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Text Colour Key
grey This text provides context for interactions, and is not part of any original quote.
cyan This text represents a variable value that may change depending on the character being played, or the player's settings.
orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
Hover over each icon to see what it represents.

Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Daisuke.

In Jail

Dialoguesequential.png Thanks for unlocking the door! I thought I had rolled my last one!
Dialoguesequential.png My name is Daisuke. I am an acolyte of the great Icosahedrax!
Dialoguesequential.png Look for me in the Breach if you want to add some spice to your Gungeoneering!
Dialoguesequential.png Later!

(Interacting again)

Dialogueordered.png May ever your crits be natural.
Dialogueordered.png Good luck!

In The Breach
(Interacting for the first time on a Save File)

Dialoguesequential.png It's you again!
Dialoguesequential.png If you don't remember, I am Daisuke...
Dialoguesequential.png ...acolyte of Icosahedrax!
Dialoguesequential.png May He of the Many Sides smile upon you, Character Nickname.
Dialoguesequential.png Now, onto business...
Dialoguesequential.png Are you finding your time in the Gungeon a little too... predictable?
Dialoguesequential.png A little too easy, perhaps?
Dialoguesequential.png If so, my blessing should add some excitement to your day.
(Proceeds automatically to the first line of regular Interacting dialogue)


Dialoguesequential.png Feel like rolling the bones?

Yeah! <Pay CostHegemony Credit.png> No. Not at all. Not even a bit.
(If the player can afford Challenge Mode) (If the player can't afford Challenge Mode)
Alright, things might get a little dicey!

Dialoguerandom.png Come back with more Hege-money!
Dialoguerandom.png You need more H-bux!

Not feeling lucky, huh?
(Interacting after activating Challenge Mode, if Double Challenge Mode is unlocked)

Dialoguesequential.png ...would you like a REAL CHALLENGE? Be warned, this has no reward... except immense pride.

Yes, I am prepared to die. <Pay CostHegemony Credit.png> <Slowly step away>
(If the player can afford Double Challenge Mode) (If the player can't afford Double Challenge Mode)
Prepare yourself. I don't like your odds.

Dialoguerandom.png Come back with more Hege-money!
Dialoguerandom.png You need more H-bux!

Good choice!
(Interacting if all unlocked levels of Challenge Mode have been activated)

Dialogueordered.png My blessing bestows the will of Icosahedrax upon your trials.
Dialogueordered.png My god is... a very fickle one.
Dialogueordered.png Thanks for not blowing on me, by the way.

(Interacting again if all unlocked levels of Challenge Mode have been activated)

Dialoguerandom.png Hahahaha... 1.
Dialoguerandom.png 2.
Dialoguerandom.png 3.
Dialoguerandom.png 4.
Dialoguerandom.png 5.
Dialoguerandom.png 6.
Dialoguerandom.png 7.
Dialoguerandom.png 8.
Dialoguerandom.png 9.
Dialoguerandom.png 10.
Dialoguerandom.png 11.
Dialoguerandom.png 12.
Dialoguerandom.png 13! Bad luck, Character Nickname.
Dialoguerandom.png 14.
Dialoguerandom.png 15.
Dialoguerandom.png 16.
Dialoguerandom.png 17!
Dialoguerandom.png 18!
Dialoguerandom.png 19!
Dialoguerandom.png 20! Wow, that almost never happens!