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Location: Black Powder Mine
Bullet Hell
Ammonomicon Entry

Ammonomicon Shroomer.png

Shroomers are malformed Bullet Kin, prematurely fired, but somehow still functional. Prone to paranoia.

Shroomers are Bullet Kin variants which appear in Enter the Gungeon.


The attack pattern of a Shroomer.

Shroomers behave similarly to regular Bullet Kin, but have double health and fire two bullets in a V shape. Their bullets can be avoided by standing still, but this can make dodging the more accurate projectiles of other enemies more difficult.

Shroomers will occasionally walk to tables and flip them in order to take cover from the players bullets.

Shroomers will also attempt to fire at explosive barrels, a behaviour inherited from regular Bullet Kin. However, due to their divided attack pattern, they are rarely able to actually hit the barrel, and will be stuck attempting to detonate it.

Shroomers are also one of the few enemies capable of riding in minecarts.


  • Shroomers hold the Magnum.
  • 20 Shroomers must be slain as part of a Hunting Quest in order to unlock the Makeshift Cannon.
  • Shroomers will misfire upon spawning, having to stand up after being spawned.
  • Shroomers are likely based on real world dumdum bullets, which expand upon hitting a target in a fashion similar to how Shroomers are depicted. This expansion is called mushrooming.
    • Despite this similarity, Shroomers are depicted as having exploded in their casing, while in the real world it is only the slug of the dumdum bullet which 'shrooms' on impact with a target.
    • Additionally, the mushrooming behaviour of dumdum bullets is not a defect, but an intentional part of their design.
  • Shroomers crumple and fall apart after death, as they are not structurally stable.


Bullet Kin Variants