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Type: Active
Quality: A Quality Item.png
Sell Price: 41 Money.png
Recharge: Single-Use
Unlock: Purchase from Ox and Cadence for 7 Hegemony Credit.png.
Ammonomicon Entry
A tantalizing cube of power.
Increases combat prowess, with absolutely no downside!

A potent gun-enhancing drug from the far reaches of the galaxy. It is known to be extremely addictive, and extremely expensive.

Spice is an active item with a unique mechanic: after being found and used once, Spice will start replacing weapons, items, and pickups from chests, room drops, and shops. This effect happens more frequently the more Spice is used.


  • On the first use:
    • Adds 1 heart container.
    • Increases the player's speed by 20%.
    • Decreases shot spread by 25%.
    • Increases curse by 0.5.
    • Adds a chance that Spice will replace other items and pickups.
  • On the second use:
    • Adds 1 heart container.
    • Slows down enemy bullets by 10%.
    • Improves firing speed by 20%.
    • Increases curse by 1.
    • Increases the chance that Spice will replace other items and pickups.
  • On the third use:
    • Removes 1 heart container.
    • Slows down enemy bullets by another 5%.
    • Increases damage by 20%.
    • Increases curse by 1.
    • Increases the chance that Spice will replace other items and pickups.
  • On the fourth use:
    • Removes 1 heart container.
    • Increases damage by 15%.
    • Increases shot spread by 10%.
    • Increases curse by 1.
    • Increases the chance that Spice will replace other items and pickups.
  • On the fifth and following uses:
    • Removes 1 heart container.
    • Increases damage by 15%.
    • Increases shot spread by 10%.
    • Increases curse by 1.
Spice replaces Gnawed Key in Shop
Spice can replace even the Gnawed key in the Shop


  • After three to four uses, Spice will replace nearly every weapon and item that's encountered. Due to this, the player might wish to wait until they have acquired sufficient weapons and items before using Spice.
  • In co-op, both players can pick up Spice multiple times. Each player will go through Spice's uses separately.
    • If a player dies but is resurrected by the partner, all of Spice's effects will be lost, but the number of uses will be remembered. No other form of resurrection does this.
  • Like other limited-use active items, Spice will stack with itself and multiple Spice can be carried at once.
  • Each time Spice is used, the pickup quote changes:
    • On first pickup: A tantalizing cube of power.
    • After first use: One more couldn't hurt.
    • After second use: Just one more hit...
    • After third use: MORE
  • The player cannot die by using Spice to drop below 1 heart container. However, using Spice after the player's health is at 1 heart container will prevent items that normally provide heart containers from adding heart containers until the sum of the player's starting heart containers and added heart containers minus the number of heart containers lost from Spice is greater than 1.
  • If Spice is used by The Robot, it will not add or remove armor, which makes Spice a very powerful item to be used when playing as The Robot.
  • Spice can replace the Prime Primer and the Gnawed Key. The player can buy it for 90 coins.
  • If the player has 40 Spice in their inventory, the game will stop spawning more Spice.
    • If the player has the Knight's Gun, Spice can still be dug up even after 40 have been obtained.
  • The effects of Spice do not persist in the Player's past.
  • Spice will spawn frequently even in Rainbow Mode — including as boss rewards and in shops.
  • Spice will only replace one item out of Rainbow Chests in a Rainbow Run.
  • Spice can replace junk. [1]
  • Multiple Spice stacked in your inventory will only sell for the price of one Spice when sold to the Sell Creep.
  • There is a glitch where if the player saves the game after using Spice, then upon reloading at the next floor, the game will forget that Spice has been used.
    • The player will still retain the effects from previous uses of Spice: Heart containers, movement speed, etc.
    • Spice will stop replacing other items, and if it is found and used again, it will act as if it is the first time.
  • If the person has Clone, the Spice effects will persist even after dying.


  • This item is a reference to Dune. In the novel, Spice is a highly addictive drug that gives heightened awareness and considerably increased longevity, but withdrawal is fatal.

See also