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Tailor the Tinker is an NPC who appears in Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon. In Enter the Gungeon, he is only referred to as Tinker, however the name Tailor was made canon in Exit the Gungeon.


Enter the Gungeon ETG

Tailor can be met in the elevator entrance room of the Gungeon Proper after a boss in the Keep of the Lead Lord has been killed without taking damage for the first time. Speaking to him here will cause him to offer to team up with the player in order to fix the various bullet elevators throughout the Gungeon in order to create shortcuts. Accepting these dialogue choices will cause Tailor to appear in the lower right side of the Breach the next time the player returns.

Once spoken to in the Breach, Tailor will appear in the Elevator Maintenance Room of the Gungeon Proper, and will request certain resources from the player in order to repair the elevator mechanism. Providing these resources to Tailor will unlock the Gungeon Proper shortcut, as well as an additional item once Tailor is spoken to in the Breach again.
Once spoken to in the Breach, Tailor will then appear in the Black Powder Mine Elevator Maintenance Room, and repeat the previous process, but requesting more resources. This will repeat for both the Hollow and Forge Elevators, until all four shortcuts have been unlocked.

If an elevator has been repaired, Tailor will appear in the newly unboarded Elevator Room of the Breach.


  • ETG If Tailor is within the Elevator Maintenance Room of a floor, the entrance elevator shaft will have a special sign indicating his presence.
  • ETG When encountered in an Elevator Maintenance Room, Tailor does not have a projectile repulsion field like most NPCs. He reacts to being shot, but is not otherwise harmed.


See also

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