Mimic Tooth Necklace

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Mimic Tooth Necklace
Mimic Tooth Necklace.png
Type: Passive
Quality: A Quality Item.png
Sell Price: 41 Money.png
Unlock: Reward from hunting quests.
Ammonomicon Entry
Unlocks all chests!

A necklace made from the tooth of a Mimic. Feels lucky!

Mimic Tooth Necklace is a passive item.



  • Synergy.png Ruby Carbine - If the player also has Hegemony Carbine, its shots bounce and light enemies on fire.
  • If the player also has the Ring of Mimic Friendship, no mimics will spawn and all chests will be unlocked.
  • Since Mimics will always drop an item or a gun upon death, this item technically unlocks all chests encountered.
    • It also doubles boss pedestal loot due to Pedestal Mimics dropping 2 items at once.
  • This item prevents players from acquiring Junk as it is only dropped by normal chests.
  • Chests that weren't mimics before picking up the necklace will turn into mimics.
  • Does not affect the chest spawned by Winchester's minigame, rainbow chests, synergy chests, or glitch chests.
  • Chests in mirrors will also become mimics.
  • Rat chests will not transform into mimics; rather, a googly-eyed mimic known as the Union Mimic Chest who represents the Gungeon Mimic Union will appear near the rat chests at the end of the rat battle, saying that "The Gungeon Mimic Union's spread a bit too thin at the moment", explaining that there were just too many chests at the same place so that they could agree to that deal.
    • Despite the Mimic Union official saying this, Rat chests can still spawn as mimics without the use of Mimic Tooth Necklace and will attack the player if they are provoked.
  • Red chests and rainbow chests in secret rooms are not affected.
  • If a chest is nonfunctional due to Trusty Lockpicks, picking up Mimic Tooth Necklace will cause it to become a regular mimic.
  • Wallmonger's Item pedestal won't be a mimic due to it spawning too close to him after defeat.
  • Despite its mimic-conversion theming, this item has no interaction with Wall Mimics.


  • This item is likely a reference to the Shark Tooth Necklace accessory in Terraria, having very similar names and appearances.

See also