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Type: Semiautomatic
Quality: B Quality Item.png
Magazine Size: 6
Max Ammo: Infinity.png
Reload Time: 1.0s (single reload)
2.0s (double)
DPS: 56 (beam + swing)
28 (only swing or beam)
Damage: 14 (beam)
14 (swing)
Fire Rate: 0.20
Shot Speed: 26
Range: 1000 (beam)
Force: 10
Spread: 10
Class: SILLY
Damage Type: None
Sell Creep Price: 30 Money.png
Unlock Method: Defeat the High Dragun as The Bullet.
Ammonomicon Entry
To The Point
Meta Info
Item ID: 417
Int Name: Blasphemy
Object Name: blasphemy
Sprite Name: blasphemy
Disambigsprite.png This article is about the regular weapon. For the wooden version of the gun available in the Bullets Past, see Blasphemy (Wooden).

Blasphemy is a Gun that appears in Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon, where it functions as the starting weapon of The Bullet.


  • Fires a piercing rainbow sword projectile when swung.
    • ETG This projectile is only spawned if the player is at full health. The Robot is never considered at full health, and as such, cannot fire the sword projecitle.
  • When swung, Blasphemy creates a wide arc that deals 28 damage to enemies and destroys enemy bullets caught within. This swing also pulls the player slightly forwards in the direction aimed.
    • Bullets that would normally split into more bullets do not do so when destroyed by Blasphemy. This is especially beneficial for countering a number of Boss attacks.
    • Enemy lasers can also be cancelled by Blasphemys melee swing, however they must be hit by the swing at the origin point of the laser.
  • ETG Blasphemy does not need to reload, however pressing the reload button will perform a block, destroying all enemy bullets in a small radius around the player. Pressing the reload button again while performing a block will perform a 'double-tap reload', actually bringing up the reload bar. Double-tap reloads are required to trigger on-reload effects like the Hip Holster.png Hip Holster.

Tricks ETG

  • The hitbox of Blasphemy's swing extends slightly behind the player, allowing it to hit an enemy that is very closely behind the player by swinging forward. This effect is fickle and depends greatly on the direction the player is aiming.
  • The block effect of Blasphemy only destroys bullets at the very start of the animation, meaning that new bullets that come near after the block has already begun will not be destroyed.
  • The hitbox of blasphemy's main swing moves with the player, allowing them to slice through thicker bullet walls by moving and slashing.

Guard Flashing ETG

Demonstration of the Guard Flash.

Blasphemy can be used to perform a powerful glitch termed Guard Flashing by the Enter the Gungeon community. By swinging in the opposite direction of enemies or enemy bullets, then double-tapping the reload key (starting a block) and quickly turning to face the enemies, the player breaks the code logic which calculates the bounds of blasphemys melee swing.
This causes blasphemy to hit enemies at considerable range, regardless of obstackes, as well as clearing a wide swathe of enemy bullets from the screen.

  • It is easier to perform a guard flash with controller input by remapping the reload button to the left bumper or trigger.
  • Quickswitching between Blasphemy and a secondary weapon in between guard flashes can cancel Blasphemy's reload time. Although this is a bit trickier, it allows its users to perform a faster guard flash.
  • It is possible to perform a guard flash with a single press of the reload button, although it is considerably more precise.
  • The Super Hot Watch.png Super Hot Watch can make performing a guard flash considerably easier by pausing time to make the trick less precise.

Item Interactions

Blasphemy being used with the Ring of Triggers.

The melee slash of blasphemy is not considered a projectile, and as such does not benefit from most item effects.

  • Blasphemys firerate is not affected by the players Rate of Fire stat.
  • Hip Holster.png Hip Holster, Cog of Battle.png Cog of Battle - Blocking with Blasphemy is not considered reloading, and therefore does not trigger on-reload effects. The player must perform a double-tap reload by pressing the reload button twice in order to trigger these items.
  • Hip Holster.png Hip Holster, Ring of Triggers.png Ring of Triggers - The player does not have to be at full health for these items to spawn Blasphemy's rainbow sword laser.
  • Betrayer's Shield.png Betrayer's Shield - Blasphemys melee swing can damage the shields left by Betrayers Shield.
  • Alpha Bullet.png Alpha Bullet - The first sword beam after a double-tap reload will gain the effect of Alpha Bullet. Blocking with Blasphemy does not refill its hidden clip, and therefore does not grant the benefit of Alpha Bullet.
  • Omega Bullets.png Omega Bullets - The sixth sword beam after a double-tap reload will gain the effect of Omega Bullets, as it is technically the last bullet in Blasphemys hidden clip- despite the fact that Blasphemy does not need to reload. Blocking with Blasphemy does not refill its hidden clip, and therefore does not reset the counter towards Omega Bullets.
  • Crisis Stone.png Crisis Stone - Has no effect, but will play its sound effect regardless.
  • Synergy.png Key Witness - If the player is at full health, Blasphemy will always fire an AKEY-47 projectile in addition to its sword laser when swung.

Other Appearances

  • Blasphemy appears in the promotional art for the Supply Drop Update, bearing an uncharacteristic green glow.


SDU Blasphemy Fuzzy.png

Enter the Gungeon

  • Despite being a melee weapon, Blasphemy does not give any Curse rounded.png Curse.
  • Blasphemy is the only weapon that does not visually show a magazine size.
    • Despite this, it still has a hidden six-round magazine — it just doesn't need reloading.
  • Blasphemy cannot be dropped if obtained as a starter.
  • Because Blasphemy's melee attack is not a projectile, it cannot be blanked by Bombshees.
  • Blasphemy is one of the only two character starter weapons not in the SHITTY gun class, the other being the Slinger.
  • Defeating The Bullet's past with its alternate skin will unlock a skin for this weapon. This alt form resembles a carrot to match the Bullets bunny alt skin.
  • Because Blasphemy does not need to reload, it mostly circumvents the Gun Queue.png Gun Queue Challenge Modifier. However, waiting 30 seconds or attempting to perform a block (the player does not need to perform a double-tap reload) will still trigger the modifier to switch to the next gun.
  • Performing a block with Blasphemy does not trigger the Thermal Clips.png Thermal Clips Challenge Modifier.
    • Double-tap reloading Blasphemy does trigger Thermal Clips, but only if the player has swung the sword exactly six times since the last double-tap reload.
  • If the player is at full health, but has been reduced to a temporary 1/2 state by the High Stress.png High Stress Challenge Modifier, Blasphemy will still shoot sword beams.
  • The 'bullet arms' of Misfire Beasts cannot be destroyed by Blasphemy. The arms of the Revolvenant can be destroyed by Blasphemy, but will instantly regenerate.
  • The Beadies created by the Beholster, Mine Flayers Claymores, High/Advanced Draguns knives, and the Resourceful Rats mousetraps all spawn in the form of projectiles, and as such can be destroyed by Blasphemy before hitting the ground and spawning.
  • The High Dragun's RPG rocket can be destroyed with Blasphemy.
  • While it is impossible to see in-game due to the gun having the infinite ammo variable set to true, Blasphemy has a maximum ammo of 350.
  • The Bullets super attack in the Punch Out! phase of the Resourceful Rat Boss shows him striking the rat with Blasphemy.


  • The function of Blasphemy, namely firing a sword projectile when at full health, is a reference to the classic Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda.


  • FixedBug.png Fixed Bug Prior to the Supply Drop Update, slash of Blasphemy could reveal secret rooms.
  • FixedBug.png Fixed Bug Prior to the Advanced Gungeons & Draguns Update, if “reloaded" immediately after a swing ends, Blasphemy could instantly swing again.
  • FixedBug.png Fixed Bug Prior to version v2.1.4 the alt form of Blasphemy was bugged, and would trigger a full room damage effect similar to a guard flash when fired to the left.

Unused Content

  • UnusedSynergy.png Unused: Chickensword - If the player has Chicken Flute, Blasphemy can fire its sword projectile even when the player is not at full HP.
    • This synergy was likely removed due to it containing a starter weapon.
    • This synergy may be a reference to the Chicken Sword weapon in the game Nuclear Throne.
  • The VFX collection of Enter the Gungeon contains unused impact and 'slash' effects for Blasphemy. While the impact VFX appears to be a projectile impact effect, it is unclear how the 'slash' would have been used.


See also