Gunsling King and Manservantes/Dialogue

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orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
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Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of the Gunsling King and Manservantes.

Gunsling King

In Jail

Dialoguesequential.png Oho! A young knave has rescued us from our confinement!
Dialoguesequential.png How unexpected... and amusing!
Dialoguesequential.png Good show, young slinger. We are certain that we shalt see thee soon.
Dialoguesequential.png Cometh along, Manservantes.

(Interacting again)

Return to thy quest, young slinger. We wilt findeth our way to the Breach.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Philistine!
Dialoguerandom.png Oaf!
Dialoguerandom.png Miscreant!

In The Gungeon

Dialoguesequential.png We put forth that a knave such as thee could NEV'R clear this forthcoming room...
Dialoguesequential.png without taking damage!/without dodge rolling!/using naught but this Random Bad Gun!/in Challenge mode!
Dialoguesequential.png Prove thee can, and we wilt reward thee handsomely.
Dialoguesequential.png In return, we shalt has't from thee WagerMoney.png as thy part of the wager. Prevail and I shalt return it.

I accept your challenge. <Bet WagerMoney.png> No one could do that!
(If the player can afford the wager)

Wonderful! I have marked the room in question on thy map. Do make a show of it, eh?

A philistine, I see. Very well, shuffle off.
(If the player cannot afford the wager)

Ah, a pauper as well. Return with WagerMoney.png and we shalt reconsider.

(Interacting if the randomly chosen challenge is Challenge Mode for the firs time)

Dialoguesequential.png Oho!
Dialoguesequential.png I met the strangest faceted gentleman atwixt the Breach's columnwork.
Dialoguesequential.png I found his ideas most amusing!
(Proceeds to regular interaction dialogue)

(Interacting after completing the challenge, before receiving reward)

Dialoguesequential.png Oho! The victor returns! And to the victor, the spoils.
Dialoguesequential.png Manservantes, prepare a fitting reward for our entertainer, and return the WagerMoney.png.

(Interacting after receiving the reward)

Enjoy thy bauble, peasant.

(Interacting after failing the challenge)

Dialogueordered.png Nev'r has't I felt so somber at being proven right. A paltry show indeed, Character Name.
Dialoguerepeat.png Well, wend on then, peasant. Shuffle off.

(Interacting after pre-clearing the room that the challenge would have applied to)

A fine demonstration of skill. Perhaps next time, speaketh with us first, and we can maketh it... a bit more interesting?

(Interacting after completing 10 challenges)

Thou has't done well to amuse us. Speaketh with me in the Breach at which hour thou has't a moment to do so. For now though...

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Philistine!
Dialoguerandom.png Oaf!
Dialoguerandom.png Miscreant!

In The Breach
(Interacting for the first time on this save file)

Dialoguesequential.png Young slinger!
Dialoguesequential.png Within this wall of flesh, there is a soul that counts thee its creditor.
Dialoguesequential.png Once rested, we wilt explore the Gungeon anew.
Dialoguesequential.png Findeth us, and we may findeth our interests entwined.
Dialoguesequential.png Now let us rest.


Dialogueordered.png Ohohohoho.
Dialogueordered.png Amusement is a prime currency, when thee liveth eternally in a gun-filled dungeon!
Dialogueordered.png Manservantes is an excellent companion. Thee must heareth his impressions!
Dialogueordered.png Those gents at court toldeth us this lodging was't timeless. We didst not realize they meant eternal.

(Interacting after completing 10 challenges)

Dialoguesequential.png Ah! The young slinger.
Dialoguesequential.png Thou has't brought me much amusement. Alloweth it nev'r beest said that I am not a generous patron.
Dialoguesequential.png We hath donated this trinket to the Acquisitions Department on thy behalf.
Dialoguesequential.png Now moveth along, slinger.

(Interacting again)

Shuffle off.


In Jail

. . .

In The Gungeon

. . .

(Interacting after completing the challenge)

Yes... yes, something for you, yes... and your Money.png.

(Interacting after receiving the reward, or if the player failed the challenge)


In The Breach

Dialogueordered.png ...
Dialogueordered.png . . .
Dialogueordered.png ...
Dialogueordered.png . . .
Dialogueordered.png ...
Dialogueordered.png . . .
Dialogueordered.png How did I end up like this.
Dialogueordered.png I hate this man.

(Interacting again)

Dialoguerepeat.png ...