Professor Goopton/Dialogue

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Text Colour Key
grey This text provides context for interactions, and is not part of any original quote.
cyan This text represents a variable value that may change depending on the character being played, or the player's settings.
orange This text represents player dialogue choices. Regular text under orange text indicates a dialogue branch initiated by that choice.
Hover over each icon to see what it represents.

Dialoguesequential.png Groupedsequence.png Dialogueordered.png Dialoguerepeat.png Dialoguerandom.png Dialogueconditional.png Dialogueend.png

The collected dialogue of Professor Goopton. While this dialogue is usually rendered in the Gleepglorp font, it is in fact english text.
While holding the Sponge, Professor Gooptons dialogue is displayed in the standard Gungeon font, however it is displayed in all-caps, a speech quirk of Gooptons that is not present in the raw string files.

In Jail

Dialoguesequential.png Thank you for rescuing me! My name is Professor Goopton.
Dialoguesequential.png I came to the Gungeon to research the strange and mysterious goops that can be found here!
Dialoguesequential.png I have long been a student of the Blobulonian Empire's technology.
Dialoguesequential.png I followed them here, years ago, to see how their martial strategies would evolve in the Gungeon.

(Interacting again)

Thank you again. Hopefully, I will see you again soon!

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png You son of a goop!
Dialoguerandom.png Goophole!
Dialoguerandom.png Goophead!

In The Gungeon
(Upon entering the room)

Welcome, welcome!


All proceeds will go toward funding my research!

(Interacting a second time)

Dialogueordered.png What are those monstrosities coming out of your body?
Dialogueordered.png You are the ugliest thing I have ever seen.
Dialogueordered.png Your lack of goop is concerning and disgusting.

(Interacting for the third time onwards)

Away with you.

(After being shot)

Dialoguerandom.png You son of a goop!
Dialoguerandom.png Goophole!
Dialoguerandom.png Goophead!

(After a successful purchase)

Dialoguerandom.png Thank you for your support!
Dialoguerandom.png Ah, you certainly have an eye for the viscous!

(After a failed purchase)

I'm not sure you have enough Money.png for that...

(Upon leaving the room)


In The Breach

All proceeds will go toward funding my research!

(After a successful purchase)

Dialoguerandom.png Thank you for your support!
Dialoguerandom.png Ah, you certainly have an eye for the viscous!

(After a failed purchase)

I'm not sure you have enough Hegemony Credit.png for that...