Modding/Knife to a Gunfight

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Knife to a Gunfight is an Item and Character Mod created by Skilotar_, that adds a sizable quantity of items and two integrated custom characters.

Download Here: [1]

Code Source: [2]

Passive Items

Passive Items

Icon Name Quote Quality Effect
DragunPearl.png Dragun Pearl "Charged Rolls" N/A

Roll Can be Charged to deal more Damage and have Longer range. The Damage Scales with the floor.

SpringRollNew.png Spring Roll "Awful" C Quality Item.png

Increases roll speed. Double Roll. Hitting enemies with a roll knocks them back.

SalmonRollNew.png Salmon Roll "Jumpy" C Quality Item.png

Increases roll distance. Rolls trail water. Hitting enemies with a roll slows them.

DragunRollNew.png Dragun Roll "spicy" C Quality Item.png

Increases roll damage. Hitting Enemies with a roll ignites them.

Long roll boots.png Long Roll Boots "*beewwww*" C Quality Item.png

lowers dodgeroll speed. Roll can be directed mid flight.

Rocket boots.png Rocket Boots "Poorly Excecuted" A Quality Item.png Fires two Yari Launcher rockets behind when rolling.

Synergy.png Biological Warfare - Fires one Large Stinger rocket instead. (all base game bee items)

Fly Friend.png Fly Friend "Hope" B Quality Item.png Increases coolness, rate of fire, move speed, damage, and accuracy just a little bit.

Decreases shop cost, reload speed, bullet scale, and knockback just a little bit.

Synergy.png Super Duper Fly - Adds 4 coolness and a little accuracy (Super Fly)

Space Hammer.png Space Hammer "Modded gungeon's best friend" B Quality Item.png Adds 8 more active item slots.
Superstitious bullets.png Superstitious Rounds "Tetraphobia" B Quality Item.png Adds 2 extra autoaim bounces to all bullets. Every fourth bullet fired is deleted.
Fates Blessing.png Fate's Blessing "Chosen." N/A Gives coolness, extra damage to bosses, health, extra blanks, and chance to fire a genie.

Synergy.png Flurry Rush - Increases the clip and fire rate of Hail 2 U.

DaftNew.png Daft Helm "Faster, Stronger" C Quality Item.png Increases Coolness, Movement speed, and Damage.

Synergy.png Harder! Better! Faster! Stronger! - Increases the effects of both daft and punk.

Synergy.png Around The World - Go-yo Bullet ring is replaced with Planets.

PunkNew.png Punk Helm "Harder, Better" C Quality Item.png Increases Coolness, Knockback, and Money dropped per enemy.

Synergy.png Harder! Better! Faster! Stronger! - Increases the effects of both daft and punk.

Synergy.png Around The World - Go-yo Bullet ring is replaced with Planets.

Book.png Book of Book "Book" B Quality Item.png Gives 8 armor on pickup, lowers roll speed, roll distance, and move speed. As armor is lost Speed stats return.
Jar of stardust.png Jar of Stardust "The universe gasps" B Quality Item.png Pauses time for two seconds on taking damage.

Synergy.png Flurry Rush - Increases the clip and fire rate of Hail 2 U.

Super fly.png Super Fly "Feeling Good!" B Quality Item.png Decreases reload time and increases fire rate for each point of coolness.

Synergy.png Super Duper Fly - Adds 4 coolness and a little accuracy (Fly Friend)

Im blue.png I'm Blue "da ba de da ba DIE" C Quality Item.png Lowers player move speed and bullet speed, lowers enemy bullet speed.
Arming personality.png Bad Company "Increases Shop prices..." C Quality Item.png Increases shop prices and damage.

Synergy.png Split Personality - Reduces shop prices and increases money from enemies (Disarming personality)

Rubberbandman.png Rubber Band Man "Prepare yourself" B Quality Item.png Reflects all projectiles in the room when taking damage.
I will survive.png Survivor "I will survive" A Quality Item.png Gives decent chance to ignore damage taken, increases enemy projectile speed.
Speedster.png Speedster's Helmet "Show me your moves!" B Quality Item.png Gives 1 armor, increases move speed, refunds 1 ammo for every kill.
Danger dance.png Risky Headband "Flirting with death" B Quality Item.png Increases damage for a short time when closely dodging bullets.
Disco inferno.png Disco Inferno "Burn Baby Burn!" C Quality Item.png Increases rate of fire, damage, move speed, and reload speed only while on fire.
Persuasive bullets.png Persuasive Bullets "Just following orders" A Quality Item.png Chance to control enemies shot.
PeaceStandard.png Peace Standard "Give Peace a Chance" C Quality Item.png While in combat and not killing enemies damage will increase greatly, lose damage on killing enemies.

Synergy.png Double Standards - heals companions while in combat (Battle Standard)

SpeedyChamber.png Speedy Chamber "Hot hands" A Quality Item.png Quickly reloading increases fire rate dramatically.

Synergy.png Chaos Chaos CHAOS! - increase rate of fire and reload speed (Chamber of Chambers)

Chamber of Chambers.png Chamber of Chambers "5 out of 6 Chambers recommend" B Quality Item.png Get 6 instant reloads with the 7th being 6 times as long.

Synergy.png Chaos Chaos CHAOS! - Increase rate of fire and reload speed (Speedy Chamber)

Menacing stare.png Menacing Aura "Just standing there. MENACINGLY!" B Quality Item.png Standing still applies fear to enemies.
C Drive of Malware.png C: Drive of Malware "Scared of nothing" B Quality Item.png Chance to glitch enemies. Glitched enemies are permanently feared.
Manuel'sManual.png Manuel's Manual "Rolling 101" C Quality Item.png Roll into enemies to instantly reload 3 bullets.
Farsighted bullets.png Farsighted bullets "Vision test" B Quality Item.png Decreases Accuracy, increases range. After a quarter second, bullets redirect towards the cursor.
Stopda Rock.png Stopda Rock "Cant Stopda Rock" B Quality Item.png Increases orbit speed for each projectile it blocks.
Slide slide.png Slide tech slide "Slip sliding away" D Quality Item.png Spawns ice on sliding over a table and gives temporary movement buff.
Slide reload.png Slide Tech Reload "just Long Enough" B Quality Item.png Reloads 2 bullets instantly when sliding over a table.
Slide counter.png Slide Tech Counter "Your Faith Will Protect You" C Quality Item.png Sliding over a table triggers a short duration of leadskin.
Slide Shatter.png Slide Tech Shatter "Break The Rules" B Quality Item.png Sliding over a table shatters it and triggers a small blank.
Slide Split.png Slide Tech Split "Smoke And Mirrors" <B Quality Item.png Sliding over a table spawns a shadow clone.
10 ammono.png Tall-tale Hat "This Town Aint Big Enough.." C Quality Item.png Gain Hat. Increase Damage and firerate. Decrease Movespeed.
Bleakers bubbles.png Bleaker's Bubbles "Squeaky Clean" A Quality Item.png Increases Damage and Movespeed. Rolling drops the item and spawns a ring of bubbles.
Tabletech amped cover.png Table Tech Amped Cover "Playing Favorites B Quality Item.png Flipped Tables Amp player bullets and Block enenmy bullets.
WarPaint icon.png War Paint "Sending A Message!" C Quality Item.png Killing 3 enemies in quick succession applies fear to all other enemies in the room.
Neon bullets.png Neon Bullets "Deadly When Wet!" B Quality Item.png Bullets apply extra damage to enemies standing on goops.
FractalBullets.png Fractalis Bullets "Recursive" B Quality Item.png Bullets have a 10% change to split into a fractal
Cigarlet.png Cigarlet "What A Drag" B Quality Item.png Using a blank generates a small amount of coolness.
Chammolet.png Chammolet "Just Add Lead" B Quality Item.png Reloads for free when blank is used.
Sonarlet.png Sonarlet "Ping!" C Quality Item.png Scans surrounding rooms and enemies. Scanned Enemies are slowed and weakend.
Blastlets.png Blastlets "Seems Safe Enough C Quality Item.png Bullets have a small chance to apply Blastblight. Blastblight explodes after 3 hits or when the enemy dies.
Eject.png Eject Button "Run Away" D Quality Item.png Once per floor Blocks a hit and teleports the user out of the room.

Synergy.png Second Impressions - Recharges effect every 4 rooms instead of every floor.

Overkill.png Overkill Capacitor "Fatal Capacity" B Quality Item.png When an enemy dies half of the fatal instance of damage is applied to the nearest enemy.
Cylindspurs.png Cylindspurs "He YAH!" C Quality Item.png Increases movement speed while reloading. Speed is higher the less ammo is in the clip.
Shoddy bandolier.png Shakey Bandolier "Petty Revenge" B Quality Item.png Drops a live grenade when hit.
Cooper helmet.png Pilots Helmet "Speed Is Life" B Quality Item.png One Armor. Grants 5 additional rolls while beside a wall. These rolls can be used over pits.
Dark Soles.png Dark Soles "A Dark Step" C Quality Item.png Killing 5 enemies stores a dark roll. Dark rolls are fully invincible and destroy bullets on landing.
Gunzilla tail.png Gunzilla Tail "Turn Tail" D Quality Item.png When taking damage drops a tail that distracts all enemies currently in the room.

Synergy.png Mecha Gunzilla - Creates a small temporary shield for the tail.

Synergy.png Irradiated Blood - Spawns a ring of projectiles when hit.

Trinket.png Trinket of Kaliber "Kaliber's Covenant" B Quality Item.png Black bullets from jammed Deal normal damage.
Banana Mag.png Banana Mag "Bunches of Bullets" C Quality Item.png Increase clip size. On empty reload throws an explosive banana.

Synergy.png Apex Predator - Transforms the monkey barrel into a monkey AK.

Warlords Ire.png Warlord's Ire "I'm Gonna Make This World Bleed" C Quality Item.png Run faster with shotguns and increase firerate for a short time when damaged.

Synergy.png Warlord's Best Friend - Movespeed is stronger and does not require the shotgun to be held.

Reanimation kit.png Grateful Dead "Your job here isn't quite over" B Quality Item.png Kills have a change to spawn souls. Souls reanimate into undead when interacted with.
Master Key.png Master Key "Stay Winning" C Quality Item.png When picking up a new master round get two keys.
Picking bone.png Picking Bone "Bad To The Bone" C Quality Item.png When taking damage from projectiles, the enemy that shot you takes and instant hit of damage.
Rad board.png Rad board "Sick Flips!" N/A Roll over bullets to generate coolness. 3 rolls parries per room.
AdrenalineRush.png Oni Mask "Adrenaline Rush!" B Quality Item.png Getting 3 kills in quick succession triggers an adrenaline rush. Temporarily increase movement speed and lowers cooldown on active item.
1-2-Punch.png One Two Punch "The Ol One Two" B Quality Item.png Minus 10% damage base. Comboing hits increases gradually up to +50%.
Explosive Props.png Explosive Props "Special Effects" C Quality Item.png Breakable Objects explode when broken.
HotStreak.png Hot Streak "Spicy Shots" B Quality Item.png Hitting enemies slightly reduces active item cooldowns. Build a combo to gain hot aura on your bullets. Combo is lost when taking damage.
HoverBoard.png Hover Board "Works on Water!" B Quality Item.png Rolling over a bullet allows for an additional midair roll.
HeavyImpact.png Slap Bass "Heavy Impact" B Quality Item.png Increases bullet knockback. Rolling into enemies deals more damage and on kill launches them as projectiles.
JetSetter Radio.png JetSetter Radio "Funky Radio" C Quality Item.png Gain small stacking speed boost for every hit or projectile dodged. Speed is lost on taking damage.
Baby good dodo main.png Baby Good Dodogama "Too Cute To Hunt" B Quality Item.png A companion that applies Blastblight to enemies. Blastblight explodes after 3 hits or when the enemy dies.

Synergy.png Tempered Dodogama - Fires multiple projectiles.

Glass shrine.png Glass Shrine "Wait What?" C Quality Item.png Large Guon that spawns small glass guons when the player is hit.
Defensive microbots.png Defensive Microbot "Captain Look Out!" B Quality Item.png Slow guon that shoots projectiles out of the air. Firerate scales with player Firerate.
Eye otfg 2.png Eye of the Forbidden Gun "Cut Out" B Quality Item.png Increases Accuracy. Starts Special Gun event.
Stock otfg 2.png Stock of the Forbidden Gun "Slashed and Bound" B Quality Item.png Increases Movespeed. Starts Special Gun event.
Core otfg 2.png Core of the Forbidden Gun "The Imprisoned" B Quality Item.png Increases Damage. Starts Special Gun event.
Drum otfg 2.png Drum of the Forbidden Gun "Emptied and Discarded" B Quality Item.png Increases Clip Size. Starts Special Gun event.
Barrel otfg 2.png Barrel of the Forbidden Gun "Broken and Bound" B Quality Item.png Increases Rate of Fire. Starts Special Gun event.

Active Items

Active Items

Icon Name Quote Quality Effect
Led maiden.png Led Maiden "Stairwell to Gungeon" A Quality Item.png Applies a ring of glass guon stones for the duration that get broken afterwards.
Arrow of the chosen.png Arrow of Destiny "Your trial awaits" A Quality Item.png Adds 2 curse, on use damages for a random amount from 1 to 5 FULL hearts. Gifts Fate's blessing.
Nano boost.png Nano Boost "That Goood stuff." B Quality Item.png Increases move speed and damage as well as gives 3 glass guon stones for the duration.
Koolkatbucks.png Kool Kat Bucks "Way Past Koool!!" B Quality Item.png Spend Coolness for prizes.
Sandvich.png Sandvich "Perfect fuel for killing" A Quality Item.png Heals for 1.5, locks user in place.

Synergy.png Tomislav - Gives vulcan cannon slower fire rate and perfect accuracy

DogProblem.png Dog Problem "You are carrying too many dogs" 1S Quality Item.png Spawns a Junior when used.

Synergy.png A really big problem - doubles the dog spawns (turtle problem)

Power bracer.png Power Bracer "Sweet Revenge" B Quality Item.png Damages the room for 10 base + (number of times hit since last use * 20).
Eye of the tiger.png Tiger eye "Blind Rage" D Quality Item.png Gives speed boost. Spawns 5 very very angry tigers.
99 blob balloons.png 99_ blobuloons "Floating by" A Quality Item.png Adds chance to fire rockets for duration. Gives balloon.
Bloody napkin.png Bloody Napkin "Ecnalubma" C Quality Item.png After a channel, sends the player back 2 rooms and refunds health they may have lost in those 2 rooms.
Pig whistle.png Pig Whistle "SEEWWW WEEE!" C Quality Item.png Spawns a little Cannon to help you fight.
Hardlight Shield.png Hardlight Shield "Get behind my barrier" C Quality Item.png Spawns a shield that blocks enemy bullets and buffs player bullets that travel through it.
Android reactor core.png Android Reactor core "I have no other options" A Quality Item.png Large instance of Explosive damage. Uses High Stess Effect to set user to one hp for a short time.
Deminish cap.png Diminished Cap "This hat is way too small" A Quality Item.png Shrinks the user and curses all projectiles in the room. Do not be toggled near walls and DON'T pick up stuff while small.
SpiceInjection.png The Hotel California Special "Since 1969" B Quality Item.png On use dashes user in looking direction.
MindSwapHeadband.png Mind Swap Headband "CHANGE NOW!" B Quality Item.png First use takes over enemies in a straight line from user. Second use kills the captured enemy.
Dullahan curse.png Dullahan's Curse "Just Dead Cels" B Quality Item.png Spawns a little skull that poisons enemies on contact.
RageShield.png Anchor Rage "Seething Patience" B Quality Item.png Raise a shield and gain a damage boost based on the number of bullets blocked.
Tur nonmounted right.png Sheila "Queen Of All LMGs" A Quality Item.png Place a turret mount on the ground and interact with it to enter a powerful stationary turret.
Pur 001.png Purifier "Armaments 2:9-21" A Quality Item.png Bomb that deals extra damage to jammed enemies.
Red tape 001.png Cover-up Cassette" "Let's Make Some Noise" C Quality Item.png Slow detonating bomb. Enemies caught its radius for 2 seconds are devolved.
Present 001.png Gift Box "Naughty or Nice?" C Quality Item.png Bomb that Heals Enemies or spawns a friendly coaler.

Synergy.png Mr. Grinch - Bomb now always spawns a coaler.

PPPP.png Pyros Party Popper Pouch "Office Supplies" B Quality Item.png Choice between 4 selectable bombs: CherryBomb, Sparkler, Flashbang, Big Bomb.
Lemonade 001.png Lemonade "When Life Gives You Lemons" B Quality Item.png 3 Lemons that light enemies on fire.

Synergy.png Pink Lemonade - Bombs charm

Bombushka 001.png Bombushka "Mama Bomba" >B Quality Item.png Weaker Bomb that opens into smaller and smaller bombs.
Shotgun Leg.png Mares Leg "Kickback" B Quality Item.png Use to kick a shotgun blast. Roll to reload.

Synergy.png Scuffed Soles - Adds Knockback and flight when kicking.

Eye con main.png ShotCaster's Eye "Bulk Enchantment" B Quality Item.png Choose between 4 enchantment rings. Shooting through them applies their effects.
Sp4rc snare.png Sp4rc Snare "Bound!" B Quality Item.png Snares enemies as it travels. Snared enemies are slowed.
EmergencyPistol.png Emergency Pistol "Always Faster Than Reloading" C Quality Item.png Quickly switches to a small pistol and reloads your current gun. Switch back when pistol is empty.

Synergy.png Seer Kit - Changes pistol from P-2020 to Homing SMRT Pistol.

Synergy.png Prepare for titanfall - Improves recharge of emergency pistol.

Opossum ring.png Opossum Ring "Agens Mortem" C Quality Item.png Use Near a bullet to fake your death. Invulnerable while faking death. Gain Stealth.
Broken Controller.png Broken Controller "Perfectly Wrong" B Quality Item.png Use during a roll to cancel it into a short dash.
RiotDrill.png Riot Drill "You Know The Drill" C Quality Item.png Drill Sticks to walls and shoots thermite out the other side.

Synergy.png Freedom For Salvo - Adds a second charge to the riot Drill

WitchWatch.png Witch Watch "Which Watch?" B Quality Item.png On use places a clock on the map. Use again or wait for the full duration to teleport back.
Striker pack.png Striker Pack "Hold -Use- To Boost" A Quality Item.png Uses Duration bar as a fuel gauge. Using boosts into aim direction if user has fuel.
SideCarSmg idle 001.png SideCar SMG "Tag-Along" A Quality Item.png Small Machine attachement to be moved between guns. On use attaches to your current gun. Use again to remove from that gun.
EmergencyDanceParty.png Emergency Dance Party "Life Of The Party" B Quality Item.png Spawns a number of holographic decoys for a party. Decoys distract enemies. Party ends if you take damage.
DoubleWhammy.png Double W.H.A.M.M.Y. "Keep Away" C Quality Item.png Two Rockets that deflect enemy projectiles on hit.

Synergy.png Over The Moon - Rockets Gains damage the further it flies.

Synergy.png Shoot for the Stars - Rockets burst into stars.

2d-manuver.png 2d Maneuvering Belt "Technically 3D" B Quality Item.png Lauches high speed grapple hooks for rapid manuvering.



Icon Name Quote Quality Effect
Hail2u.png Hail2U "Three quick wishes" B Quality Item.png 3 burst fire lamp with wall piercing shots.

Synergy.png Flurry Rush - Increases the clip and fire rate of Hail 2 U. (Fate's Blessing or Jar of Stardust)

Hand.png Lich's trigger hand "I'll scrape you away!" A Quality Item.png Melee weapon.

Initial shot stuns and pulls in enemies. Reload erases all entities in a 3-meter radius except Major Bosses, shopkeepers, companions, and mimics. Minibosses are fair game to be deleted.

Synergy.png Whole Again - Reload spawns tombstoners in bossfights (lichy trigger finger)

Violin idle 001.png Violin-ce "A bet well won" B Quality Item.png Bow. Arrows Jam or unjam enemies. Extra damage to Jammed enemies. Reloading Charms all Jammed Enemies.
Queen.png Killer Queen "Dynamite With a laserbeam" A Quality Item.png Firing spawns a familiar Nitra on the cursor and fires a wall penetrating laser at it. This gun is incredibly good at killing bosses as the Nitra's explosions do not factor into the boss damage cap.

Synergy.png Boomers - Increases firerate and reload speed.

Chariot.png Copper Chariot "Blinding Speed!" A Quality Item.png Summons a Gun Nut that moves and swings with you.

Synergy.png Droppable Armor - Some swings spawn a shield attached to the Gun Nut (Ac-15)

Lance.png Sir Lot o' Lance "Now with 100% less horse" C Quality Item.png Melee weapon.

User runs at the enemy at high speeds with a rocket powered lance.

Lance only deals damage at the tip and only when firing.

Synergy.png Dragun Slayer - Damage Increase.

Synergy.png Upgraded - Improves rockets and adds a backburner hitbox.

Magic man.png Magic Man "Quicker than the eye!" A Quality Item.png Charge to place a portal where your bullets fire from.
Lil.png Lil Boom "You are already dead." A Quality Item.png Melee weapon.

Slows time, reflects bullets, attacks the whole room, longer charge higher damage.

Black Stabbith .png Black Stabbith "Judge jury and executioner" B Quality Item.png Melee weapon.

Swings leave behind knife clusters that fire on reload.

Ball.png Gyro Ball "High speed justice" 1S Quality Item.png First shot fires a ball, subsequent shots redirect ball towards cursor, ball doubles in speed and power for each redirection.
Harpoon.png Death to Bayshore "Wanted Dead or Alive" B Quality Item.png Melee weapon.

Fires Bullets until an enemy is hit. Hit Enemies are pulled in and meleed

Mozam .png Mozambique "Good Enough" D Quality Item.png Shotgun pistol, fires three shots per burst.

Synergy.png Hop-up: Hammer Point Rounds - Increases base damage dramatically (Can't Touch this, Heavy Bullets, Armor of Thorns, Riddle of Lead, Cobalt Hammer, The Hammer, Woodbeam, Anvillain, The Big Iron, Ac15, Big Shotgun)

Synergy.png Hop-up: April Fools - Increases clip, reserve size, and fire rate (scattershot, Tiger eye, Box, Boxing Glove, Lowercase r, Mega douser, bullet, shell)

Synergy.png Hop-up: Throw Away Joke - Adds a gun thrown projectile on reloading an empty clip, also increases thrown gun damage( Hip Holster, Jk-47, ShowBow, Bow, Klobbe)

Synergy.png Hop-up: Double Up - Dual wield in the secondary slot ( Regular Shotgun, Old Goldie, Blunderbuss, Zilla Shotgun)

Synergy.png Prepare for titanfall - Improves recharge of emergency pistol.

GnLnc idle 001.png GunLance "This Is My BOOM STICK!" B Quality Item.png 3 levels of charge. Melee, Shelling, WyvernStake.
Hot idle 001.png Coffee Shotgun "A Hot Cup Of OW!" B Quality Item.png Multiple firey beams.
Bell idle 001.png Hell's Bell "Hell Tones" B Quality Item.png Melee. Ring spawns 3 waves of sound.

Synergy.png Old Chimes - Sounds spirals instead rings.

Synergy.png NewWaves - Sounds Waves now bounce.

Succ idle 001.png Holstergeist 5000 "Some Bunnys Worst Nightmare" A Quality Item.png Suck up enemies. Reload to fire wind.
Tt idle 001.png Tauren Tails "Full Charge" C Quality Item.png Two stage change. Higher Charge levels throw more stones.
T ak idle 001.png Toy AK "Design Flaw" N/A Chance to Jam when firing below half clip. Coolness lowers chance to jam.
Neon desimator idle 001.png Neon Desimator "High Voltage!" C Quality Item.png Crits against wet enemies (enemies standing over goops or naturally wet enemies)
Maw idle 001.png Maw of Vog "Through The Fire And Flames" B Quality Item.png Charge for a ring of fire and to light self on fire. Multiple buffs when on fire.
Firestrike idle 001.png Crusader mk II "Precision German Engineering" B Quality Item.png Charge to dash. Projectile deals more damage the faster you are moving.
Cat idle 001.png Catalyzer "Activation Energy Required" A Quality Item.png Uncharged shots orbit enemies. Charged shots detonate orbiting smaller projecitles.
Charger idle 001.png Charge Rifle "The Bigger They Are..." B Quality Item.png Beam Deals more damage to larger enemies. Charge is released as soon as it is ready.

Synergy.png Prepare for titanfall - Improves recharge of emergency pistol.

Pbpp idle 001.png Baba Yaga "You Know My Name" C Quality Item.png Low ammo support pistol. Reload melee's enemies and loots ammo off them.
Sizzler idle 001.png Sizzler "Spittin' Fire!" B Quality Item.png Shotgun. Charge to delay projectile splitting.
Type idle 001.png Chicago Typewriter "ImPRESSive Censorship" B Quality Item.png Types status effect words that are applied to the paper airplane thrown on reload.

Synergy.png Infinite Monkey Theorem - Removes ammo cost for the gun.

Hippo idle 001.png Hipp0 "Ammo Starved" C Quality Item.png Fires Hungry bullets and destroys bullets on reload. Destroyed enemy bullets are refunded back the the gun's clip.

Synergy.png Insatiable - All bullets are Hunrgy.

Mb idle 001.png Monkey Barrel "Hmm Monkey" B Quality Item.png Strong but slow moving beam.

Synergy.png Bananarmaments - Chance to fire explosive bananas.

Synergy.png Barrel Bros - Duel wields with Barrel.

Synergy.png Apex Predator - Transforms the monkey barrel into a monkey AK.

Synergy.png Infinite Monkey Theorem - Removes ammo cost for the gun.

Rat launcher idle 001.png Ratapult "Bio Warfare Times 2" D Quality Item.png Launches Henry. Henry applies Illness.
Le'gun idle 001.png Le'Voleur "Shoot To Thrill" C Quality Item.png High Damage. Active Recharge. Kills Instantly recharge all active items.
Trash idle 001.png Plumbing Pipelauncher "Be Unpredictable" D Quality Item.png Charge up to 3 rockets. Wide Spread.
Half gauge idle 001.png Half Gauge Shotgun "Screw That General Direction!" C Quality Item.png Low Ammo. Fires lots of pellets. Knockback throws the player back.
Bee idle 001.png Beetalion Combmander "Hold Dodge To Select" B Quality Item.png Select between multiple firing modes with radial selector.
Lone idle 001.png LoneStar "When The Stars Align" B Quality Item.png Reloads bullets one at a time. Kills spawn stars that burst and amp bullets when shot.
StarBurst idle 001.png StarBurst "Pepper the Heavens" C Quality Item.png Charge to Fan the hammer.
SuperStar idle 001.png SuperStar "Shine Bright" B Quality Item.png Reloads one bullet at a time. Fires Pellets and Shell.
Stargazer idle 001.png Stargazer "Seeing Stars" B Quality Item.png Chance to stun enemies. Shooting a stunned enemy knocks stars off them. Final shot is a star shaped shotgun.
Tap idle 001.png Messenger "There And Back" B Quality Item.png Fires on press and on release.
Flatline idle 005.png Flat Line "Life's Final Note" B Quality Item.png Deals more damage to enemies at high health.
Fishbones idle 001.png Fishbones "We Need Some Panic!" A Quality Item.png Fires Homing rockets. Chance to increase movespeed and firerate.

Synergy.png Jump The Shark - Missed Rockets turn into friendly Bulletsharks.

Under idle 001.png Regular Gun "Totally Not A Cop" C Quality Item.png Damage is dealth directly to enemies, bypassing invulnerability. Penetrates objects and internal walls.
Zap idle 001.png Zapistol "Minimalistic" D Quality Item.png Single shot electic gun.
Static idle 001.png Galvanizer "Cling Sling" B Quality Item.png Charge up by rubbing feet on floor. Carpeted floors charge quicker.
Coiler idle 001.png Coiler "OverCharged" B Quality Item.png Hit Enemies Detonate electricity.
Rai idle 001.png RaiGun "Melody Of Monsoons" B Quality Item.png Electric Minigun.
Phase idle 001.png Phase Blade "Tear The Veil" A Quality Item.png Charge to make a lasting wormhole to anywhere in the room.
Thumper idle 001.png Thumper "Short Fuse" B Quality Item.png Fires on press, explodes on release.
PeaceMaker idle 001.png Peace Maker "Peace Through Superior Firepower" 1S Quality Item.png Charge to choke spread and increase damage.
First idle 001.png First Impression "Make It Count" B Quality Item.png Melee. First attack in a room is empowered, returns to normal attacks until next room.

Synergy.png Strike First - Empowered Strikes fire projectiles.

Synergy.png Second Impressions - Recharges effect every 4 rooms instead of every floor.

Followup idle 001.png Follow_Up "Pay It Forward" C Quality Item.png Burst. Projectiles Knockback towards the next projectile in the burst.

Synergy.png Plasma Spray - Widen's spread and connects burst with electricity.

SteamRifle idle 001.png Steam Rifle "Hot Tempered" B Quality Item.png Fires steam, Overheating fires short range explosions.
Cav idle 001.png Cavalry "Parry This You Filthy Casual" C Quality Item.png Press reload or shoot while reloading to attempt a parry. Successfully parrying a bullet will instantly reload the weapon.
BattleRam idle 001.png Battling Ram "All Access Pass" B Quality Item.png Reload swings weapon. Hitting a door or secret wall with the swing will drop some ammo and open the door.
USB idle 001.png USB "Universal.Space.Blaster." B Quality Item.png Reload scans enemies trait and copies them until overridden.
STOP idle 001.png Riot Hammer "It Time To STOP" C Quality Item.png Melee. Tipper hitbox stuns enemies. main hitbox hits enemies and stops bullets.

Synergy.png Freedom For Salvo - Adds a second charge to the riot Drill

AcK-Ch00 idle 001.png AcK_Ch00 "Ill Intent" C Quality Item.png Automatic Shotgun. Applies Illness.
PowderBag idle 001.png Imported Powder Bag "Surplus" C Quality Item.png Applies Blastblight. Blastblight explodes after 3 hits or when the enemy dies.
Bad Name idle 001.png Bad Name "Shot Through The Heart" B Quality Item.png Chance to Charm. Killing a charmed enemy perminantly increases basedamage.
SIND idle 001.png Shot In The Dark "Blind Fire" B Quality Item.png Sucks light from the room. Fires Strong explosive projectile.

Synergy.png Rainbow In The Dark - projectile trails two rainbows.

Express idle 001.png Nitra_Express "Raw Power" A Quality Item.png Bullets trail smaller bullets that explode in a row.

Synergy.png Boomers - Increases firerate and reload speed.

Watchman idle 001.png Watchman "Iron Breaker" B Quality Item.png If the user has armor they can reload at full clip to use that armor and amplify the weapon.

Synergy.png Thermal Linkage - If the player is on fire the watchman will be amplified.

Synergy.png Prepare for titanfall - Improves recharge of emergency pistol.

Black rose idle 001.png Black Rose "Slay It With Flowers" C Quality Item.png Crits when stealthed. Reload with full clip to stealth.
Rampage idle 001.png Rampage "Heat Sink" B Quality Item.png Fires faster when player is on fire. Shooting lowers fire meter. Reload with full clip to combust.

Synergy.png Thermal Linkage - Amped bullets have electric chains.

Synergy.png Paint The Town RED - Amped Bullets leave pools of fire.

Synergy.png Burn The House Down! - Reloading throws a thermite grenade.

Synergy.png Prepare for titanfall - Improves recharge of emergency pistol.

Pulstar idle 001.png Pulstar "Star Fire" C Quality Item.png Projectiles become larger and explosive after a short arm time.
Alchemizer idle 001.png Alchemizer "Hexplosion" B Quality Item.png Burst Shoots a BlastBlight and Hexing potion. Final shot is a shotgun.
Goyo idle 001.png Go Yo "Flair and Function" B Quality Item.png Throw a yoyo, returns when button is released. Return shoots a ring of bullets.

Synergy.png Around The World - Bullet ring is replaced with Planets.

Synergy.png All Tangled Up - Wall Bounces track enemies and Goyo jumps between enemies on hit.

Synergy.png Walk The Dog - Go-Yo Moves slowly at max range.

Tungsten idle 001.png Tungsten Bomber "Heavy Artillery" B Quality Item.png Fires Bombs.
Focal point idle 001.png Focus "Center Of Attention" C Quality Item.png Wide Spread Shotgun. Bullets redirect to a central point after a moment.
Gravity Slingshot idle 001.png Gravity Slingshot "Assisted Ascent" B Quality Item.png Charge up a ring of projectiles around the player and fire them all when released.

Synergy.png Orbital Injection - Projectiles orbit enemies they hit.

Synergy.png Gravity Pull - Projectiles home in on enemies.

EvilEye idle 001.png Evil Eye "All Eyes On YOU!" B Quality Item.png Reload to target an enemy. Bullets Strongly home in on target.

Synergy.png Expanded Ram - Multiple enemies can be targeted at once and are attacked in sequence.

Kingly Shotgun idle 001.png Kingly Shotgun "Checkmate" B Quality Item.png Strong shotgun can only be fired in 8 directions. Standing Still Doubles Damage.

Synergy.png Rolload - Rolling reloads.

Synergy.png Bisharpshooter - Greatly Reduces spread when standing still.

Synergy.png King and Queen - Allows for full 360 aiming.

Umbra idle 001.png Umbra "GunBrella" B Quality Item.png Charge to block attacks from the front.

Synergy.png Rain Rain Go Away - Blocked projectiles are now deflected.

RockAndStone idle 001.png Dwarves Friend "ROCK AND STONE!!" B Quality Item.png Deals more damage the lower in the gungeon you are. Small chance to Critical Reload to heal .5 hp.

Synergy.png BeastMaster - Charms nearest enemy on reload.

Big Bertha idle 001.png Big Bertha "Bombing Run" B Quality Item.png Fires a burst of bombs.
BigBaby idle 001.png Big Baby "You Woke Up The Baby" B Quality Item.png Fires two explosive projectiles at once.
Vector2 idle 001.png Vector 2 "Directional Storage" B Quality Item.png Projectiles Slow and return to player after a short time.

Synergy.png CalculateVectorBetween(Enemy); - On return bullets home in to nearby enemies.

Synergy.png LerpUnclamped(); - Increases speed of projectiles journey.

Synergy.png Rotate(); - Hit Bullets orbit enemies.

SnakeEyes idle 001.png Mulligun "Snake-Eyes" B Quality Item.png Automatic shotgun. Fires Dice patterns. Rolling two ones in a row automatically reloads.
Callahan idle 001.png Callahan "Hole-Puncher" B Quality Item.png Bullets Pierce Walls.

Synergy.png Paper Pusher - When exiting a wall a paper airplane is spawned.

Synergy.png Puncture Wound - When exiting an enemy a large spatter of blood damages nearby enemies.

Vengance idle 001.png Frontier Vengeance "Goodnight, Irene!" B Quality Item.png Active reload to spawn a mini sentry. Gain crits based on the sentry's kills when it dies.
Pikannon idle 001.png Pikannon "Flower Power" B Quality Item.png Spawns pikis who fight for you. Charge to override their target.

Synergy.png Extra Spicy - All Pikis have a chance to cause fire.

Black Betty idle 001.png Black Betty "BAM-Ba-Lam" B Quality Item.png Hit Enemies take more damage from all sources. This effect Stacks.
Gunchucks idle 001.png Gunchucks "Gunchaku" N/A Melee and ranged.
Fell idle 001.png Fell Stinger "Fatality!" B Quality Item.png Increases damage for every kill. Boost resets each combat.

Synergy.png Venoshock - Criticals to poisoned enemies.

Synergy.png Swarmageddon - Kills spawn bees.

Tag idle 001.png Tagg AR "Anarchy Rainbow" B Quality Item.png Spawns Pools of goo on kill.

Jinx Items

Morgun La Faye's Mystical Oddities Shop

A shop that sells a collection of Jinxed Items. These items all have various benefits as well as downsides to manage.

Many of these Items use a custom status effect -Hex-. The Hex will attempt to damage players or enemies when they attack, Players are able to dodgeroll to avoid this damage.

Icon Name Quote Quality Effect
Greedy clip.png Greedy Clips "Bottomless?" B Quality Item.png Clips Fill at the bottom, Overdrawn shots take double ammo
Cacaphony horn.png Cacophony Horn "Hellish Sounds" C Quality Item.png Hexes anything that hears it, including the player using it.
Hex bullets.png Hexing Rounds "Hex The World" B Quality Item.png Chance to hex enemies, and user.
HexGlasses.png Hex Tinted Glasses "Gamble Your Life" B Quality Item.png Triples player damage while afflicted by Hex.
Wicker Heart.png Wicker Heart "Kindled Love" D Quality Item.png Gain Health, Take double damage from environmental fire.
Book o mispells.png Book of Mispells "Ah Braka Dabrah" B Quality Item.png Chance to transmogrify to chicken, or strong magic enemy.
Fallen Armor.png Armor of the fallen "Outcast" C Quality Item.png Temporary buffs after falling in a put, less damage to Jammed Enemies.
Yokai fingertrap.png Yokai Finger Trap "Pranked" B Quality Item.png Gain a Hexing familiar, Lowers reloading speed.
Withering rose.png Withering Rose "By Any Other Name" C Quality Item.png Increases damage and gives you thorns, but lose health each floor.
LifeInsureance.png Life Insurance "Do You Need It?" A Quality Item.png Saves you from death once, Charges casings each floor.
Sundial stopwatch.png Sundial Stopwatch "Sun's Setting" A Quality Item.png Stat Boost at start of floor that decays over time into negatives.
LoanNew.png Devilish Loan Note "Already Paid Off" 1S Quality Item.png Gives casings upfront, but can't gain from dropped casings.
Terracotta potion.png Terracotta Potion "A Hardened Heart" C Quality Item.png Gain temporary shields each room, but can no longer heal.
MiniGlockodileHeart.png Mini Glockodile Heart "Glass Half Empty" A Quality Item.png Gain empty heartcontainers with every 50 kills, but cuts health in half on pickup.
Cheshire purfume.png Cheshire Purrfume "Smells Smelly" B Quality Item.png Debuffs or Buffs nearby enemies.
Diogene coin purse.png Diogene's Coinpurse "Need Not" C Quality Item.png Less money more power, More money less power.
Hell bound.png Hell Bound "Unrelenting" C Quality Item.png Gain trail of fire, But move slower.
Ammochemy belt.png Ammochemy Belt "Lead From Gold" C Quality Item.png Every other casing collected is trasmuted into ammo.
ChainFire reagent.png ChainFire Reagent "Wild Fire" B Quality Item.png Enemies may burst into bullets upon deathbursts deal damage to both players and enemies.
Built Different.png Built Different "No Pain, No Gain!" D Quality Item.png Gain damage buffs when taking hits, increases player size.
PlasmaBuckler.png Plasma Buckler "Tactical Reload" B Quality Item.png Reloads block nearby bullets, Armor and Blanks are Weakend.

Knife to a gunfight Custom Characters

Introducing Rollin


Rollin' is a Custom character that excels in high mobility and close range combat. Rollin' is an extremely powerful character in the right hands as her improved roll can dish out high amounts of damage and reposition very effectively.

Aliases: The Rollin Ronin.

Loadout: Gunchucks, Manuel's Manuel, DragunPearl.

Introducing "The Skater"


The Skater is a Custom character that uses the coolness stat as a currency system. They are able to use their three custom items to generate coolness, hold onto it for stat increases or spend it for random prizes. Overall the skater is a powerful character if the player can manage their coolness well.

Aliases: Punk, Street Rat.

Loadout: Toy AK, Superfly, Rad board, Kool Kat Bucks'.