Rate of Fire

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Stats Scouter.png
Bionic Leg.png Movement Speed
Lichy Trigger Finger.png Rate of Fire
Scope.png Accuracy
Heart Lunchbox.png Health
Ice Cube.png Coolness
-1 Bullets.png Damage
Rocket-Powered Bullets.png Projectile Speed
Ammo Belt.png Ammo Capacity
Oiled Cylinder.png Reload Speed
Ghost Bullets.png Piercing
Fat Bullets.png Knockback
Curse Icon.png Curse
Drum Clip.png Clip Capacity
Bouncy Bullets.png Bouncing
Frost Ammolet.png Additional Blanks
Armor of Thorns.png Dodge Roll Damage
Galactic Medal of Valor.png Damage To Bosses
Red Guon Stone.png Dodge Roll Speed
Question Mark.png Other

Rate of Fire is a Stat in Enter the Gungeon which controls how fast the player is able to shoot Guns. While it is most noticeable with Automatic style weapons, all weapon types are affected. For Beam style weapons, Rate of Fire serves as a second damage multiplier (For example, having 1.5 Rate of Fire results in all beams gaining +50% damage) as beams have no cooldown between segments. Rate of Fire also controls how fast Beam weapons consume ammo.

The default Rate of Fire for all Gungeoneers is 1. Since Rate of Fire acts as a multiplier, 1 is equivalent to 100%.


Item Interaction
Potion of Gun Friendship.png
Potion of Gun Friendship
Multiplies rate of fire by 2 while active.
Platinum Bullets.png
Platinum Bullets
Increases rate of fire for every bullet that hits an enemy.
Increases rate of fire by 100% every 250 normalized seconds of continuously shooting enemies.
Maxes out at a 300% rate of fire multiplier.
Yellow Chamber.png
Yellow Chamber
Increases rate of fire by 15%.
Rocket-Powered Bullets.png
Rocket-Powered Bullets
Increases rate of fire by 10%.
Lichy Trigger Finger.png
Lichy Trigger Finger
Increases rate of fire by 25%.
Increases rate of fire by 20% on its second usage.



  • Rate of Fire works as a direct multiplier to the cooldown time of each gun. For example, a Rate of Fire of 1.2 (+20%) results in gun cooldowns being multiplied by 0.8, or reduced to 80%.