Ledge Goblin/Dialogue

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orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
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Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Loblina the Ledge Goblin.

In Jail

First Time

Dialoguesequential.png Wow! Thanks for rescuing me!
Dialoguesequential.png I'm heading back to the Breach.
Dialoguesequential.png We'll see each other again, I'm sure of it.

(Interacting again)

Dialoguerandom.png I guess I'll see you later.
Dialoguerandom.png Later.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Jerk.
Dialoguerandom.png Insult to injury, huh? (This line can be encountered before the player has ever kicked the Ledge Goblins helmet)

Second Time

Dialoguesequential.png Thanks for letting me out again. I guess.
Dialoguesequential.png As you can see, I got my helmet back.
Dialoguesequential.png Let's not... have any more accidents, okay?

(Interacting again)

Dialoguerandom.png I guess I'll see you later.
Dialoguerandom.png Later.

In The Breach

General Dialogue

Dialogueordered.png You know, I didn't even come here on purpose.
Dialogueordered.png I had heard the stories... but how could something like this be real?
Dialogueordered.png I was scouting, and I flew too close.
Dialogueordered.png I was flying straight, but then suddenly I was back several miles.
Dialogueordered.png At first I thought the instruments were busted.
Dialogueordered.png Eventually I realized the ground kept skipping back. Surreal.
Dialogueordered.png When I landed, I found this place.
Dialogueordered.png I couldn't believe it. Die in this horrible place over and over, or eventually succeed and reverse time?
Dialogueordered.png Eventually, I realized it had to be true.
Dialogueordered.png So I challenged the Gungeon, hoping to never get trapped in its time loop. Over and over. Eventually I got sealed in.
Dialogueordered.png And then you came... and now I'm here.
Dialogueordered.png Hmm mmm mm mmmm. Hmm hmmmm hmmm.

(Interacting again)

Dialoguerandom.png ...
Dialoguerandom.png ...another time.

First Time
(Interacting for the first time on a save file)

You're new.

(After kicking the helmet)

Dialoguesequential.png ...
Dialoguesequential.png Why would you do that...?

(Interacting after kicking the helmet)

...now I have to go get it...

Second Time
(Interacting for the first time on a save file)

Everything... back to normal. Whew.

(After kicking the helmet)
(Interacting after kicking the helmet)