Bullet Bishop

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Bullet Bishop
Bullet Bishop.png
Statistics and Information
Health: 950
Location: Unknown. May have appeared in the Abbey of the True Gun
Ammonomicon Entry

File:Ammonomicon Bullet Bishop.png

Ex Cathedra
This blessed bullet speaks with the voice of Kaliber herself.

His aim is infallible, at least when firing from the pulpit.

The Bullet Bishop is an unused boss in Enter the Gungeon. They appear to be a large version of the Cardinal possessing a scepter and censer.


  • Drifts slowly towards the player, periodically releasing a sparse ring of bullets.
    • This is the default boss behaviour, as demonstrated by the Boss Template, and as such means that the Bullet Bishop's attacks were never started, let alone finished.


  • The Bullet Bishop may have been intended to be a boss for the Abbey of the True Gun.
  • Upon death, the Bullet Bishop does not correctly become a corpse, instead simply becoming enraged and shaking back and forth. This may be a remnant of a more complicated death sequence that was never finished.
    • The dead Bishop no longer deals contact damage, but does not have it's hitbox disabled either, meaning the player cannot walk through it, rendering it an impassable barrier.
    • If the dead Bishop has not yet triggered it's boss introduction, entering a room with the dead Bishop will still cause the boss splash screen to appear.
  • The Bullet Bishop is one of the few unused enemies with an Ammonomicon entry.
  • The Bullet Bishop's boss intro card uses the bosscard of the HM Absolution as a placeholder.
  • The Bishop does not have animations for walking. In fact, sprites of him walking are not even present in the files. This suggests that the Bishop was intended to be a stationary boss, and that it's behaviour of drifting towards the player is merely a consequence of being built off the Template Boss.
  • The Bishop does however have an unused animation for teleporting in a cloud of incense. While the Bishop likely was not intended to walk, teleporting may have been his main method of navigating his boss room.
  • The Bishop also has an unused animation called 'summon'. It is unknown what he would have summoned.
    • He most likely would have summoned cardinals as he is accompanied by 2 of them as seen on the steam page


  • The Bullet Bishop's healthbar reads "Your own slow reflexes" which is the default text when a boss entity has no proper name set.
  • The Bullet Bishop makes an appearance in Exit the Gungeon as a possible piece of background decoration in the Hollow Elevators. This is his first canon appearance.
  • The Bullet Bishop's sprites are named 'Bullet Pope' instead.
