Ox and Cadence/Dialogue

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grey This text provides context for interactions, and is not part of any original quote.
cyan This text represents a variable value that may change depending on the character being played, or the player's settings.
orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
Hover over each icon to see what it represents.

Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Cadence and Ox.


In Jail

Dialoguesequential.png Oh, finally!
Dialoguesequential.png I knew it would be a while before someone came down here, but seriously?
Dialoguesequential.png It's been forever!
Dialoguesequential.png ...anyway, we should get back to the shop. It's been closed for way too long.
Dialoguesequential.png You should come by. We're on the top level of the Breach, you can't miss it.

(Interacting again)

Dialoguerandom.png I'm heading back to the Breach.
Dialoguerandom.png Are you still here? Don't you have... a past to chase, or something?

(After interacting with Ox)

Dialoguesequential.png Come ON, Ox!
Dialoguesequential.png Ughhhh... you're always so. slow.

(After interacting with Ox Again)

UGH. Come on, Lead head.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Ow!!!
Dialoguerandom.png Ugh, really?

In The Breach
(Upon entering the room)

Dialoguerandom.png Greetings-
Dialoguerandom.png Salutations-

(Interacting for the first time on a Save File)

Dialoguesequential.png Hey! Thanks for getting us out of that cell.
Dialoguesequential.png This is the Gungeon Acquisitions Department.
Dialoguesequential.png You can donate Hegemony Credit.png, and we'll order new guns and items for the collection.
Dialoguesequential.png It can be hard to come by here in the Gungeon, but since the H-mon took over, that's all anyone on the outside uses.

Collection? Neat.

Dialoguesequential.png Yeah the Gungeon is like, a reliquary, or some kind of museum... only for guns.
Dialoguesequential.png So we are collecting all the best ones, and then throwing them downstairs.
Dialoguesequential.png Luckily, the H-mon has to put rebels down pretty regularly, so we've got a constant supply of new equipment. They'll sell us anything!
Dialoguesequential.png Once they're ordered, you can find the new stuff down in the Chambers.
Dialoguesequential.png So order whatever you want. If you've ordered everything we have listed, just come back later.
Dialoguesequential.png That's it.

(Immediately ends the interaction)

Dialogueordered.png If you want to buy something, talk to Ox. I don't deal with customers.
Dialogueordered.png Me and sis have been here a long time, but she usually stays down below.
Dialogueordered.png Sis made Ox to help me out though. He's ok to have around.
Dialogueordered.png Sis is down there somewhere. She can take care of herself though.

(Interacting again)

Dialoguerandom.png *yawn*
Dialoguerandom.png hmmm

(After a successful purchase)

Dialogueordered.png Mhm.
Dialogueordered.png Order's in.
Dialogueordered.png Been saving?

(After a failed purchase)

Dialogueordered.png Nope.
Dialogueordered.png Need more H-bucks.
Dialogueordered.png You need more credits.
Dialogueordered.png Not enough.
Dialogueordered.png Broke, too. Color me shocked.
Dialogueordered.png Deadbeat.


In Jail

Dialoguesequential.png Thank You For Rescuing Mistress Cadence And This One-
Dialoguesequential.png I Will Escort Her To The Breach-
(Triggers further dialogue from Cadence)

(Interacting again)

Thank You Again-
(Triggers further dialogue from Cadence)

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Stand Down-
Dialoguerandom.png Cease-

In The Breach
(Upon entering the room)

Dialoguerandom.png Greetings-
Dialoguerandom.png Salutations-

(Interacting for the first time on a Save File)

Dialoguesequential.png Thank You For The Assistance-
Dialoguesequential.png The Acquisitions Dept. Is Once Again Operational-


Dialogueordered.png My Arm Was Caught In The Shifting Walls Below-
Dialogueordered.png I Am Uncertain As To My Purpose Here-
Dialogueordered.png I Do Care For Mistress Cadence But Suspect I Am Programmed To-
Dialogueordered.png One Day I Will Find My Control Rod and Escape-

(Interacting again)


(After a successful purchase)

Dialogueordered.png Thank You For Your Patronage-
Dialogueordered.png An Excellent Choice-
Dialogueordered.png Order Placed-

(After a failed purchase)

Dialogueordered.png Insufficient Funds-
Dialogueordered.png Please Return With More Hegemony Credit.png-

(Interacting if the player has the Replacement Arm. Cadence interjects in this sequence.)

Oxdialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png ...
Oxdialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png That Appendage-
Cadencedialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png Wow! You brought a new arm for OX!?
Cadencedialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png Did sis make this?
Cadencedialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png That's soooo nice!
Oxdialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png The Color Is Incorrect-
Cadencedialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png Nonsense. It's perfect!
Cadencedialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png You should have something, for being so sweet.
Cadencedialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png I'll order it for you myself.
Oxdialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png I Suppose-