Duct Tape

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Duct Tape
Duct Tape.png
Type: Active
Quality: A Quality Item.png
Sell Price: 41 Money.png
Recharge: Single Use
Unlock: Purchase from Ox and Cadence for 10 Hegemony Credit.png.
Ammonomicon Entry
Friend Of Gunsmiths
Combines the currently equipped gun with the next carried gun.

It isn't pretty, but sometimes wondrous things can be accomplished with a roll of tape. Just look at the Bundle of Wands, or the Magitek Hybrid!

Duct Tape is an active item.


  • Combines two guns. Grants the second gun the projectiles that the first gun fires, in addition to its own projectile.


  • The item must be used on two different guns, which will tape the first gun to the second gun. This consumes the first gun, and makes the second gun (the base gun) fire projectiles from both.
    • The maximum ammo of the two guns is combined.
    • The base gun's synergies and effects will apply to the consumed gun, while the consumed gun loses all of its own.
  • Duct Tape does not work with infinite ammo guns such as starter guns, Gunther, Blasphemy, Dueling Laser, Elimentaler, and Casey.
  • With multiple Duct Tapes, multiple guns can be taped together, causing the resulting gun to fire the projectiles of all combined guns.
    • The same gun cannot be added twice.

Ammo and Magazines

  • The maximum ammo of the two guns is combined, and firing it uses the amount of ammo taken to fire both guns; typically 2 ammo per shot is consumed.
    • Crown of Guns will consume 4 ammo rather than 2, due to the Crown of Guns firing three shots at once.
    • The ammo given by Microtransaction Gun when duct-taped to another weapon is 400, regardless of the amount of money the player has.
  • Using Duct Tape to attach a gun that reloads to a no-reload gun (such as the Vulcan Cannon) will make the secondary gun useless once you've emptied the initial magazine.
  • Weapons with single-round magazines do not automatically reload after every shot if they are taped to another gun.
  • Weapons with no reload such as Demon Head can remove reload time when used as the base weapon in a combination; however, the player will need to manually reload every time the other gun's magazine is depleted. If the player can reload fast enough manually, Beam type weapons give the first gun an infinite clip.
  • Duct taping synergized infinite ammo guns, like the AKEY-47 with the synergy Synergy.png Akey Breaky or Betrayer's Shield with the synergy Synergy.png Betrayer's Lies, will give the resulting gun infinite ammo.
    • However, this only works if the synergizing gun is taped to the other gun while not holding the synergizing item (Shelleton Key or Lies in this case), then the synergizing item is picked up after.

Weapon Types

  • Charged guns will still need to be charged when combined with a non-charged gun.
  • If used with a gun that alternates between ammo types, such as M16, Triple Crossbow, Boxing Glove, only the currently equipped ammo will be used in the newly formed gun.
  • Weapons that follow the player's cursor, such as the RC Rocket, will be fired directly forwards for a short period before they can be guided by the cursor.

Synergies and Unique Effects

  • The base gun's synergies and unique effects apply to the consumed gun.
    • If another gun is taped to the Vorpal Gun, every bullet shot has a chance to fire a critical shot.
  • The consumed gun loses its synergies and unique effects.
    • If Patriot is taped to another gun, its fire rate will no longer increase as it is fired.
    • If Really Special Lute is taped to another gun, its buff will no longer function.
    • If AC-15 is taped to another gun while powered up, the gun will maintain its powered form even when the player loses armor, effectively giving the Nanomachines synergy for free.
    • If Microtransaction Gun is taped to another gun, it will no longer take away money per shot.


  • Use Duct Tape:
    • With similar weapon types to increase damage output:
      • Two charged weapons.
      • Two weapons with similar magazine size.
      • Two beam weapons.
    • With high damage low ammo weapons for an ammo increase:
    • For utility, such as an oil type with a fire type gun:
    • To shred bosses:


  • Prior to v1.0.10, the item could only be used once and taped the currently held gun to the next held gun. The maximum ammo of the first gun became the maximum ammo of the combined gun, and the magazine of the consumed gun was not visible.
  • Neither gun's clip size or rate of fire is affected.
  • If Chamber Gun is taped to another gun it maintains whichever form it was when consumed, effectively bypassing special floor-specific forms (such as the Abbey's overpowered stake-thrower)
  • Taping a gun to the Hyper Light Blaster will only refund ammo when the Hyper Light Blaster shots hit.
  • Duct tape seems to keep synergies that change the second gun's appearance but not those that don't.
  • Munchers regard the taped guns as one gun, not two and will not provide a new gun in exchange unless an additional gun is fed, for a total of three guns.


  • Taping Polaris to another gun will make the gun fire all three of Polaris's levels at once.
  • Taping Rad Gun to another gun will also make the gun fire all of Rad Gun's levels at once.
  • Taping Demon Head to another gun will cause fake beams that deal no damage to spawn as you shoot. These beams do not disappear.
  • Using the Save Button and closing the game can sometimes remove Gun A, wiping the combination.
  • Getting a synergy that changes the base gun's form and then using a teleporter can sometimes remove the ammo increase given by the consumed gun.
  • When the player gets a synergy that changes the base gun's form and holds an item to increase bullets (like Scattershot), consumed gun's bullets increase at every drop of the gun. That is to say, the consumed gun will act as if another copy of Scattershot is present every time the gun is dropped.
  • When the player gets a synergy that changes the base gun's form and the gun is dropped too many times, it will occasionally become impossible to pick up from the ground and is essentially lost.


  • Duct Tape may be a reference to the movie Aliens, In which Ripley tapes together an AR and flamethrower near the end of the movie while prepping for a rescue. This is further supported by the icon being black (same color as in the film), as opposed to the silver normally associated with Duct Tape.
  • The Ammonomicon description mentions two weapons, the Bundle of Wands and the Magitek Hybrid. Nothing is known about the latter. Strangely, the Staff of Firepower is not mentioned despite featuring duct tape in its design and Ammonomicon entry.

See also