Brother Albern

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Brother Albern is an NPC in Enter the Gungeon who rarely appears in secret rooms throughout the Gungeon, as well as in a guaranteed extra secret room which always generates in the Abbey of the True Gun.


Brother Albern always appears with a special type of chest, called a Truth Chest. This chest cannot be opened by normal means. Speaking to Brother Albern will prompt him to ask the player a question, although no matter what answer they give, he will unlock his chest and vanish. Once the Truth Chest has been unlocked by Brother Albern, the player can access the loot within.

The Truth Chest always contains 1-2 pickups or guns/items of a random quality.
Alternatively, breaking the Truth Chest will almost always drop the item Junk.png Lies. The Truth Chest can be broken before speaking to Brother Albern.

Full List of Questions

Question Answer A Answer B
What is thine favourite colour? Red. Blue.
What is Gunpowder made of? Sulfur, Charcoal, and Potassium-Nitrate. Magic Beans.
LASER is an acronym. True. False.
What did thou eat for breakfast? Oatmeal. Punks like you.
Dost thou feel lucky? Yes. No.
What number am I thinking of? 9. 10.
What number are you thinking of? 10. 9.
How many fingers am I holding up? One. All of them.
From whence do bullets come from? A night of hot swaging. The great forge in the sky.
Hast thou ever spoken an untruth? Nope. Only once.


  • Although Brother Alberns Truth Chest almost always gives the item Junk.png Lies, it has a low chance to give Junk.png Ser Junkan or Gold Junk.png Gold Junk instead.
  • Brother Albern can appear in a random NPC Secret Room (view the Secret Room page for an explanation of how NPC Secret Rooms differ to regular Secret Rooms).
    • Since NPC Secret Rooms can appear in the Abbey of the True Gun, it is possible (although very rare) for two Brother Alberns to appear in the Abbey. Once in the guaranteed extra secret room, and once in the rare NPC secret room.
  • Brother Alberns Truth Chest gives no loot in Rainbow Mode.
  • Forcing open the lock of the Truth Chest via the AKEY-47.png AKEY-47 or Drill.png Drill will still not allow the player to open it without first speaking to Brother Albern.
  • Brother Albern is not marked on the map, however his Truth Chest is, appearing on the map as Bluechest map.png.
  • Prior to version V1.0.10 Brother Albern did not appear in a guaranteed secret room in the Abbey of the True Gun.
  • FixedBug.png Fixed Bug Prior to version V1.0.10 Brother Alberns Truth Chest could spawn with a fuse.


  • Albern is a German word which translates to 'silly' or 'foolish'.
  • Several of Brother Alberns questions are references;
    • "What is thine favourite colour?" is a reference to the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
    • "Dost thou feel lucky?" is likely a reference to the common misquotation "Do you feel lucky, punk?" from the film Dirty Harry.
    • While the response "A night of hot swaging." is also a sexual innuendo, Swaging is also a real forging process in which the dimensions of an object are altered via forcing it into a group of mechanisms called 'dies', which open and close extremely quickly, warping the object into a different (typically smaller) form.

See also

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