Secret Rooms

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One of the many possible secret room layouts.
"If you find a crack in a wall, use a Blank to blast it down." - Bellodialogue.png Bello

Secret rooms are hidden rooms that can be discovered in Enter the Gungeon. Every chamber has a 90% chance to generate with a secret room present, though it is possible for a chamber to have no secret room, or multiple secret rooms. Entrances to secret rooms can be opened with blanks, most things that trigger blank effects (such as armor), and certain explosives including the Bomb, Lil' Bomber and the explosion of a fused chest.

Upon shooting a secret room wall using a weapon that does not have infinite ammo, the wall will visibly crack. Entrances to secret rooms are also revealed by the Brick of Cash, the Map, Gungeon Blueprint, and the Synergy.png Insight synergy. Hearts can be pushed into unopened secret rooms when at full health (this may or may not work with other items).

Regular Secret Rooms

Every chamber has a 90% chance to generate a 'regular' secret room, which usually contains chests and pickups. These are the most common kinds of secret room that Gungeoneers will encounter. Secret rooms with higher Weight values are more likely to appear.

The chance of any given secret room being chosen is equal to the secret room's weight divided by the sum of the weights of all possible secret rooms.

Click expand to view Secret Room layouts.
Image Name & Contents Weight
Secret Room Random 001.png
  • A random chest
  • 1-4 random pickups
Basic secret room 001.png
  • 1-2 random pickups
Basic secret room 002.png
  • A random chest on a central island, surrounded by a pit
Basic secret room 003.png
  • 1-2 random pickups on a central island, surrounded by a pit
Basic secret room 004.png
  • 3 Chests

Chests in this room are extremely likely to be Mimics.

Basic secret room 005.png
  • 3 random chests
Basic secret room 006.png
  • 2 Random Unlocked Chests on a central island, surrounded by a pit.
  • The island itself is covered in spike traps, with a patch of flame traps at its center.
Basic secret room 007.png
  • 5 random pickups on a central island, surrounded by a pit.
  • The island itself is covered in flame traps, which trigger on an alternating timer, in a checkerboard pattern.
File:Basic secret room 008.png
Basic secret room 009.png
  • 1-4 random pickups and a random chest. This chest is always unlocked.
File:Basic secret room 010.png
File:Basic secret room 011.png
File:Basic secret room 012.png
DeadGuy secret chest.png
  • 1 Brown chest (Unlocked), 1 Blue Chest, and 1 Green Chest
  • 1 Key
  • A note, and a human skeleton
High dragunfire room 001.png
Can only appear in the Gungeon Proper, if the High Dragun has been killed at least once.

NPC Secret Rooms

In addition to regular secret rooms, there are special secret rooms containing various NPCs that can appear. Every time a new run is started, one room from the below table will be chosen based on its weight, and assigned to a future floor. If EMPTY is chosen, at a weight of 0.8, then no NPC Secret Room will appear in the run.

The chance of any given NPC secret room being chosen is equal to the secret room's weight divided by the sum of the weights of all possible secret rooms. NPC Secret Rooms are handled completely separately to regular secret rooms, meaning that they can appear in addition to regular secret rooms.

Click expand to view NPC Secret Room layouts.
Image Name & Contents Weight
File:NPC TruthKnower Room.png
File:SubShop EvilMuncher 01.png

Can only appear if the player has used the regular Muncher more than 6 times.


Can only appear if the player has played the current save file for more than 4 hours, and has visited the Gungeon Proper more than 5 times.

File:NPC Monster Manuel Room.png

Can only appear if the player has avenged Ser Manuel by killing Blockner.

File:NPC Old Man Room.png


Secret rooms can contain:


Secret Rooms often contain notes along with chests or pickups:

Blobulonian Army Notes

  • First Note
Lord Blobulolus,
The recruits you requested should arrive within the fortnight.
I hope their training is up to your rigorous standards.
To victory,
Fifth Regiment Quartermaster Blorp
  • Second Note
Quartermaster Blorp,
This is most excellent news. Our Lord is most pleased.
Please consider this official notice of your promotion to Sr. Quartermaster of the Second Division.
Adjutant Osgoo
  • Third Note
Dearest Plorp,
My heart subdivides to think of how long it has been since I laid eyes upon you.
I have been promoted, and they're moving me to the front. Know that I love you.
Yours, forever,
  • Fourth Note
Blorp has become a nuisance. When his transfer papers come in, do your best to lose them, eh?

Other Notes

  • First Note
My past caught up with me, in the form of bullet wounds.
All that I have I leave to you, Stranger.
Goodbye, cruel Gungeon.
  • Second Note
Well, I'm stuck. This time, I'm dead for sure.
But maybe... I've got a plan. And it's just crazy enough to work!
  • Third Note
This could be a mimic. Anything could be a mimic...
The fear is crippling, the only way not to get mimic'd is to stand with my back in a corner, vigilant.
  • Fourth Note
To whoever is perceptive enough to find this place:
I have left something here for you. Good hunting, adventurer.
  • Fifth Note
The Gundead are closing in. I don't think I'm going to make it.
I don't want to die again. Waking up in the Breach... it's the worst feeling.
  • Sixth Note
I can't do this any more. I'm just going to lay down my arms, here... and die.
  • Seventh Note
    • This note is likely written by Frifle.
Well, I got stuck in another one of these damnable secret rooms.
Just gotta wait for Mauser to get back. Don't know what I'd do in this situation without him around.
  • Eighth Note
    • This note was likely written by Alistair the Thunderbolt, mentioned in most lightning-themed items' Ammonomicon descriptions.
These walls don't stand a chance against me! Blanks? Who needs 'em?
  • Ninth Note
I thought I killed the past, but I'm still stuck in this place.
Wrong gun, I guess. I'll leave it here.
  • Tenth Note
Too much to carry. Making a note of this spot on my map, so I can come back later.
  • Eleventh Note
If I stay here long enough, the walls should shift...
Eventually, it'll put me right in the exit! Genius!
  • Twelfth Note
I don't like the way the Gundead look at me, with those soulless eyes... so low on their head.
I think I'll just stay here for a bit.


  • The Resourceful Rat will not attempt to steal any pickups in the secret rooms.
    • He will, however, still take items dropped by the player inside the room.
  • Secret rooms are often connected to chest rooms, shops, elevator exits, and in dead-end rooms.
  • Secret rooms can be revealed by Brick of Cash or by the Synergy.png Insight synergy between Huntsman and Trick Gun.
  • Enemy bullets can reveal walls that lead to secret rooms.
  • The number of shots fired before a secret room wall begins to crack depends on the damage of the gun used. Lower damage guns will require a few more shots before cracks begin to appear.
  • The Abbey of the True Gun may spawn another secret room in addition to the secret room containing Brother Albern.
  • The Old Man may appear on any floor, causing that floor to have an extra secret room.
  • Secret Room entrances tend to not be behind Objects.
  • Secret room entrances will never spawn inside the room containing the Old Crest or the room leading to the Abbey of the True Gun.
  • Despite the eighth note's boast, nothing in the Thunderbolt's implied loadout (Shock Rounds, Void Core Assault Rifle, Void Core Cannon and Void Shotgun) can breach Secret Rooms without using a Blank.
  • Walls that hide secret rooms have slightly different color compared to surrounding walls. This is most noticeable in treasure rooms, allowing for slightly easier identification.

