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Type: Passive
Quality: A Quality Item.png
Sell Price: 41 Money.png
Unlock: Play more than 6 runs after the release of A Farewell To Arms.
Introduced: AFTA Indicator.png
Ammonomicon Entry
The Way Of Guns
Transforms into a powerful weapon under mysterious circumstances.

This Bullet Sprite will transform into an enormously powerful radiant energy weapon under certain circumstances. Traditionally, this means showing proficiency in bridge delivery and maintenance. If no bridge is available, however, it will take less important things like courage or determination into consideration.

Sprun is a passive item added in A Farewell to Arms update.

  • Stays near the player and will block bullets, but does not orbit like guon stones.
  • Upon being picked up, it assigns a trigger randomly from the list of triggers (see below).
  • Upon satisfying the trigger, it awards the player Windgunner for a short period.


  • Player uses their last blank.
  • Player takes damage to hearts.
    • If playing as the Robot, taking armor damage also counts.
  • Player loses their last piece of armor.
  • Player goes down to half a heart.
  • Player's gun runs out of ammo.
  • Player is set on fire.
  • Player takes damage from electrocution or poison.
  • Player falls into a pit.
  • Player flips a table.
  • Player uses an active item.

This trigger will remain the same for the entire run. The weapon takes a few seconds to activate, and once it does, it lasts for about 10 seconds.


  • With Metronome, receiving and losing Windgunner does not reset the damage bonus.
  • Dropping Sprun and letting the Resourceful Rat steal it while having Windgunner will let the player keep Windgunner.
    • Saving and exiting with Windgunner will remove it from the player's inventory.
    • Dying and respawning with Clone will let the player keep Windgunner.
    • If attempting to do this on PC while in co-op with The Paradox, it can cause the game to remove all guns, soft locking the game.
    • Dropping Sprun in co-op mode while Windgunner is active and letting the 2nd player pick it up will cause player 1's guns to be removed when Windgunner disappears. This can be fixed and all guns will be returned by saving and reloading.
  • Trying to play Winchester's game while Windgunner is active will softlock the game.
  • Holding down the gun swap key right as Windgunner disappears will cause the player to be permanently stuck in bullet time, all but softlocking a run.


  • UnusedSynergy.png Unused: - If the player has Excaliber, Sprun will gain two triggers instead of one.
    • Despite being scrapped, Sprun will always assign a secondary trigger for this unused synergy.
  • This is a reference to Spren in the Stormlight Archive, the first book being The Way of Kings. Spren are required to become a radiant, one of which is a Windrunner. The protagonist, Kaladin, is forced to carry bridges and is also a Windrunner. The item also resembles a Lifespren. The ten triggers are a reference to the ten Knights Radiant Orders in the book. Ten is considered a holy number in the series.
  • While the glitch that takes place when the Sprun is dropped is likely unintentional, it bears a resemblance to the way the bonds between Radiants and Spren work in the Stormlight Archive.