Gundustrial Revolution

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Gundustrial Revolution is a mod made by NotSoAI. It currently adds 16 guns, 15 items, and 2 new enemies, all of which mainly follow the theme of technological innovation.

Download the mod here.

You can also find the source code here.


Icon Name Type Quote Quality Active Duration Active Recharge References Effect
Barrel Bullets.png Barrel Bullets Passive Poorly Sealed A Quality Item.png - - Oil Barrels. Has a 3% chance to make bullets explode, and a 47% chance for them to trail oil.
Multipurposebutton.png Multi-Purpose Button Active Numerous Applications B Quality Item.png - 500 DMG References the classic "Red Button of Doom" that usually triggers an apocalyptic event. Does nothing by itself, but can synergise with multiple other items to have different effects.
Cryptocurrency.png Cryptocurrency Active An Investment B Quality Item.png As long as current room is active 3 Rooms Cleared Cryptocurrency is a digital form of currency. At the cost of 10 casings, places a turret that passively generates casings. Enemies will prioritise destroying the turret, and it will explode when its HP reaches 0 or there are no more enemies in the room.
Dematerialiser.png Dematerialiser Active Where'd All The Bullets Go? A Quality Item.png 10 Seconds 1500 DMG Bears a similar appearance to the Material Emancipation Grill from Portal. The description references the Dematerialize achievement from the game Cookie Clicker. Gives the player ethereality and a speed boost for 10 seconds.
Familiarphone.png Familiar Phone Active Indestructible B Quality Item.png - - The Nokia 3310. Gives the player 2 armour.
Gildedheart.png Gilded Infusion Passive A Healthy Balance B Quality Item.png - - - +1 Heart Container, increases money dropped from enemies by Max HP / 2.
Graph.png Graph Passive A Beautiful Line C Quality Item.png - - - Increased Accuracy.
Magnesiumguonstone.png Magnesium Guon Stone Passive OOOH, BURN! A Quality Item.png - - Magnesium is the 12th element of the Periodic Table, notable for its flammable properties. Orbits the player like a standard guon. Gives the player a 2/11 probability that their shots will be explosive.
Oiljar.png Oil Jar Passive Greasy C Quality Item.png - - - Gives the player a rate of fire and reload speed boost.
Radcan.png Rad Can Active Totally Gnarly B Quality Item.png - - I mean, it's an energy drink if you consider deadly ionising radiation as a form of energy. Damages the player for 2 hearts, but gives a permanent damage, move speed, and fire rate boost.
Robullets.png Robullets Passive Shooting Is The Future A Quality Item.png - - Reference to the phrase "Testing Is The Future" which inherits from the game Portal. Also bears a similar appearance to the turrets from the same game. Has a 1/20 chance for bullets to spawn a turret on enemy kill.
Silvercursor.png Silver Cursor Active Force The Hand Of Fate B Quality Item.png - - Multiple references to Cookie Clicker, including the short description (a spell in the Grimoire minigame) Spawns a Chance Kin, free of charge. Except for the fact this is a consumable.
Slimependant.png Slime Pendant Passive 100% Blobulite-246! B Quality Item.png - - The companion bears resemblance to the slime-themed enemies ingame. Summons a tiny slime companion. It creates a goop around itself that charms enemies that step in it.
Tabletechpause.png Table Tech Pause Passive Flip Stop B Quality Item.png - - - Flips all tables in the room on use, and stops time for a few moments.
Tnt.png TNT Active SSSSS... B Quality Item.png - 1500 DMG Based on the TNT block from Minecraft. Places a block of TNT that explodes after a short delay when shot. Can be primed by both player and enemy bullets.


Sprite Name Type Quote Quality Base Ammo References Effect
Ace.png ACE Rifle Rifle High Ranking A Quality Item.png 80 Asexuality. Also a subtle pun on how high-ranking snipers are sometimes referred to as "Aces". Cloaks the player on enemy kill. Receives a damage boost from shooting while cloaked, and damage boosts can stack.
Discouragementbeam.png Aperture Science Thermal Discouragement Beam Beam It Burns! B Quality Item.png 2000 Aperture Science Thermal Discouragement Beam.] Has a chance to burn enemies. The beam is incredibly fast to extend.
Reactorcore.png Reactor Core Rifle SCRAM A Quality Item.png 60 SCRAM stands for Safety Control Rod Axe Man, an event in nuclear reactors caused by emergency shutdown. May "irradiate" (poison) enemies on hit.
Boltblaster.png Bolt Blaster Shotgun Sprocket Launcher D Quality Item.png 500 - Shoots 5 nuts/bolts. No functional difference to a standard shotgun.
Catalyst.png Catalyst Shotgun Reactive A Quality Item.png 360 A catalyst is a substance that speeds up an existing chemical reaction. Shoots 7 low damage, explosive shots. Brilliant at crowd control.
Chair.png Chair Silly Take A Seat A Quality Item.png 350 You're sitting down right now, aren't you? Gains a permanent (if small) damage boost for every table flipped while holding the gun.
Gunbatus.png Gunbatus Silly Solar Sailer A Quality Item.png 32 The titular ship of the video game Nimbatus. Shoots tiny drones that can be controlled with mouse input.
Gungeon.png Enter The Gungeon Silly 2016 Video Game A Quality Item.png 256 Seriously? Shoots enemy-themed projectiles at random, with different effects.
Bullet Types
Name Effect
Bullet Kin A standard bullet.
Shotgun Kin Bursts into 6 bullets on collision.
Pinhead Explodes on collision.
Hollowpoint Pierces enemies up to a maximum of 3 times.
Keyboard.png Keyboard Silly Prone To Smashing A Quality Item.png 256 tippity tap clickity clack Shoots the letters W, A, S, and D. All letters have no additional functionality.
Lasershotgun.png Laser Shotgun Beam Combat Enters The Future B Quality Item.png 1000 Appears to be 3 laser sights on the end of a shotgun body. Shoots 3 short-range beams.
Megatshirtcannon.png Mega T-Shirt Cannon Silly Spin Cycle 1S Quality Item.png 20 An upgrade of the T-Shirt Cannon. Slows the player while held and takes a long time to charge. Deals ridiculous damage. Does not break damage cap.
Piston.png Piston Silly Push Limit B Quality Item.png 256 The redstone device of the same name from Minecraft. Pushes enemies forward. If an enemy is knocked into a wall, deals an additional 1-7 damage.
Singleusegun.png Single Use Gun Pistol Mass Produced D Quality Item.png 6 A satirical joke about single-use plastics. Has only 6 shots. Will accumulate most of its damage from being thrown.
Trigunometry.png Trigunometry Pistol It's A Sine! A Quality Item.png 333 Trigonometry. The first 2 shots in the clip have their damage randomised, and the third is equal to
Vintage.png 1883 Vintage Pistol Ye Olde Tesla Coil C Quality Item.png 128 - Nothing particularly special about this gun.
Whilegunshoot.png While Gun Shoot Beam Machine Learning B Quality Item.png 1500 The educational video game While True: Learn(). The beam has slight homing capabilities and can attach to enemies.


Sprite Name Ammonomicon Quote HP Effect
Holobullet.png Holo-Kin Holokinammonomicon.png Hard Light Bullet - Behaves similarly to a standard Bullet Kin, but the player cannot shoot it; shots simply pass straight through. Killed on room clear.
Beamturret.png Beam Turret Beamturretammonomicon.png Infrared 40 Fires bullets in a 360 degree spiral. Immobile. Based on the cut Beam Turret trap.


Synergy Mandatory Items Optional Items
Synergy.png Meltdown Averted - Increases Reactor Core fire rate. Reactor Core

Ice Cube

Synergy.png Battery Buddies - Dual wields 1883 Vintage and Thunderclap. 1883 Vintage


Synergy.png Explosiver Guon Stone - Increases projectile explosion chance from 2/11 to 5/11. Magnesium Guon Stone


Synergy.png 2 Kool 4 U - Increases Coolness and decreases reload speed, to allow for more reload boosts. Rad Can

Rad Gun

Synergy.png All That Glitters Is Gold - Increases money dropped by enemies and increases AU Gun damage. AU Gun Gold Junk

Gold Ammolet Gilded Bullets

Synergy.png Ultimate Automation - Increases Curse by 1. Increases accuracy and reload speed. Nanomachines

Bionic Leg

Synergy.png Knife To A Gunfight - Adds a new projectile to the projectile pool of Enter The Gungeon. Based on the mod Knife To A Gunfight, go download it!
Bullet Types
Name Effect
Blobulon Bounces off walls.
Enter The Gungeon

Slime Pendant

Synergy.png Children Of Kaliber - Adds a new projectile to the projectile pool of Enter The Gungeon. Based on the mod Children Of Kaliber, go download it!
Bullet Types
Name Effect
Spectre Pierces enemies up to 3 times and poisons enemies.
Enter The Gungeon

High Kaliber

Synergy.png Sentry Mode Activated - Increases the chance for a turret to spawn on enemy kill from 1/20 to 1/5. Robullets

Portable Turret

Synergy.png Isn't It Iron Pick - Increases Piston damage but reduces knockback. Piston

Big Iron

Synergy.png Redstone Engineering - Dual wields Dispenser and Piston. (Requires Children Of Kaliber) Piston

Dispenser (Children Of Kaliber)

Synergy.png Aperture Science - Dual wields Science Cannon and Aperture Science Thermal Discouragement Beam. Aperture Science Thermal Discouragement Beam

Science Cannon

Synergy.png Upgrades People, Upgrades! - Increases Laser Shotgun range. Laser Shotgun

Laser Sight
