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Blobulin.png XtG Blobulin.png
Statistics and Information
ETG Health:
1 O 2 A 3 4/R 5/6
1 1.33 1.3 1.67 1.6 1.85 2.1
XTG Health:
1 2 3 4 5
5.5 6.13 6.5 7 7.5
Ammonomicon Entry

Ammonomicon Blobulin.png

Quantity over Quality
Blobulins form the lowest ranks of the Blobulonian Army.

These fanatic warriors throw themselves into combat with total disregard. Their hateful speed is only matched by their fragility.

Blobulins are weak Blobulonian enemies that appear in Enter the Gungeon, Exit the Gungeon, and Enter the Gungeon: House of the Gundead.


Enter the Gungeon ETG

Blobulins move towards the player at a swift speed, attempting to deal contact damage. While moving, they leave a thin trail of inert red goop behind themselves. This goop is harmless, but may overwrite more harmful goops such as poison or fire.

While there are many rooms that spawn Blobulins directly, the most common source of Blobulins is Blobuloids, which spawn two Blobulins on perishing. Two Blobuloids are, in turn, spawned from the death of Blobulons, resulting in a total of four Blobulins per Blobulon.
If Blobulins spawn from a Blobuloid that is jammed, they will also be jammed.

Blobulins will always die after making contact with the player, regardless of their health. Since dodge rolling allows the player to make contact with enemies without taking contact damage, dodge rolling is an effective method of dispatching Blobulins, even if they are jammed or buffed.

The behaviour of a Blobulon and its descendants.

Exit the Gungeon XTG

Blobulins hop back and forth across the elevator platform in short leaps, exhibiting more bouncy movement than their counterparts in Enter the Gungeon. They do not leave any sort of goop. Blobulins do not react to their environment, only turning around upon hitting a wall. They do not actively target the player, and do not avoid ledges, meaning they are prone to jumping to their deaths.

While many elevators spawn Blobulins directly, the most common source of Blobulins is Blobulons, which spawn two Blobulins on perishing.

Performing a regular dodge roll through a Blobulin immediately kills it. Ascending and Descending dodge rolls do not.

Enter the Gungeon: House of the Gundead HoTG


  • ETG Since Blobulins die upon touching the player, items that grant contact immunity such as Live Ammo, Blast Helmet, or Armor of Thorns allow the player to kill Blobulins by standing still.
  • ETG The Blobulin Rancher challenge modifier causes the players missed shots to spawn Blobulins.
    • The name of this challenge modifier is a reference to the game Slime Rancher.
    • There is no limit on the number of Blobulins that can be spawned by this challenge modifier. Additionally, they can also spawn jammed if the player has curse.
      • As a consequence, the player can theoretically farm Money.png infinitely by continuing to spawn and kill jammed Blobulins, although this takes significant time.
      • This exploit is made significantly easier if the room is also affected by the Don't Blink challenge modifier, as it allows the player to force spawned Blobulins to become jammed by looking away from them.
  • ETG Blobulins are unaffected by the Final Attack challenge modifier.
  • XTG Because Blobuloids are absent from Exit the Gungeon, Blobulins spawn directly from Blobulons instead, resulting in a lower number of Blobulins per Blobulon.
  • ETG The gooey stain left behind by Blobulins upon death cannot be pushed around by blanks or explosions, but is still considered a corpse and can be detonated with Melted Rock.


See Also
