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grey This text provides context for interactions, and is not part of any original quote.
cyan This text represents a variable value that may change depending on the character being played, or the player's settings.
orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
Hover over each icon to see what it represents.

Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of the Sorceress. This page also contains the minimal dialogue of Circle Knight and Square Knight.


In Jail

Dialoguesequential.png Ah... normally I wouldn't deign to speak to a lowborn, let alone such a mundane one.
Dialoguesequential.png But I suppose that pleasantries are all but required on this occasion.
Dialoguesequential.png My thanks for your... moderate assistance.
Dialoguesequential.png Find me in the Breach later. Now, begone from here.

(Interacting again)

Dialoguesequential.png My patience grows thin.
Dialoguesequential.png Begone.

In The Breach
(Interacting for the first time on a Save File)

Dialoguesequential.png Ah... it's you.
Dialoguesequential.png You've spent quite a bit of time in the Gungeon, haven't you...?
Dialoguesequential.png It must be stale at this point, doing the same thing over and over?
Dialoguesequential.png Perhaps I can make things... more interesting... for a small donation.

I'm game. <Pay 6Hegemony Credit.png> Not this time.
(If the player can afford the Blessing) (If the player can't afford the Blessing)
Then be blessed by the Gun. Enjoy. You can't afford my blessing. Begone then.
...then, begone!

Dialoguerandom.png You're back, yet again. Do you require a new blessing?
Dialoguerandom.png Do you seek a blessing?

I'm game. <Pay 6Hegemony Credit.png> Not this time.
(If the player can afford the Blessing) (If the player can't afford the Blessing)
Then be blessed by the Gun. Enjoy. You can't afford my blessing. Begone then.
...then, begone!
(Interacting after receiving a Blessing)

Dialogueordered.png Blessed, your endeavors below will prove... quite unpredictable.
Dialogueordered.png I grow weary of looking at this place. How I long to be anywhere else.
Dialogueordered.png I thought I might break the loop, but my craft is not the equal of whatever created this place.

(Interacting again after receiving a Blessing)

Dialoguerandom.png Leave me now.
Dialoguerandom.png Away with you.

Circle Knight & Square Knight

In Jail

. . .

In The Breach

Dialogueordered.png Our Lady has little patience. Receive your blessing and leave.
Dialogueordered.png No sudden movements, lowborn.
Dialogueordered.png Don't tarry.

(Interacting Again)

Now leave.

Exit the Gungeon
(Upon entering the Underbreach for the first time on a save file)

Dialoguesequential.png Hail.
Dialoguesequential.png Only the bravest and most resourceful make it this far, dear Gungeoneer.
Dialoguesequential.png Be proud to count yourself among them.
Dialoguesequential.png However, it seems that fate is not on your side.
Dialoguesequential.png Shot by shot, each who fired the GUN weakened the magic that held these walls together.
Dialoguesequential.png Given your likely future, your past need no longer concern you.
Dialoguesequential.png To survive, you must make a daring escape.
Dialoguesequential.png What I'm trying to say is...
Dialoguesequential.png You must...
Dialoguesequential.png EXIT THE GUNGEON.
Dialoguesequential.png You don't have time to go back the way you came.
Dialoguesequential.png I'll aid you as best I know how, by Blessing your weapon as you make your way up.
Dialoguesequential.png Before you attempt to escape, you should speak to Sir Manuel.
Dialoguesequential.png He claims to have mastered the ways of the Gungeon and will certainly help you if you ask him to do so.

(Upon entering the Gungeon for the first time on a save file)

Dialoguesequential.png Gungeoneer!
Dialoguesequential.png By the power of Kaliber the great and terrible,
Dialoguesequential.png Unknowable patron of this chamber, and the next...
Dialoguesequential.png who rifles the void itself and parts the curtain...
Dialoguesequential.png I BLESS
Dialoguesequential.png YOUR
Dialoguesequential.png WEAPON!
Dialoguesequential.png Sparkles!
Dialoguesequential.png It should change every few seconds.
Dialoguesequential.png Kaliber bestows power to those who deserve it.
Dialoguesequential.png The prowess you display in combat may determine the effectiveness of your weapon.
Dialoguesequential.png Good luck!