Resourceful Rat

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Disambigsprite.png This article is about the Resourceful Rat's NPC form. For the Resourceful Rat's boss form, see Resourceful Rat (Boss).

The Resourceful Rat is an antagonist and occasional ally encountered throughout the Gungeon in Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon. He is a bipedal rat characterised primarily around his kleptomania and tendency to annoy and bring misfortune to Gungeoneers, though it is implied that he shares the same distaste towards the Gungeon.


Thief ETG

In his most frequent encounter, the Resourceful Rat is an NPC who will steal armor, ammo, items, and guns left on the floor if the player leaves the room without picking them up. Health, blanks, keys, Hegemony credits, and Glass Guon Stones will never be stolen by the Rat. After stealing an item, he will leave a note on the ground thanking the player for the loot before calling them a random insult.

If the player leaves a room containing an item the Resourceful Rat can steal and then quickly returns before the item is stolen, the Resourceful Rat will appear, but will quickly disappear again after noticing the player, leaving the item behind. If this occurs, the rat will not attempt to steal the item again unless the player is at least 2 rooms away. This allows the player to visit any rooms directly connected to the room containing the item without the risk of it being stolen. As long as rooms are connected, they are considered adjacent, regardless of the length of the connecting corridor.

This mechanic can be especially useful with ammo, as it allows players that do not immediately need ammo to clear out the surrounding rooms before picking up the ammo drop, letting them refill a gun with less rounds in it.


  • The Rat can be shot at while he is in the process of stealing an item, which will cause him to call the player a "Jerk!" before quickly teleporting away. Shooting the rat is not required to dissuade him from stealing items, however.
  • If the player has the Ring of the Resourceful Rat, once per floor upon stealing a gun or item the rat will drop another gun or item of the same type and quality. If the player does not trade with the Rat on a floor, this unused trade opportunity will carry over to the next floor.
  • The Rat will not steal from the player if he has been killed in the third phase of his bossfight (See #Boss), or if the player has the Synergy.png Resourceful Indeed synergy.
  • The Resourceful Rat will not steal Master Rounds.
  • The Resourceful Rat will steal the Bullet That Can Kill The Past.
    • If the player has the Ring of the Resourceful Rat and has trade opportunities remaining, the Rat will drop an 1S Quality Item.png tier passive item after stealing the Bullet That Can Kill The Past.
  • Ammo or Armor placed during floor generation, such as inside a Secret Room or Mini-Reward Room, will not be stolen by the Rat, even if the room is opened and the player has entered it previously.

Shortcut Merchant ETG

If the player takes a shortcut to the second chamber onwards, the Resourceful Rat will be in the elevator room wearing a mask resembling Bello and offer the player a varying selection of three free guns. These guns will not change unless the player completes a floor after taking an elevator.

Chamber Gun
# of Guns that
can be taken
Gungeon Proper D Quality Item.png 1
Black Powder Mine C Quality Item.png 1
Hollow B Quality Item.png 2
Forge B Quality Item.png 3


  • The weapons that the Rat provides will not change until any boss from a shortcutted chamber is defeated.
    • Starting a run from a shortcutted chamber and defeating a boss in any of those chambers will change the selection for all shortcutted chambers.
    • Starting a new run from the Keep of the Lead Lord and defeating a boss in the Gungeon Proper will not change the selection of weapons provided by the Rat.
  • Unlocking new guns may force the Resourceful Rat to change his gun selection on subsequent visits before a chamber has been cleared.
  • The player may steal from the Resourceful Rat, despite his offerings being free. Stealing here will give 1 Curse and contributes to unlocking the Shelleton Key as normal, and will prevent the player from being able to take any more of the free guns on offer.
  • The Rat can offer Blasphemy as a free gun, even to The Bullet. In this case, picking it up will not add a second one to the player's inventory.

Exit the Gungeon XTG

The Resourceful Rat does not steal items in Exit the Gungeon, as the player is unable to drop items or re-access rooms they have left. Despite this, the Resourceful Rat does make a brief appearance in the side area of the Shop, offering the player a Rat Key.


See also

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