The Lost Adventurer

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Lonk, otherwise known as The Lost Adventurer is an NPC in Enter the Gungeon.


The Lost Adventurer can be found at random in his own special room throughout the Gungeon. When spoken to, he will request the players assistant in mapping out the current chamber. Once the player explores every room on the floor, with the exception of boss rooms and secret rooms, the Lost Adventurer will reward the player with a random gun or item.

occasionally appears in the Gungeon and asks for the player to help him map out the floor. Once the player explores every room on the floor (except for the boss room and secret rooms), the Lost Adventurer will reward the player with a gun or an item.

After the player has helped the Lost Adventurer map out all five main chambers, he will appear in the middle left section of The Breach, and will unlock Excaliber for the player to find on future runs. His presence in the Breach does not affect his ability to appear in the Gungeon.

When interacted with in the Breach, the Lost Adventurer will give vague hints on how to access secret chambers such as the Oubliette and Abbey of the True Gun.


  • If the player shoots at the Lost Adventurer, he will not be able to be spoken to. Shooting at him again until he speaks can fix this, however.
  • If the floor is already revealed by a Map pickup, or the Cartographer's Ring or Gungeon Blueprint items, this will count as completing the floor map.
  • If the floor has a Black Market, the map will not count as completed until the black market is explored, even when the entrance to the Black Market is in a secret room.
  • The Lost Adventurer and many of his dialogue lines are direct references to various games from the Legend of Zelda series.
  • His dialogue line “There’s nothing in those pots. I already checked” is actually false - Gun Fairies and casings can both be found in pots.
  • His dialogue line "I'm studying the maps to see if I can figure out some kind of pattern." may possibly be referring to the novel "The Maze Runner," where the characters escape a labyrinth by studying the maze's patterns and figuring out a code.
  • After helping the Lost Adventurer map the first five floors, (not including secret floors) the player will unlock the Cartographers Assistant achievement.
  • Many of The Lost Adventurer's dialogue in the breach gives hints on how to unlock the Oubliette and Abbey of the True Gun.


  • Shooting at the Lost Adventurer may prevent his dialogue from functioning, making him impossible to speak to. It is possible to fix this bug by continuing to shoot at him until he speaks again.

See also

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