Jar of Bees

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Jar of Bees
Jar of Bees.png
Type: Active
Quality: C Quality Item.png
Sell Price: 21 Money.png
Floor Dmg
1 500
Oub 666.65
2 650
Abbey 833.3
3 800
4 925
5/6 1050
Ammonomicon Entry
The Pain!
These bees have been carefully trained to hunt down enemy munitions... and destroy them.

Jar of Bees is an active item.


  • Spawns bees that home in on and damage enemies.


  • Synergy.png Bee Plus - If the player has Honeycomb, taking damage causes Honeycomb to spawn hornets, which travel faster and deal more damage than regular bees.
  • Synergy.png Hidden Tech Bees - If the player has Table Tech Blanks, a swarm of bees replaces enemy bullets when a table is flipped.
  • If the jar is thrown into a pit, no bees will spawn.


  • The Pain! and the description of the item are references to the character "The Pain" from Metal Gear Solid 3 who uses bees to attack.

See also