Talk:Chest Teleporter

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I used the Chest Teleporter on a glitch chest from Black Powder Mine all the way to the Forge. I beat High Dragun and came back to the glitch chest. Upon using it, it teleported me into a glitch Bullet Hell with the two Beholders. Upon beating them and taking the elevator, the game soft-locks on the loading screen.

Should this be added to the wiki?

Rainbow Mode

Just tested on PS4, using Chest Teleporter on a Rainbow Mode chest does NOT allow you to take every single item. This should be reflected.

"It is not recommended to teleport chests when deciding to enter the Resourceful Rat's Lair, as the chests will be inaccessible if spawned in the starting room."

- this seems not to be valid - I tried teleporting 3 chests in rat's lair, 2 went in entrance (and they were upgraded), and both were accesible. Third went near boss room, also accessible.