Patches and Mendy/Dialogue

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orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
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Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Patches and Mendy.

(Interacting at full health)

Yes, yes, you seem to be fine. Hm, unfortunate.

(Interacting with missing health)

Hm. Yes. This is bad. We'll have to operate.

(Interacting after the operation)

I'd say that the operation was a smashing success.

(Interacting as the Robot)

Dialoguesequential.png We're heart specialists.
Dialoguesequential.png We can only operate on things that have hearts!

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueend.png We're neutral!
Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueend.png That's against the Guneva Convention!
Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueend.png Eeeeek!

(Interacting at full health)

You're perfectly healthy? Are you sure?

(Interacting with missing health)

Dialoguesequential.png Oh, my. Looks like you'll need treatment, definitely.

Great! I'm not so sure.
Now, if you'll stand over here...

(After this, the player will be moved into position, and Patches will perform the "operation")

(Immediately ends the interaction with no additional dialogue)
(Interacting as the Robot)

Dialoguesequential.png Hm... a tricky case.
Dialoguesequential.png I've got just the thing. This will definitely help you.

(Interacting again as the Robot)

Um. Have a nice day. Robot... unit.

(After operating)

Dialoguerandom.png Bwa ha! It DID work! Take that, HM Medical Academy!
Dialoguerandom.png We are miracle workers!
Dialoguerandom.png All better!

(Interacting after the operation)

Dialoguerandom.png We don't have any more medicine in stock.
Dialoguerandom.png That was our last bottle of... health... serum.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueend.png We're neutral!
Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueend.png That's against the Guneva Convention!
Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueend.png Eeeeek!