Knockback Multiplier

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Stats Scouter.png
Bionic Leg.png Movement Speed
Lichy Trigger Finger.png Rate of Fire
Scope.png Accuracy
Heart Lunchbox.png Health
Ice Cube.png Coolness
-1 Bullets.png Damage
Rocket-Powered Bullets.png Projectile Speed
Ammo Belt.png Ammo Capacity
Oiled Cylinder.png Reload Speed
Ghost Bullets.png Piercing
Fat Bullets.png Knockback
Curse Icon.png Curse
Drum Clip.png Clip Capacity
Bouncy Bullets.png Bouncing
Frost Ammolet.png Additional Blanks
Armor of Thorns.png Dodge Roll Damage
Galactic Medal of Valor.png Damage To Bosses
Red Guon Stone.png Dodge Roll Speed
Question Mark.png Other

Knockback Multiplier is a Stat in Enter the Gungeon which controls how far enemies get pushed back by the players bullets.

The default Knockback Multiplier for all Gungeoneers is 1. Because Knockback Multiplier is a multiplier, a value of 1 means that all guns deal 100% knockback, while a value of 1.3 would mean that all guns deal 130% knockback.


Item Interaction
Potion of Gun Friendship.png
Potion of Gun Friendship
Multiplies Knockback Multiplier by 10 for a short time when used.
Heavy Bullets.png
Heavy Bullets
Multiplies Knockback Multiplier by 2.
Fat Bullets.png
Fat Bullets
Multiplies Knockback Multiplier by 2.



  • Because knockback increasing synergies actually affect the player's stats rather than modifying the target gun directly, it means they can inadvertently benefit items other than the gun they were intended for such as companions.
    • For example, holding the Tangler with the Synergy.png Spengbab synergy will also increase the knockback of bullet-firing companions by 50%.
  • If the player has a negative knockback multiplier (Impossible in regular gameplay) enemies will be knocked forwards, towards the player.