Primerdyne R&D

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Primerdyne R&D
The Past (7 years prior)
<- Previous Chamber Next Chamber ->
Forge None
Enemy Health Scale: 100%
Item Cost Scale: 100%
Bosses: Interdimensional Horror
Music Tracks:

Name Unknown

PrimerdyneR&D Header.png

Primerdyne R&D is the setting of the Marines past, accessed by using the Gun That Can Kill The Past on the Marine while holding the Bullet That Can Kill The Past. It appears solely in Enter the Gungeon, as this is the only Gungeonverse game where The Gun can be acquired and used.



Since Primerdyne R&D is not a chamber of the Gungeon, its layout never changes. This area is made up of a central corridor leading to a large laboratory chamber. Three holding cells are placed along the lenght of the corridor, with the Marine entering the level in the middle cell.

The middle cell contains a bed and an assortment of papers, both of which are interactible and prompt contemplation from the Marine about his cowardice. Based on his internal dialogue, the papers seem to be part of his official reprimand for dereliction of duty. There is also a toilet and large grate in this cell that are not interactible.

The remaining two cells are sealed, and cannot be entered, with the rightmost cell being vacant while the leftmost cell is occupied by a crazed looking person.

The large room at the northwest end of the corridor serves as a boss chamber, where the Marine must face off against the Interdimensional Horror. Several other marines and panicked scientists watch this fight from behind makeshift barricades and sealed observation rooms. None of these characters can be reached or interacted with, however the other marines will periodically fire at the Interdimensional Horror during the fight, attempting to contribute.


Toots Craze / Crazon

The maddened person in the leftmost cell is never directly named in-game, however their sprite assets are labelled Toots Craze, while their Unity game object is named Crazon. Toots Craze cannot be interacted with, as their cell is sealed. Even if the player uses cheats to enter the cell, there is no way to interact with the NPC.

Toots Craze will pace madly around their cell independant of the actions of the player, periodically murmuring a cryptic and paranoid line of dialogue, seemingly in reference to the events going on outside their cell. This includes numerous references to what may be the Interdimensional Horror, in which Toots Craze uses feminine pronouns to refer to the creature. This is the only indication that the Interdimensional Horror may be female.


Interdimensional Horror.png
Interdimensional Horror
"Abyssal Fiend"


  • The setting and events of the Marines past reference both the DOOM franchise, and the game Half-Life. The story of both games revolves around scientists opening a portal to another world, and accidentally allowing monstrous creatures to come through and wreak havoc.
    • The sprite assets of the Interdimensional Horror are labelled nlinth. This may hint at the Nihilanth (the final boss of Half-Life) being design inspiration for the Horror.
  • Primerdyne, the company which owns the R&D Lab, is a reference to Cyberdyne Systems, the company whose development of 'skynet' eventually leads to the fall of mankind in the Terminator franchise.
  • CMV In the Chinese Mobile Version of Enter the Gungeon, the environmental blood splattered around the corridors of Primerdyne R&D has been censored and replaced with indistinct black smudges.
