Bandana Bullet Kin

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Bandana Bullet Kin
Bandana Bullet Kin.png XtG Bandana Bullet Kin.png
Statistics and Information
ETG Health:
1 O 2 A 3 4/R 5/6
15 20 19.5 25 24 27.75 31.5
XTG Health:
1 2 3 4 5
33 36.75 39 42 45
Ammonomicon Entry

Ammonomicon Bandana Bullet Kin.png

Aggressive Bullet Kin that fearlessly charge their targets, spraying bullets from their machine pistols with reckless abandon.

Some theorize that the bandanas represent the rudiments of Gundead culture. That said, there is little evidence beyond the occasional pair of sunglasses.

Bandana Bullet Kin are a Bullet Kin variant which appear in Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon.


Enter the Gungeon ETG

Bandana Bullet Kin behave like regular Bullet Kin, walking towards the player and shooting bullets in their direction. However, Bandana Bullet Kin have a significantly higher rate of fire. Additionally, Bandana Bullet Kin fire in much longer bursts than the comparable AK-47 wielding Bullet Kin variants, making them more unrelenting.

Exit the Gungeon XTG

Bandana Bullet Kin walk back and forth across the elevator platform, periodically rapid-fire shooting bullets in the players direction.


  • Bandana Bullet Kin wield Machine Pistols.
  • ETG Exactly one Bandana Bullet Kin appears in the Halls of Knowledge.
  • The mention of sunglasses in the Bandana Bullet Kins Ammonomicon entry may be a reference to Shades.

See also

Bullet Kin Variants