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Statistics and Information
1 O 2 A 3 4/R 5/6
20 26.67 26 33.33 32 37 42
Location: Oubliette
Abbey of the True Gun
Bullet Hell
Ammonomicon Entry

Ammonomicon Poopulon.png

Great Mighty
A disgusting glob of waste. A Blobulon corrupted by decades spent in Bullet Hell.

Poopulons are Blobulonian enemies that appear in Enter the Gungeon.


Poopulons slide briskly towards the player, occasionally spinning, releasing a large amount of spiraling bullets in all directions. The bullets always spiral clockwise.

On death, Poopulons will occasionally drop a living piece of corn, known internally as PoopulonCorn or Kernal.[sic] This corn is technically considered an enemy, but does not need to be killed to clear a room, and companions will not target it.

While moving, Poopulons leave a trail of inert dark red goop that quickly dissipates. This goop is harmless, but may overwrite more harmful goops such as poison or fire.

The attack behaviour of a Poopulon.


Statistics and Information
1 O 2 A 3 4/R 5/6
5 6.67 6.5 8.33 8 9.25 10.5
Location: Oubliette
Abbey of the True Gun
Bullet Hell
  • The Kernal is similar to Blobulins and Poisbulins, in that it will immediately die upon touching the player, regardless of its current health.
  • If the player has curse, the Kernal has a chance to be jammed. If jammed, it will deal contact damage when stepped on.
  • The Ammonomicon quote "Great Mighty" is a reference to the Great Mighty Poo from Conker's Bad Fur Day.
  • If the player dies by stepping on a jammed piece of corn, the Ammonomicon death page will state the cause of death as "Your own slow reflexes".
  • Poopulons do not leave corpses upon death, and therefore cannot be detonated by the Melted Rock. However, the popped corn left behind after a corn kernel is killed is considered a corpse, and can be detonated.
  • The Kernal is unaffected by the Final Attack.png Final Attack challenge modifier.

Unused Content

Poopulon dizzy.gif
The sprite collection of the Poopulon contains sprites for an unused animation labelled 'Dizzy', presumably related to their spin attack. Despite this animation existing, Poopulons never become dizzy ingame.


See Also
