Triple Crossbow

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Triple Crossbow
Triple Crossbow.png
Type: Semiautomatic
Quality: C Quality Item.png
Magazine Size: 3
Max Ammo: 100
Reload Time: 0.9s
DPS: 19.1 (slow)
57.3 (triple)
38.2 (both)
Damage: Slow Bolts: 7
Triple Bolts: 7x3 (21)
Fire Rate: 0.1
Shot Speed: 26
Range: Infinity.png
Force: 25
Spread: 5
Sell Creep Price: 21 Money.png
Ammonomicon Entry
3 > 1
The triple crossbow represents the pinnacle of multiple bolt technology.

Triple Crossbow is a gun that fires bolts. Reloading alternates between spreads of three bolts and single bolts that slow enemies.


  • Synergy.png Triple Sticky - If the player also has Sticky Crossbow, Sticky Crossbow will fire three bolts per shot, and its magazine size will increase from 5 to 6. Triple Crossbow's triple shot will explode (after hitting an enemy) upon reloading.
  • The Triple Crossbow is in the SHOTGUN gun class and as such benefits from the Synergy.png Shotgun Affinity synergy.


  • The gun's description is a mathematical inequality stating that three is greater than one, alluding to the fact that the Triple Crossbow's three-shot fire gives it greater offensive power than a standard crossbow.
  • In spite of this description, Triple Crossbow actually does less damage per shot than regular Crossbow (21 from Triple Bolts versus regular Crossbow's 22).

See also