Resourceful Rat/Dialogue

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cyan This text represents a variable value that may change depending on the character being played, or the player's settings.
orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
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Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of the Resourceful Rat. This page also contains the table of Insults, which while not exclusively used by the Resourceful Rat, are primarily utilised in his dialogue.


rat fink

Thief NPC
(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Hey, watch it!
Dialoguerandom.png *****!!
Dialoguerandom.png Jerk!

Shortcut Merchant
(Interacting for the first time on a save file)

Dialoguesequential.png So, you like takin' shortcuts, huh?
Dialoguesequential.png Well just for you, I've opened up a new franchise.
Dialoguesequential.png Ya know, for bein' such a good... customer.
Dialoguesequential.png Got some "special offers" lined up for you.
Dialoguesequential.png Just in case you came down here... a little unprepared.
Dialoguesequential.png Can't have my favorite customer poorly equipped.


Go on, take one.

(Interacting again)

Dialogueordered.png That's a nice gun. Shame if somethin' happened to it.
Dialogueordered.png Thievery is just another form of shortcut.
Dialogueordered.png You'd be surprised at what some people just leave lyin' around.
Dialogueordered.png Watch out for all the Bullats.
Dialogueordered.png You sure found some interestin' stuff last time...
Dialogueordered.png Adventurers sure are good at findin' treasure. Not too good at keepin' it, though.

(Interacting for the third time onwards)

Dialoguerandom.png Take care... heh heh heh.
Dialoguerandom.png Watch your step...

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Hey, watch it!
Dialoguerandom.png *****!!
Dialoguerandom.png Jerk!

(After the player has finished taking their guns)

Dialoguerandom.png Fine choice.
Dialoguerandom.png Enjoy.
Dialoguerandom.png That one?

(Before disappearing)

Dialoguerandom.png Later, Random Insult!
Dialoguerandom.png Later, Player Nickname!
Dialoguerandom.png Fufufufufu!

(Entering the Boss Room with no Infuriating Notes for the first time)

Dialoguesequential.png What!? How did you find me?
Dialoguesequential.png You are either exceedingly lucky or some kind of hacker!

(Entering the Boss Room with three or fewer Infuriating Notes)

Dialogueordered.png Hmmm. It's statistically unlikely that you got here reading so few notes. I think you might have cheated... but I can't be sure. So I'll just have to kill you!
Dialogueordered.png Are you brute-forcing your way through my immaculately designed maze? That makes me angry! DIE!
Dialogueordered.png Go appreciate my poetry! You aren't supposed to be here yet! Grawr!

(Entering the Boss Room with four Infuriating Notes for the first time)

Here with only 4 notes... how resourceful. But there can only be one! Die, usurper!

(Entering the Boss Room with five Infuriating Notes for the first time)

Here you are. I can't blame you for getting impatient... who wouldn't want a slice of this?

(Entering the Boss Room with all Infuriating Notes for the first time)

Dialoguesequential.png You have wedged yourself in here, but now you're trapped like a rat!
Dialoguesequential.png You've been grating my nerves since you got here.
Dialoguesequential.png But now you'll face me: The Big Cheese!

(Entering the Boss Room with all Infuriating Notes a second time)

You followed the trail of cheese through the maze! Congratulations! Here's your reward! Fufufufufufufu.

(Entering the Boss Room after dying to the rat last attempt)

Dialogueordered.png Back with your tail between your legs, I see. I'll make you full of holes... again! Fufufufufu.
Dialogueordered.png Your tenacity is remarkable. It will be your end!
Dialogueordered.png Something stinks... oh, it's you again.

(Entering the Boss Room after defeating the rat last attempt)

Dialogueordered.png I was just getting warmed up before, now I'll melt you!
Dialogueordered.png It seems we were destined to do this over and over again! Die, usurper!

(After defeating the Rat in Punch Out)

Come hither, Character Nickname.

(After being shot once defeated in Punch Out, before being interacted with)

Dialoguerandom.png Have mercy!
Dialoguerandom.png Yield!
Dialoguerandom.png Let me tell you my life's story, damnit!

(Interacting after defeating the Rat in Punch Out)

Dialoguesequential.png Pity me, for my story is a tragedy.
Dialoguesequential.png I was born in the hold of a tradesman's ship, where my mischief made our nest among the refuse.
Dialoguesequential.png When the tradesman changed routes, the food they previously hauled was replaced with weaponry.
Dialoguesequential.png I watched my brothers and sisters starve, though I vowed to protect them.
Dialoguesequential.png So I learned to steal, from the captain's personal stores. It was sadly... not enough.
Dialoguesequential.png My efforts to feed them only prolonged their suffering. I couldn't steal enough; it became an obsession.
Dialoguesequential.png I knew that the end was coming. Eventually, driven mad with hunger, my mischief turned on each other.
Dialoguesequential.png The weakest went first, but soon, the last of my kin were gone, eaten by their brethren.
Dialoguesequential.png When the trader finally docked, I escaped his ship... and found myself here, trapped in time.
Dialoguesequential.png I have clawed a home here from nothing. My own kingdom.
Dialoguesequential.png But here I lie, cut down by a usurper with the pettiest of intent. Revenge? You do not know pain..
Dialoguesequential.png I have one last thing to ask...
Dialoguesequential.png Take off your mask, so that I may see your face with my own eyes.
Dialoguesequential.png ...
Dialoguesequential.png Oh.
Dialoguesequential.png That's... actually your face.
Dialoguesequential.png Ha! I realize now...
Dialoguesequential.png It seems...
Dialoguesequential.png I never knew...
Dialoguesequential.png True tragedy.