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Statistics and Information
ETG Health:
1 O 2 A 3 4/R 5/6
18 24 23.4 30 28.8 33.3 37.8
XTG Health:
1 2 3 4 5
38.5 42.88 45.5 49 52.5
Location: Black Powder Mine
Ammonomicon Entry

Ammonomicon Det.png

Add And Multiply
Fires lasers in four directions and explodes on death.

Because of their explosive nature, Minelets have been known to sacrifice Dets to speed mining jobs.

Dets fire lasers in four directions (either in a + or x formation) and explode upon death. Depending on the room they are found in, they will either slowly drift around in a set pattern or they will remain stationary. Dets look slightly different depending on which formation they fire lasers in; Dets with normal eyes fire lasers in a + formation while Dets with X eyes fire lasers in an X formation.


  • A Det's laser can be reflected by a shielded Minelet.
  • While Dets are affected by the challenge modifier Final Attack, the explosion triggered upon their death usually destroys the ring of bullets created by the challenge modifier.
  • ETG PBug.png Possible Bug If the challenge modifier Final Attack is active, the bullets fired upon the death of a Det will be very subtly smaller than those fired by other enemies.


  • The blurb "Add and Multiply" is in reference to their attack patterns, + and x respectively, being the mathematical signs of addition and multiplication.
  • The name is possibly a play on words, combining "detonate/detonation" and the mathematical term "determinant", which involves long sequences of addition and multiplication.


See also