The Ninja

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The Ninja is an unused Gungeoneer in Enter the Gungeon. Despite not being avaliable in game, it is possible to change the player character to the Ninja using mods.

The Ninja begins with the AK-47, Magnum, and 38 Special. As a consequence, they start with Synergy.png Detective Magnum.

The Ninjas dodge roll animation is replaced with a 'blink' dash. This effect is largely visual, and still functions the same way as a regular dodge roll. A strange consequence of this is that if the Ninja 'blink' dodges into a pit, they will take no damage. They will still take damage upon walking into a pit normally, however.


The Ninja was never given a complete story. However, in the item description for the Bloodied Scarf, "This simple scarf was once worn by a skilled assassin. Betrayed by his brothers and assumed dead..." may be in reference to the Ninja.

Past Kill

If the Bullet That Can Kill The Past is used on The Ninja, it will send the character to the credits instead of a unique past.


The Ninja has a variance in playstyle when compared to other Gungeoneers. None of their starting weapons have infinite ammo, and since the Magnum and 38 Special are duel-wielded due to the Synergy.png Detective Magnum synergy, ammo preservation for the Ninja is important. Increasing Curse or Coolness to increase the chance of ammo pickups dropped upon the room being cleared is a useful strategy. Other items that have the same general effect, like Ancient Hero's Bandana, should be acquired if given the chance. If there are pits nearby, rolling into them to avoid damage is a viable option for The Ninja.


  • The Ninja is the only Gungeoneer to start with a Synergy.
  • The Ninja has existed unused in Enter the Gungeon since its initial release, along with the The Cosmonaut.
  • In Enter the Gungeon the Ninja uses a grey-robed variation of The Cultists bosscard which resembles a Gun Cultist. This variation of the image uses a real gun and bullet, instead of the Dart Gun and a dart.
  • The win and death Ammonomicon pages incorrectly call The Ninja The Cultist.
  • The Ninja re-uses the map icon of the Pilot. Despite this, a map icon for the Ninja does exist in the assets of Enter the Gungeon, entirely unused.
  • The Ninja re-uses the dialogue facecard of The Cosmonaut ingame. Despite this, a facecard for the Ninja does exist in the assets of Enter the Gungeon, entirely unused.


See Also