Talk:Lower Case r

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This gun is weird. Extensive testing shows it does 2.222(22222222 etc.) damage per bullet, or 20 damage per 9 shots.

It is listed as having a fire rate of 0.07, which seems accurate, but I'm not sure how to take into account the small gap between bursts? IE, 1-2-3-4-5-6, rest, 1-2-3-4-5-6.

A fire rate of 0.07 with no rests would mean it would chew through the 36-round clip in 2.52 seconds. My timing shows it takes 4.50 seconds, though, so the small gap must be about 1/3 of a second each time.

How does this factor into the "Fire rate" of Burst-type weapons?

Also, should weapon info boxes feature a DPS? That seems like it might be effective for sizing up weapons against bosses for wiki-goers. Like, say... the Lower Case r isn't very good, obviously, but if it does 2.222(2forever) damage per shot, fires its clip in 4.5 seconds, and takes a full 2 seconds to reload, then its DPS is 12.3. (Not counting its crappy accuracy of course)

I'd be totally okay with determining this and adding the info to the Guns page, too. Though that'd take a hella more time to work on.

While DPS may be useful to determine, there's a lot of factors that would complicate it, like:
Basically, I feel that while it may be helpful for comparing basic guns, it would be less useful and less accurate when it comes to more complex guns. --Exschwasion (talk) 20:40, 29 May 2016 (UTC)

A lot of those would be based on a few aspects. Cat Claw, for example, might be simplified because it does the same damage as any other conventional weapon, it just waits until you stop firing and deals it all at once. Stinger's DPS would likely be based on "Missile + Bees damage over time" divided by how long it takes to reload. Kinda like "Pretend the bees do all their damage at once, just for a general DPS number that simplifies exactly HOW much damage it does in relation to how fast it fires". That kinda thing.

Manual vs. automatic I'd probably do something like with the fire rate. EG,

14.3 (Manual) 12.9 (Automatic)

For weapons that you can mash to fire them faster. I could also include a range of DPS, like for Mass Shotgun. 15.5-20.8 (I'm making these numbers up) would probably represent "Hitting with the ball" vs. "Hitting with the spread afterwards". In my DPS calculations I've been assuming the best possible scenario. A shotgun's DPS would be under the assumption every projectile hits, a MG would be assuming you're accurate enough to land each shot. For weapons with multiple firing modes, like Alien Sidearm, I've already determined the DPS for taptaptap vs. the DPS for charge-firing. Etc.

For The Patriot, I imagine the DPS would be based on "If every single shot hits in one held-button swoop" plus the reload. But that gun's info is a nightmare to work out in the first place, and is just rare enough that I haven't been able to develop any info on it yet. Buttttttttttt...

Regardless, no matter what I do, I'll be sure to explain it with fairly extensive notes and explaining my reasoning.

Synergy with Magic Bullets

Spells out "KADABRA" when fired, these bullets have a chance of turning enemies into chickens