Frifle and the Grey Mauser/Dialogue

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cyan This text represents a variable value that may change depending on the character being played, or the player's settings.
orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
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Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Frifle and The Grey Mauser.


In Jail

Dialoguesequential.png It's about time someone stopped by.
Dialoguesequential.png Name's Frifle. Got surrounded, and before you know it, the cowards had us trapped.
Dialoguesequential.png Thanks for the help.

(Interacting again)

Dialoguerandom.png We'll head back up to the Breach.
Dialoguerandom.png Come see us if you want to hunt.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Ah, the thrill of combat!
Dialoguerandom.png A killer's instinct!

In The Breach
(Interacting if a Hunting Quest is ongoing)

Dialoguesequential.png Looks like you've still got work to do.
Dialoguesequential.png In case you forgot...
Dialoguesequential.png Looks like you still need to hunt Number of Enemies.

(After giving or reminding the player about a generic Hunting Quest)

Dialoguerandom.png Kill Number of Enemies and return to us victorious.
Dialoguerandom.png Slay Number of Enemies and hear thy name in song!
Dialoguerandom.png Hunt Number of Enemies and return a trophied hero.
Dialoguerandom.png Kill Number of Enemies of the fiends and return triumphant.

(Hunting Quest 1: Bullet Kin)

Dialoguesequential.png For your first contract, you shall hunt the most dangerous game of all...
Dialoguesequential.png Bullet Man.
Dialoguesequential.png Don't let their bloodthirsty eyes intimidate you. Kill 200 and return here.

(Hunting Quest 2: Blobulons)

Dialoguesequential.png Blobulons! The slimy scourge of the Gungeon must be stopped.
Dialoguesequential.png Liquify 60 and return soaked in the blood of the enemy.

(Hunting Quest 3: Blobulons)

Dialoguesequential.png The next contract is less of a hunt and more of an exorcism.
Dialoguesequential.png Destroy 40 Hollowpoints.

(Hunting Quest 4: Gunjurers)

Dialoguesequential.png The next challenge is a bit tricky. Those damn wizards!
Dialoguesequential.png Hunt Gunjurors. Kill 40 of them!

(Hunting Quest 5: Beholster)

Dialoguesequential.png Turn your eyes upon the Beholster.
Dialoguesequential.png Slay that terrible beast 3 times, and return for a great reward!

(Hunting Quest 7: Gun Nut)

Dialoguesequential.png A challenge fit for a gallant knight, a duel to the death with the dreaded Gun Nut.
Dialoguesequential.png Best 25 in righteous combat, and return with the favor of your peers!

(Hunting Quest 9: Lead Maiden)

Dialoguesequential.png Fear not the embrace of death, hunter!
Dialoguesequential.png Destroy the Lead Maidens. 25 of them.

(Hunting Quest 12: Shelleton)

Dialoguesequential.png Nothing is quite so terrifying as the Shelleton, found deep in the Fourth Chamber.
Dialoguesequential.png Slay 20 of them, and prove your might as a warrior!

(Hunting Quest 14: Kill Pillars)

Dialoguesequential.png Feeling destructive?
Dialoguesequential.png Deep in the hollow are four great statues. I have seen them with my own eyes, possessed by demons!
Dialoguesequential.png Destroy them 3 times, and your name will echo throughout the pages of history!

(Hunting Quest 15: High Dragun)

Dialoguesequential.png At the heart of the Fifth Chamber is a massive beast.
Dialoguesequential.png I haven't seen it for myself, but it's just the way dungeons work, in my experience.
Dialoguesequential.png Defeat it and its kin, 5 should do. I would be honored to hear the tale.

(Generic Hunting Quest. This is also used for Hunting Quests 6: Mimics, 8: Bullet Sharks, 10: Gunzookies, 11: Shambling Round, 13: Shroomer)

Dialoguerandom.png Your next contract is for: Enemy.
Dialoguerandom.png Today you hunt the Enemy.
Dialoguerandom.png Your quarry today is Enemy.
Dialoguerandom.png Take aim on Enemy. The next hunt begins!

The Grey Mauser

In Jail

Dialoguesequential.png Ah, wonderful!
Dialoguesequential.png You might have heard of me... I am known as...
Dialoguesequential.png The Grey Mauser!
Dialoguesequential.png Regardless, my headstrong companion here was beginning to get bored.
Dialoguesequential.png My thanks.

(Interacting again)

I trust we'll see you upstairs.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png Missed me.
Dialoguerandom.png You've got the spirit.

In The Breach
(Interacting if a Hunting Quest is ongoing)

Dialoguesequential.png Still hunting, eh?
Dialoguesequential.png Oh, as a reminder...
Dialoguesequential.png Looks like you still need to hunt Number of Enemies.

(Reminding the player about a generic Hunting Quest. This also applies to non-generic hunting quests that use generic dialogue)

Dialoguerandom.png Kill Number of Enemies and return to us victorious.
Dialoguerandom.png Slay Number of Enemies and hear thy name in song!
Dialoguerandom.png Hunt Number of Enemies and return a trophied hero.
Dialoguerandom.png Kill Number of Enemies of the fiends and return triumphant.


Frifledialogue.png Frifle
Mauser dialogue.png The Grey Mauser

In The Breach
(Interacting for the first time on a save file, or if the player previously denied their request (No. I'm a pacifist.))

Mauser dialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png Well, Frifle, there's nothing for it.
Mauser dialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png We're going to be stuck up here for a while.
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png But the fight must go on!
Mauser dialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png The Gundead aren't going anywhere.
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png You there, Character Nickname!
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png Looks like you're headed down again...
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png Listen up.
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png There's monsters down there what need killing.
Mauser dialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png What my brazen friend is trying to say is...
Mauser dialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png We've collected a number of powerful relics on our adventures.
Mauser dialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png In exchange for your services exterminating the fiends below, we would be willing to part with some of them.
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png You up to the task?

Definitely. No. I'm a pacifist.
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png Outstanding!

(Frifle will then give the first Hunting Quest)

Frifledialogue.png Craven wretch.
(Interacting after completing a Hunting Quest)

Mauser dialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png Looks like you've finished.
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguerandom.pngDialoguesequential.png Couldn't have done it better myself. Mighty hunting, friend.
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguerandom.pngDialoguesequential.png The conqueror returns! Soaked in the blood of the enemy.
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguerandom.pngDialoguesequential.png Fine art you've shown! I shall draft a ballad to match the song of your gun!
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguerandom.pngDialoguesequential.png All hail! The master hunter returns!
Frifledialogue.png Dialoguesequential.png But the hunt goes on!
(Frifle will then give the next Hunting Quest)

Unused Dialogue

The dialogue in this section is all either unused, or how to trigger it is currently unknown. Context clues on when this dialogue might play may be present in the texts string key.

Unused Dialogue (Mauser)
#MAUSER_HUNT_COMPLETE_PLACEHOLDER (Perhaps an earlier piece of dialogue for completing a Hunting Quest)

For your reward, we've donated this to the Acquisitions Department. May it serve you well.
We donated this to the Acquisitions Dept. Put it to good use.
For your bravery, we've donated this. Enjoy.

Unused Dialogue (Frifle)
#HUNT_SHOTGUNMEN (Likely an unused Hunting Quest for the Shotgun Kin)

Your next contract is to cull the ranks of the Bullet Kin's larger brother: Shotgun Kin.
Kill Unknown Number and come back to us.

#HUNT_MINELETS (Likely an unused Hunting Quest for the Minelet)

Though I appreciate their work ethic, the Minelets have to go.
Return to me after defeating Unknown Number of them.

#HUNT_FUNGUNS (Likely an unused Hunting Quest for the Fungun)

I am troubled by the colonies of giant mushroom monsters deep in the mines.
Eradicate Unknown Number of them, and earn glory in combat!

#HUNT_SKULLETS (Likely an unused Hunting Quest for the Skullet)

When we first met, I tasked you with hunting the Gundead. Now, you must revisit your first kills...
Their spirits have returned as Skullets, deep in the hollow. Kill Unknown Number of them, again!

#HUNT_REVOLVENANT (Likely an unused Hunting Quest for the Revolvenant)

The ancient songs speak of a powerful wizard's retinue, who now stalk the lowest depths.
The Revolvenant! Return after besting Unknown Number of them.

#HUNT_GULL (Likely an unused Hunting Quest for the Gatling Gull)

Become the bird of prey, and hunt the Gatling Gull.
Crush him in combat Unknown Number times, and return for your reward!

#HUNT_JAMMED_GENERIC (Likely for generic repeat Hunting Quests specifically for Jammed enemies)

Today you hunt Jammed Enemy Name.