Black Hole Gun

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Black Hole Gun
Black Hole Gun.png
Type: Charged
Quality: A Quality Item.png
Magazine Size: 1
Max Ammo: 30
Reload Time: 1.56s
DPS: 29.56 (single black hole)
Damage: 29.56/s
Fire Rate: 1.00
Shot Speed: 4
Range: Infinity.png
Force: 9
Spread: 0
Class: SILLY
Sell Creep Price: 41 Money.png
Unlock Method: Purchase from Ox and Cadence for 20 Hegemony Credit.png.
Ammonomicon Entry
Won't You Come
Shoots Black Holes.

A technological marvel, produced by Interstice Technology. Once fully charged, users report seeing the momentary birth, and death, of a star.

Black Hole Gun is a gun that fires black holes which attract enemies and bullets. The black holes travel slowly across the room until they hit a wall.


  • Synergy.png Cosmic Horror - If the player has Abyssal Tentacle, black holes fire three tentacles while active.
  • The black hole will also attract friendly projectiles; however, beam type weapons will not be affected.
  • The black hole will not attract projectiles that aren't moving, such as Blockner's shields.
  • Most enemies killed by the black hole will not drop Money.png.
  • Black Hole Gun is one of the best guns for clearing rooms as it can kill a whole wave of enemies with one shot while removing all projectiles.
  • In boss fights it is best to switch to other weapons while the black hole is traveling. This increases damage output while saving ammo. Beam weapons are the best choice as they are not affected by the black hole.
  • The shots can suck up all boss projectiles, including the Mine Flayer's mines, the Dragun's knives & RPGs, etc.
  • If combined with any high-ammo weapon using Duct Tape or used with any item that grants multishot such as Scattershot, it becomes a way to easily beat every boss without taking damage. Especially when used with the Synergy.png Cosmic Horror Synergy.
  • Interestingly, black holes appear to make the player immune to bullets while present, even if the bullet appears to hit the player. This can be seen most during Agunim's R&G Dept. fight and when fighting Shadow Magician, as their "bullet lightning" attacks cannot damage the player while a black hole is present, even if the bullets from the lightning pattern visibly connect with the player.
  • The visual distortion effect that black holes cause can stack with each other, and as such, the distortion effect intensifies if multiple black holes are present in a small space.


  • Despite Black Hole Gun not being part of the Synergy.png Outer Limits synergy, firing three Mr. Accretion Jr. planets into the black hole will still cause it to explode and deal 100 damage to all enemies in the room, though it's more difficult due to the black hole's shorter duration and disappearance when colliding with walls.
  • The trajectory of the Black Hole Gun's bullets can be altered by the Lead Maiden, causing them to travel with the Maiden when it is invulnerable.
  • When Lower Case r is duct taped to it, the black hole will not fire if the fire button is released while Lower Case r is in the middle of a word.
  • If two black holes occupy the same spot at the same time, the game will crash. Because of this, it is not advised to use Helix Bullets with the Black Hole Gun.
  • If the player switches guns after firing a black hole with the Synergy.png Cosmic Horror Synergy, the tentacles will not follow the black hole unless the player swaps back to the Black Hole Gun, the tentacles will still disappear with the black hole even during this bug.


  • The gun's Ammonomicon Entry is a reference to the 1994 song "Black Hole Sun" by the American rock band Soundgarden.
  • The Synergy.png Cosmic Horror Synergy is a reference to the Lovecraftian Horror genre, which is also sometimes called "Cosmic Horror." Cosmic horror deals with malevolent, godlike aliens affecting our reality in various unpleasant ways, including tentacles coming out of black holes.
  • Another Synergy.png Cosmic Horror reference might be Rift inducer 5000 from Ratchet and Clank series.

See also