png Drum Clip Passive One Size Fits All B Quality Item.png Increases the magazine size of all weapons by 50%.
Holey Grail.png Holey Grail Passive Withered Vessel D Quality Item.png Upon taking damage, triggers a blank effect and refills 50% of the ammo of all the player's guns. Increases curse by 1.
Blood Brooch.png Blood Brooch Passive What Music They Make! A Quality Item.png Heals the player after dealing 1200 damage to enemies. Increases Curse by 1.
Backup Gun.png Backup Gun Passive Watch Your Back B Quality Item.png With each shot fired, a second bullet will be fired in the opposite direction that the player is aiming.
Sunglasses.png Sunglasses Passive Bright Future C Quality Item.png Slows down time and increases dodge power during explosions. Increases coolness by 2.
Mimic Tooth Necklace.png Mimic Tooth Necklace Passive Chomp A Quality Item.png Every chest is guaranteed to be a Mimic.
Escape Rope.png Escape Rope Active Works Anywhere! D Quality Item.png Teleport out of the current room into the shop of the current floor.
Jetpack.png Jetpack Active To Fly C Quality Item.png Can be toggled. While active, the player has increased movement speed and flight, but cannot dodge roll. Passing over puddles of oil will set them on fire.
Wax Wings.png Wax Wings Passive Too Close To The Gun B Quality Item.png Grants flight.
Cat Bullet King Throne.png Cat Bullet King Throne Passive A Cat Throne B Quality Item.png Shoots miniature bullets upon rolling and grants flight.
Blast Helmet.png Blast Helmet Passive Duck And Cover D Quality Item.png Decreases the radius that explosions will hurt the player in. Grants immunity to contact damage.
Lament Configurum.png Lament Configurum Active Shellraiser B Quality Item.png Upon use, spawns several enemies and has a chance to spawn a gun or item. Increases curse by 1 while held.
Monster Blood.png Monster Blood Passive Twist To Open C Quality Item.png Taking damage spawns a pool of poison creep. Grants immunity to poison creep and a heart container.
Nanomachines.png Nanomachines Passive Son B Quality Item.png Grants two pieces of armor upon pickup. Grants a piece of armor every 4 times damage is taken.
Seven-Leaf Clover.png Seven-Leaf Clover Passive Lucky! 1S Quality Item.png Increases the quality of chests found in chest rooms to an equal chance of red or black.
Number 2.png Number 2 Passive Sidekick No More A Quality Item.png Boosts stats when alone. Only available in co-op, where The Cultist starts with this item.
Gold Ammolet.png Gold Ammolet Passive Blank Damage Up B Quality Item.png Increases blank damage. Grants an extra blank per floor.
Chaos Ammolet.png Chaos Ammolet Passive What Can Will A Quality Item.png Blanks have a chance to poison, freeze, and ignite enemies. Grants an extra blank per floor.
Lodestone Ammolet.png Lodestone Ammolet Passive Blank Knockback Up D Quality Item.png Increases the knockback of blanks. Grants an extra blank per floor.
Uranium Ammolet.png Uranium Ammolet Passive Blanks Poison B Quality Item.png Blanks have a chance to poison enemies. Grants an extra blank per floor.
Copper Ammolet.png Copper Ammolet Passive Blanks Ignite B Quality Item.png Blanks have a chance to ignite enemies. Grants an extra blank per floor.
Frost Ammolet.png Frost Ammolet Passive Chance To Freeze B Quality Item.png Blanks have a chance to freeze enemies. Grants an extra blank per floor.
Table Tech Sight.png Table Tech Sight Passive Flip Multiplier D Quality Item.png Flipping a table briefly slows down time and triple the player's shots.
Table Tech Money.png Table Tech Money Passive Flip Prosperity D Quality Item.png Flipping a table flips all other tables in the room, and flipping a table has a chance to spawn money.
Table Tech Rocket.png Table Tech Rocket Passive End Table C Quality Item.png Flipping a table causes it to launch forward and explode.
Table Tech Shotgun.png Table Tech Shotgun Passive Flip Out D Quality Item.png Tables release a homing shotgun blast of bullets when flipped.
Table Tech Heat.png Table Tech Heat Passive Hot Flips D Quality Item.png Flipping a table creates a large area in which all enemies will be set on fire.
Table Tech Rage.png Table Tech Rage Passive Flips Of Fury D Quality Item.png Flipping a table briefly doubles the player's damage.
Table Tech Blanks.png Table Tech Blanks Passive Flip Clarity C Quality Item.png Flipping a table activates a free blank.
Table Tech Stun.png Table Tech Stun Passive Flip Showmanship C Quality Item.png Flipping a table briefly stuns nearby enemies.
Heart Holster.png Heart Holster Passive On Your Sleeve C Quality Item.png B Quality Item.png A Quality Item.png Grants a heart container.
Heart Lunchbox.png Heart Lunchbox Passive Healthy Meal C Quality Item.png B Quality Item.png A Quality Item.png Grants a heart container.
Heart Locket.png Heart Locket Passive Memento Mori C Quality Item.png B Quality Item.png A Quality Item.png Grants a heart container.
Heart Bottle.png Heart Bottle Passive Liquid Life C Quality Item.png B Quality Item.png A Quality Item.png Grants a heart container.
Heart Purse.png Heart Purse Passive Form Begets Function C Quality Item.png B Quality Item.png A Quality Item.png Grants a heart container.
Ruby Bracelet.png Ruby Bracelet Passive Thrown Guns Explode D Quality Item.png Thrown guns will explode.
Moving Forward Thrown guns will explode. Grants immunity to contact damage. Moving constantly without rolling or taking damage for 4 seconds charges a dodge roll, which will deal 300 damage.
Sixth Chamber.png Sixth Chamber Passive Blessing Of Kaliber A Quality Item.png Decreases the cooldown time of active items by 5% for each point of Curse the player has. Inverts the usual curse penalty towards getting a room clear reward, making room rewards 2% more common for each point of Curse the player has.
Increases curse by 2 while held.
Busted Television.png Busted Television Active Broken And Heavy N/A Upon use, the television is thrown in the direction of the cursor. Dropped upon dodge rolling.
Coolant Leak.png Coolant Leak Active Don't Overheat! N/A Sprays water forward.
Heart of Ice.png Heart of Ice Passive That's Cold C Quality Item.png B Quality Item.png A Quality Item.png Grants a heart container. Taking damage releases bouncing ice bullets. Increases coolness by 1.
Ancient Hero's Bandana.png Ancient Hero's Bandana Passive Limitless 1S Quality Item.png Quadruples maximum ammo.
Bloodied Scarf.png Bloodied Scarf Passive Blink Away B Quality Item.png Replaces the dodge roll with a teleport. Increases reload speed.
Muscle Relaxant.png Muscle Relaxant Passive Loosen Up B Quality Item.png Decreases bullet spread by 66%.
Hip Holster.png Hip Holster Passive Quickdraw B Quality Item.png Reloading a weapon fires it once for free.
Clone.png Clone Passive The Real Me 1S Quality Item.png Upon death, the player is revived in the starting room of the first floor, retaining all items and guns.
Sponge.png Sponge Passive Godliness C Quality Item.png Removes all liquids near the player and allows the player to understand Professor Goopton
Gas Mask.png Gas Mask Passive Breathe Deep D Quality Item.png Grants immunity to poison.
Hazmat Suit.png Hazmat Suit Passive Safety Protocol B Quality Item.png Grants immunity to fire, poison, and electricity.
Book of Chest Anatomy.png Book of Chest Anatomy Passive Controlled Demolition C Quality Item.png Improves the contents of broken chests.
Gun Soul.png Gun Soul Passive YOU DEFEATED A Quality Item.png Adds a heart container. Upon death, the player respawns at the start of the current floor with one heart container. All enemies previously killed will respawn, and if the player reaches the location where they died, they will return to normal.
Shelleton Key.png Shelleton Key Passive Locks Are Dead To You 1S Quality Item.png Allows any chest or lock to be opened without using a key. Increases curse by 1 while held.
Brick of Cash.png Brick of Cash Passive Secrets Of The Masons B Quality Item.png Reveals secret rooms.
Battle Standard.png Battle Standard Passive Set Your Own! D Quality Item.png Increases the damage of companions and charmed enemies.
Wingman.png Wingman Passive Got Your Back A Quality Item.png Orbits the player, firing rockets at enemies.
Wolf.png Wolf Passive Junior B Quality Item.png Chases and bites enemies.
Dog.png Dog Passive Junior II D Quality Item.png Follows the player around, occasionally digs up a pickup upon completing a room, and barks at mimic chests.
Owl.png Owl Passive Hoots And More 1S Quality Item.png Follows the player, firing bullets at enemies and occasionally using short-ranged blanks.
Super Space Turtle.png Super Space Turtle Passive Hero From Space B Quality Item.png Follows the player, firing bullets at enemies.
Junk.png Junk Passive Next Time Use A Key N/A Has no effect on its own. Often spawned by destroying chests.
Gold Junk.png Gold Junk Passive One Man's Trash N/A Grants 500 Money.png on pickup.
Junk.png Lies Passive Next Time Tell The Truth N/A No effect.
Ser Junkan 1.png Ser Junkan Passive Next time... who is he? C Quality Item.png Summons Ser Junkan, who follows the player, attacks enemies, and becomes stronger for each Junk picked up.
R2G2.png R2G2 Passive Gunmech Robot 1S Quality Item.png Follows the player, firing bullets at enemies.
Baby Good Shelleton.png Baby Good Shelleton Passive Grave Lad 1S Quality Item.png Follows the player and attacks enemies with a green laser.
Badge.png Badge Passive By The Book A Quality Item.png Summons a police officer that follows the player, firing bullets at enemies. Can be talked to. Can die after taking too much damage. Talking to him after he dies increases the player's damage by 20% and curse by 2.
Chicken Flute.png Chicken Flute Passive Fowl Play B Quality Item.png Summons a chicken that follows the player and blocks bullets. After taking a certain amount of damage, it summons an army of chickens to attack enemies.
Space Friend.png Space Friend Passive A Friend From The Space B Quality Item.png Follows the player, firing lasers at enemies and blocking enemy bullets.
Pig.png Pig Passive Shifty A Quality Item.png Upon death, instantly revives the player with full health.
Turkey.png Turkey Passive Triple Tap C Quality Item.png Recovers 1 ammo after landing three sequential hits.
Turtle Problem.png Turtle Problem Passive Is This Normal? C Quality Item.png Clearing a room spawns a turtle companion. Turtles block enemy bullets and die after taking enough damage.
Sprun.png Sprun Passive The Way of Guns A Quality Item.png Temporarily transforms into Windgunner under special circumstances.
Baby Good Mimic.png Baby Good Mimic Passive Imitation Love B Quality Item.png If no other familiars are present, follows the player and attacks enemies. If familiars are present, transforms into another one of the player's familiars.
Blank Companion's Ring.png Blank Companion's Ring Passive He Tries A Quality Item.png Activates a blank each time an active item is used.
Briefcase of Cash.png Briefcase of Cash Passive Avarice A Quality Item.png Grants 250 Money.png and 3 Hegemony Credit.png.
Galactic Medal of Valor.png Galactic Medal of Valor Passive Courage Increased B Quality Item.png Deal more damage to Bosses.

Increases reload speed and accuracy.

Bullet Idol.png Bullet Idol Passive Vengeful Spirit B Quality Item.png Deals 45 damage to enemies upon taking damage.
Riddle of Lead.png Riddle of Lead Passive This You Can Trust 1S Quality Item.png Grants a heart container, fully heals the player, increases damage by 30%, increases dodge roll speed by 15%, increases movement speed by 10%, and adds a chance to negate damage.
Bracket Key.png Bracket Key Active `debugkill 1S Quality Item.png Deals a large amount of damage to all enemies in a room. Increases curse by 1 while held.
Elder Blank.png Elder Blank Active Excommunicate Bullets B Quality Item.png Activates a blank. Increases curse by 2 while held.
Teleporter Prototype.png Teleporter Prototype Active Teleport?! B Quality Item.png Teleports the player to a random room.
Yellow Chamber.png Yellow Chamber Passive "the jammed thing" 1S Quality Item.png Grants 2 heart containers. Upon entering a room, there is a chance that an enemy will be charmed for the duration of the room. Increases fire rate by 15%. Increase curse by 2 while held.
Infuriating Note.png Infuriating Note Passive You've Been Had... N/A Useless on its own. Has six variants, each of which reveals one of the directions necessary to make it through the maze in the Resourceful Rat's Lair.

Damage-based Recharge

As does enemy health, active items with damage-based recharge require greater charge as the player progresses further into the Gungeon. The charge in a chamber can be found by multiplying its base by the chamber's corresponding multiplier:



  • Most items that affect stats stack multiplicatively, with a few exceptions:
    • Movement speed upgrades stack additively, except for Spice and Riddle of Lead.
    • Unity adds flat damage after other damage increases have been applied.
    • The Robot gains an additive 5% damage increase for each piece of Junk.
  • If an item is left in a room alone, it will be taken by the Resourceful Rat.
    • Bullet components and Master Rounds will not be stolen.
    • Items on pedestals (such as boss rewards and the Old Crest) will not be stolen.
  • Most active items cannot be activated during dodge rolling, except Elder Blank and Daruma.