Brother Albern/Dialogue

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The collected dialogue of Brother Albern.

Misc Dialogue

Dialoguesequential.png I am Brother Albern, Knower of Several Truths.
Dialoguesequential.png If thou seek'st to open mine Truth Chest, then ponder mine question thusly...
(After this, Brother Albern will ask a random question)

(After answering the Question)

Verily, it must be so! Receive thy reward, O truthful hero!

(After the Truth Chest is broken)

Betrayal! It can't be true!

In the interests of clarity, Brother Alberns questions are listed separately and with different formatting to other dialogue pages. This is because the question asked is random and the answer given by the player does not matter.

Question Answer A Answer B
What is thine favourite colour? Red. Blue.
What is Gunpowder made of? Sulfur, Charcoal, and Potassium-Nitrate. Magic Beans.
LASER is an acronym. True. False.
What did thou eat for breakfast? Oatmeal. Punks like you.
Dost thou feel lucky? Yes. No.
What number am I thinking of? 9. 10.
What number are you thinking of? 10. 9.
How many fingers am I holding up? One. All of them.
From whence do bullets come from? A night of hot swaging. The great forge in the sky.
Hast thou ever spoken an untruth? Nope. Only once.